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That man was truly something, he had managed to grab the attention of all types of people; young, old, male, or female simply by existing, yet he chose to instead teach? Waste his life in a quiet town where the most action he'll come across would be some animal rummaging through his trash...mind blowing, like literally crazy to think about. But weren't they here for the same reason? God worthy looks, outstanding wealth, and even the intelligence fit to enter the most prestigious school known to man? They were just as crazy to think that they were different from him, they were damn near the same as him, but not quite like him at the same time.

"Born, not created." Edward was still a bit caught up in his own little world, his mind far too unfocused to understand the fact that his sister just tailed right after the hunk that tried so hard to avoid her from the very beginning. He couldn't take his mind off those words, if Dracula was truly born then that had to mean something for them. They were also technically born, or well reborn if you wanted to get into specific, did they truly have a chance at life? A cure even if Dracula was technically a descendant of a human? Could vampirism be cured, or even reversed?

"Did you believe anything he said?" He placed his attention on the only other person who would have such thoughts that he was, "about Dracula being the first vampire? Born at that."

"Yes." She nodded, eyes hiding such a twinkle he had never seen before in his life, "Something in his eyes when he talked about it told me he wasn't lying. He either believes it himself, or he knows something that he didn't tell anyone about." She at least hoped what he said was real, there were so many questions she had when she first came to know about vampires existing, and the main was if she would ever be able to have a normal life again. She never wanted this, still doesn't want this, and forgive her, but she would leave everything behind if it meant becoming human again and growing old.

"Maybe there is a way out?" That both with joy, eyes twinkling in thought, but realistically they still didn't know enough to be hundred percent positive about the entire story.

"Maybe we should've asked."

"And draw attention to ourselves? He already seems suspicious about knowing such things, or even thinking about it. What does a human care about folklore?" She still thought the information was useful though, already having questions forming in her head that she could ask Carlisle about. He had been alive during the hunt for vampires, and even took part in a few before becoming what he was now.

"He did say that the school was adding a Mythology class, though." That meant that this man knew more than he was letting on about this stuff. He was bound to know some underground secrets about the supernatural.

"I'll join us then." Rosalie was 'older' in this dynamic of theirs, she would graduate before the class was up and running, which would leave the only other person to care about these such things, Edward, to find the answers they both desperately need.

"But what if it's not true? Just some tales the humans have made over the years to instill fear, and control over the weak minded?" For once she felt vulnerable, her dreams were being presented before her face again, and she didn't think she could handle them being stripped away for the third time.

The realization that she was going to die after that fateful night, her transition into immortality and finding out it was not what she thought it was, and finally the chance to become human again. Ridding herself off this curse she was blessed with...she wouldn't be able to handle it anymore. She just knew it, she'd end her immortal life, her eternal suffering.

"I'm positive it's not...I promise." He gave the girl a kiss on the cheek, silently wrapping her up in his arms while they waited for the others to show her so they could leave. He was glad someone cared about their future, he was sure his family would love to start growing old again. They wouldn't live under Volturi rule, no longer being humans, and they would, they could, expand their family as big as they wanted, along with having their own children. It was a dream to earn their soul back, and one person with a few books might just have the cure for their misfortune. They could be normal, truly normal this time around.


"Mister Kim, please." The little Devil had slinked in before he could shut the door in her face, lips jutted out in what he presumed was supposed to be a pout, and eyes wide with hop as she waved the packet before his eyes, "I really do need help, I promise I won't waste your time." Her voice was a few octaves higher than what he remembered, but ever since she had entered his classroom it was a bit higher than what he hoped it was supposed to be.

"Miss Cullen please, the bell has rung, I'll be more than happy to help you tomorrow." He walked around, pretending as if he didn't hear the annoyed little screech of failure to gain whatever she was aiming for a few seconds back, "I already wasted enough time chatting about something minor."

"But it wasn't! I really enjoyed your lesson about vampires! I have always been fascinated with the thought of them? How long they live, and their lives that they could freely live." She dropped herself on the edge of his desk, elbows holding up her head, as she leaned over into his face. It was during this moment she had the chance to take in his features. Mahogany brown eyes, tanned skin, black hair, and a dashing smile that surely swiped women right off their feet. He was stunning, and the thought of him ever turning immortal let her think that he would achieve beauty far greater than what Rosalie had. He was her Adonis, and her, his Venus.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Miss Cullen." The clock ranged Three Twenty, an entire fifteen minutes having flown by since the end of school. They, or well she knew nothing of his nature otherwise she would've never stolen from him, and while that was a positive for him, it was also a negative considering he couldn't tell her off for breaking into his personal space. The little minx would get away with it this time, but he dared to catch her there in the flesh, a proper punishment could be given then.

"I do say, can you help me with the other questions as well? I never was good at History." Or better yet she wasn't good this time around now that being bad at something was beneficial for once. These moments could be used to get close to the man that seemed so repulsed by her existence, or maybe she was just looking at it wrong, and he was excited to be getting attention from such a beautiful being.

"That's fine, I don't expect everyone to be educated around here." He ignored the pout, and discouraged, dejected groan, "It is the beginning of class, it's only been two days. I'll make sure you're a proper scholar in History before you leave here." Before any of them leave his class. He was determined to drill it into their skulls, and even change some career paths by the time he was done with them.

"I see, but I wasn't here for the first day lecture...I could even relay it to my siblings if you want." The urge to touch was strong, and her mouth watered to place a kiss on his lips or cheek. She'll take any place she was given.

"Ah that? Don't worry too much about yesterday, I simply gave everyone the rundown on how things will go in my class, along with a packet to help them with the upcoming quiz next Friday. I take my job very seriously, which means you'll have to inform your siblings that they need to be in my class before the tardy bell rings, otherwise they'll lose any chance at getting bonus points, and getting a failing grade for participation. Punctuality is important to me, and now it's important to all of you." He blinked slowly to take in the dead stare of the vampire in front of him. She didn't look amused, or even the slightest bit dejected at the thought of such things to worry about like most kids her 'age' would be.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll always be on time for your classes! You don't know it yet, but you're my favorite teacher!" She had grinned, eyes bright as she tugged a chair up in front of his desk, "and don't you worry about my siblings leaving me behind, I let my father know that I was staying for extra help." Even if it was a lie, Carlisle didn't get off work so early anyways, he'll be back close to around midnight, so even if she stayed till six there would be no problems or concerns on her whereabouts.

"Aren't I lucky." He still took the papers into his hands though, ignoring the small giggles the vampire realized whenever their hands met. He could feel the small sparks that rushed up his forearm, but he couldn't bring himself to react, there was nothing in this world that would drive him to get involved with this creature. They were below him, and he was a creature that never liked staying in one place long, the thought of playing house with those vermin sickening him to his core. "Do pay attention, I give no student special attention, after today, you'll get help whenever I offer it." 


I plan on making a Valentine special for this book. I can't help myself, love is in the AIR!♥


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