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Exactly what everyone pretty much expected it, eyes never seemed to have left Victoria's body no matter where she went. She got stared at through doors and windows alike as she wandered the halls looking for her classroom. It was a bit strange to be back in school and even more strange considering so much had changed since the last time she had been there. There were many more subjects to choose from, and the way humans expressed themselves through clothes was something new she hadn't seen during her human era. Like right now, with the black and white preppy half formal half casual outfit Joshua handed her to wear. Alice had done most of the shopping for her, but she guessed the style was done with Joshua's taste in mind, a darker academia style that didn't quite suit the school considering it wasn't close to being anything expensive or over the top.

"Cute outfit." A girl walked past, eyeing the somewhat all black uniform that she was forced into. It was like the all-black suit Joshua usually wore, and she wondered if the purpose of matching was to showcase relation or just show off. Either way, she took the compliment in stride even if it was supposed to be a bit mocking for the overly preppy look for a school that was anything but preppy.

"No serious, though." Rosalie appeared, digging in her purse for whatever, "it's cute, Joshua has taste that's one thing for sure." She also had two black hair clips on her head, keeping the strands from falling out of place and into her face. "Did he force you into it?"

"No, I was free to choose whatever I wanted to wear, but he did make the combinations. All of them are mostly uniform styled." Annoyingly so, she could see the tennis shoes everyone was sporting, and could only sign. She was stuck in heeled Mary Janes, and while they were pretty, she just wished they weren't up so high even if her feet technically wouldn't hurt from being in them all day.

"Do humans usually stare so much?"

"You should see the way they look at Joshua. They're going to stare, your new and decided to enroll with only two months of school left, and the fact that your 'related' to Joshua but look nothing like him." Even if that part really didn't matter, people were simply curious as to why Joshua's 'little cousin' had joined him and not an Auntie or Uncle of either parent. Weird indeed, but it wasn't like someone was going to walk up to either of them or question it.

"I see." She just powered through, holding her breath and walking through the crowd of humans that seemed to part like the Red Sea just for the two of them. Entranced and curious about the new girl. So many whispers, she hadn't remembered ever being the center of attention before when it came to being new to anything and it was slightly unnerving to just walk and pretend that there isn't a crowd of people chatting about you behind your back unknown to the fact you could hear every single thing their talking about.

"Walk straight and confident. You are supposed to be the daughter of a wealthy couple from overseas after all." Alice giggled, "like really wealthy so be confident and pretend these humans are below you like Joshua does with everyone else!" Which shouldn't be hard because she thought about that when it came to humans anyway, but who really was on the bottom of the pole when it came to strength and power. Of course, humans took most of the world over, and their existence was a myth. They had no power, for modern day technology could kill a vampire with no problem and it wouldn't take long for a weapon designed specifically to hurt them to be designed...were they as strong as they made themselves out to be.

"I know, I just don't like the staring."

"Then you'll have to get used to it, and you'll have to get used to humans walking up to you and asking you out when they grow the balls to do so." Rosalie rolled her eyes, annoyed, there were human boys that still tried asking her out no matter how rude she was. They seem to really like mean girls to keep chasing after them.

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