Chapter 4: Recollections of Cavern Winters

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"Hm..." Byleth thought to himself. The heroes stopped in front of a winter area directly in front of him.

Celica asked, "Is... this where we're supposed to be heading?"

"It seems like it, there's Winter snowlands up ahead before we get into the Dark Kingdom... Winter Wonderland as they call it," Byleth sighed.

Chrom mocked, "It sure is a wonderland alright, there's literally nothing 'wonderful' about this place." Claude slapped Chrom's back and giggled. The two smiled at each other as several of the heroes giggled as well.

Link sighed, "Well all I know is that it's snowing. Nothing too out of the ordinary, it's a nice place." The heroes nodded as they continued walking. They looked around the area in silence, as Chrom started getting an aching feeling inside of him. "Chrom? Are you doing okay?"

Chrom replied, "O-Oh yeah, I'm doing fine..." Claude looked at him with worry as he gently hugged him. Chrom smiled at Claude as Byleth stopped the crew.

Shez asked, "Is there something ahead?" Then suddenly they saw... disposal. "OH S**** DISPOSAL!?"

Veyle grunted, "C-Could it be that-"

"Calm down everyone! Zethus has not returned... the disposal appears to be different here compared to the ones created from Zethus' hand!" Celica yelled.

Byleth grunted, "Whatever they are... they appear to be residents of the Winter Wonderlands... SHIT! EVERYONE GET PREPARED FOR BATTLE!" They took out their weapons and looked at each of the disposal.

Sonic suggested, "What if I spin-dash at them to stun them. Afterwards, you will all be able to attack in retaliation so they can be killed!"

"Good idea, go ahead and try that out," Byleth said in reply. Sonic nodded as he spin-dashed at the disposal. He jumped into the air and dashed directly on top of them. He landed onto the ground as he noticed he was unable to hit all of them.

Sonic grunted, "I didn't get them all-"

"Doesn't matter, NOW GO!" Byleth ordered. The heroes dashed over as Claude, Chrom, and Link sat back to shoot arrows. Celica and Veyle dashed in and casted a spell against the disposal. The rest of the heroes went head to head with the disposal.

Agent 4 grunted, "The disposal appears to be a lot stronger than the ones back in Dawn!" The heroes looked over as Zhongli slammed his lance against one of them and summoned a pillar directly underneath them. "Well... that was certainly one way to deal with them."

Kirby yelled, "IT DOESN'T MATTER! THE DISPOSAL ARE BLOCKING OUR PATHWAY!" The heroes nodded as they kept on fighting off the disposal as best they could. However, it just seemed like they were unable to kill them. They just kept on ganging up on the heroes... the heroes stared at each other as Byleth took a deep breath.

Byleth asked, "Is there no way we can defeat the disposal?"

"Our best suggestion is to run, but are you sure you're willing to do that?" Ayato suggested. Byleth looked down at himself as he casted a spell against the disposal. But even that didn't work against them, they just seemed too strong.

Byleth replied, "We're going to have to run. EVERYONE LET'S GET GOING!" The heroes nodded as they all started to dash away from the scene. They kept on running when all of a sudden a spell was casted against Chrom and Claude's wyvern. "GODS!"

Chrom asked, "W-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED NOW?!" He got his bow ready as Claude grabbed the reins of the wyvern to help stabilize him. They looked around and there didn't appear to be anything going on. Suddenly there was a strange goo-like arm grabbing Chrom. "WHAT THE- AGHH!!"

Claude shouted, "CHROM!" He ordered the wyvern to start pulling away as he pulled on Chrom. They were high into the air but the heroes weren't able to do anything. That's when Byleth ordered Zhongli to summon a pillar for the heroes to help. Celica and Veyle shot spells from the bottom as they kept on fighting back against the creature.

"W-WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Chrom asked in distress. He felt his body getting more and more afraid to pull back. He looked up at the creature and then he was beyond afraid. "NOOO!!!"

Claude yelled, "JUST KEEP FIGHTING BACK! I HAVE YOU!!" The heroes kept on trying to help but it was no use. Chrom kept on being pulled and pulled by the creature. "CHROM! YOU NEED TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE CREATURE!"

"I-I CAN'T!! MY BODY ISN'T ALLOWING ME TOO!! IT'S LIKE THIS EVERLASTING FEAR STRUCKED MY BODY AND NOW IT WON'T LET ME FIGHT BACK!!" Chrom yelled as he looked down at himself. He looked one more time at the arm as it directly dragged him in.

"NOO!!! CHROM!!" Byleth shouted. He climbed on the pillar and casted a massive spell against the strange creature. But it only did a small dent. The creature landed onto the ground and started moving away. The heroes dashed after the creature as they kept on trying to attack it. But, it was just too quick for them

Claude ordered, "LET GO OF HIM AT ONCE!!" He pierced an arrow directly at the creature but it just went through. It wasn't trying to hurt Chrom but it still had him deep within it.

Alear shouted, "I DON'T CARE WHAT ENDS UP HAPPENING WE NEED TO KILL THIS THING BEFORE IT DOES SOMETHING TO CHROM!" The heroes nodded as they kept on following the creature.

"COME ON!!" Celica yelled as she casted multiple spells against the creature. That's when the creature went down a hill into an open grassy field. It was directly between the Winter Wonderland and The Dark Kingdom.

Byleth muttered, "I don't know what you want with Chrom... BUT IT ENDS HERE!"

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