Chapter 11: Disguises Or Fouls?

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The heroes all sat around as Byleth was crossing off things on his idea pad. Claude and Chrom investigated the entrance of the kingdom and sure enough they were unable to get in. Byleth then soon found a way to break into the dark kingdom.

Byleth explained, "We need to change our appearances on the communicator since the whole reason why we're banished in the first place is due to our appearances so... I'll need to hack the communicators as well as disguise ourselves."

"D-Disguise ourselves?!" Rafal asked in disgust.

Byleth laughed, "Ahah! Yes we are, I doubt that they will just let us in just the way we are."

"So... what are you suggesting we disguise ourselves as?" Sonic questioned. Byleth stood there thinking as the heroes got back to lazing around.

Alear laughed, "Probably something to blend with the Dark kingdom aesthetic; for example becoming a witch."

"That won't do, we need brooms and magic for that," Byleth groaned. He looked down at himself and turned toward the heroes.

Rafal groaned, "So... our only option is to disguise ourselves?"

"Well yeah, it's really the only way we'll actually get inside without being spotted," Byleth replied. He looked at his sheet of paper but came to the realization that they didn't have any disguises in mind. Nor could Byleth sew a bunch of costumes in one go. "Shoot... we need something that would be easy for us to get."

Chrom suggested, "I have an idea that doesn't require too much thought to it."

"What's that?"

Chrom explained, "The idea is that we get into the kingdom without disguise, then we find some royal guards and beat them up to steal their gear. Afterwards, we sneak into the castle to rescue Queen Bailey."

"That's... a pretty smart idea, we just need to be extremely careful when walking near the castle, I'm afraid Queen Lily and Amedeo are on high alert," Byleth replied. The heroes nodded as Byleth and Albedo got to work to remove the barrier on their communicators.

Alear laughed, "I think this idea will go smoothly! Not everyone likes to disguise themselves but since we all know combat, I think it'll be fine that we steal their gear for a bit to clash against the royals."

"We're just here to rescue Bailey, we've all basically retired as heroes and there's no reason for us to continue," Byleth replied.

Chrom sighed, "Retired... speaking of my retirement is coming soon and Lucina will be taking care of Ylisse."

"Already?" Byleth questioned. Chrom nodded as Claude gently hugged him from behind. Byleth and Albedo continued working on the communicators until the last one was removed. "Done and done, we're doing great!"

Claude asked, "So... we're set to get back into the kingdom?" Byleth nodded as the heroes all got up and got their weapons. They walked over to the dark forest of the kingdom and each of them took a deep breath.

Byleth muttered, "Just stay on high alert, we don't want to get spotted by royals or the witches..." The heroes nodded as each of them walked through with ease. They searched the area when they all of a sudden heard footsteps. They all hid from sights as two guards walked by.

"Byleth?" Alear muttered. Byleth ordered Alear and Sonic to take down the guards. They followed Byleth's orders and took their gear away from the guards. They continued walking when they spotted more guards.

"HEY! YOU ARE ALL-" Just like that Celica and Veyle shot spells at them. The guards fell down unconscious as they took the gear. They only had six sets and it wasn't close to being enough. They kept on walking as Sonic, Chrom, Link, Byleth, Hajime and Zhongli all got dressed in the armor.

Celica sighed, "No matter what we end up doing, we can never find a way to find enough guards..." They looked around the area and soon saw a huge group of guards. They all smiled at each other as they took down the group of guards with ease. Each of the heroes were able to get dressed except for Kirby and Elfilin.

Byleth sighed, "We all have these suits of armor... but Kirby and Elfilin are unable to fit into one without looking suspicious."

"What if me and Elfilin just hide behind you guys? Can we sneak in that way?" Kirby suggested.

Elfilin nodded, "Yeah, it doesn't seem like a bad idea!" The heroes looked at each other before Byleth nodded in agreement to the idea. Kirby and Elfilin hid with Byleth and the group walked their way toward the castle. Suddenly a witch came by, it was Amara.


"Yes?!" They all asked while saluting.

Amara explained, "There is a group of pirates near the Dioka coast, can you take care of them?"

"Yes ma'am!" They all shouted. Amara nodded as she walked past them. The heroes walked over to where the Dika coast was. There they spotted the pirates there.

Celica asked, "Do we really have to deal with these pirates?!"

"If we want to appear natural we'll have to deal with them! Now raise your weapons!" Byleth ordered. Then the group of heroes rose their weapons. The pirates looked over and spotted their weapons raised in the air.

"WHAT THE- DARK KINGDOM GUARDS!" One of the pirates yelled. The captain of the pirates looked over and spotted the heroes with their weapons up. "Sire! What shall we do?"


"Hm... thinking that we can't do our job? Oh you'll be sorry for that..." Byleth muttered.

The Captain asked, "You work for the dark fairy, it makes sense why yer wouldn't do your job..." Byleth glared at the captain as the captain glared back at him.

Byleth ordered, "TAKE THEM ALL DOWN! LEAVE NOBODY STANDING!" The heroes nodded as they got ready to attack as the pirates all took out their swords.


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