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Jasper sat with his arms crossed and his teeth clenched. He wanted to say so much then, but anything on his tongue left a bitter taste in his mouth. He could cuss, but what was that going to do for him but make him look bad? He could fight, but everyone would jump up and protect because they still didn't know if Joshua was as fragile as a human or not. He could do anything but sit his ass down and sit quietly because there would be something or someone that would jump up to defend despite knowing he was right about his questioning. Alice was happy, Alice was happy, Alice was happy and that was what everyone cared about now. He was happy that she was happy, but she could be so much happier without being wrapped up in all these little cobwebs of lies.

He could- no he would tell her nothing but the truth, and whatever she wanted he'd break through mountains to get, and she knew this. Their entire family knew this, but she was still so much happier without him? He skimmed his eyes over the mated pairs within the room; Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, Edward and Bella, and now Alice and Joshua...he was alone with his heart all sore. His poor eyes shined, and his teeth tore through the marble flesh of his lips to silence the frustrated scream that wanted to tear itself from his throat. He wanted to fight Joshua for her, with words, affection, anything that could prove who was best for beauty.

Edward seemed much calmer ever since Bella was dropped into his arms, and Alice's mood had increased significantly once Joshua kissed the crown of her after she made her way back to his lap like an obedient little puppy. He could stand up and walk away. Walk out the room and into the woods without either of them knowing since everyone was so wrapped up in their other half to see him...he could leave, he really could, but those pretty doe eyes that looked so happy once they made eye contact with him had his ass being replanted into the sofa.

He wasn't going anywhere


Their breaths mingled, hot and cold mixing together as their lips barely graced the other. Rarely had they ever truly went beyond more than a peck and it was a wonder how either party kept their cool without moments of heat like this one. They weren't alone, far from it as a few other mated pairs rested just inches away from where they sat, but that didn't stop the rise of tension between the blown pupils of a canine and feline. It was silly comparing themselves to animals, since only one of them technically is, but the low purring escaping from her lips and the low growls that emitted deep within the chest of her mate was obvious that there were some similarities no matter how you looked at it.

They were worked up, hot and bothered, sweaty, horny, whatever you want to call it, but they were it and if a few eyes were going to stop them from whatever might happen within their- his home was going to be surprised when they got a free show. They had no eyes on them then, all the mated pairs focusing on each other for once and relaxing their friend/coven mates' presence. They didn't see the small nips to the neck she gave, the teasing flex of his thigh between her legs, the low purrs of satisfaction, and the hands that massaged not only her hips but an ass check as if he was preparing to deliver a thigh quiver slap upon it. They didn't see none of it.

Edward was far too lost in watching Bella sleep. He was mesmerized, curious, and infatuated with the fact that she twisted and turned so much for nothing at all. She was so interesting, so different, so alive and that alone had his mouth watering for a taste. She smelt good, so good, and he inched for a bite, but his love was strong. He left just for her, to control himself, earning the ability to walk around her without a single thought of hurting her because that's what she deserves. She clung onto him tight and while it had been a while since he felt this type of warmth after his mother died, he felt wrong comparing her to such a figure in his life. She was not his mother, nothing close, for she was an angel, and Bella was something beyond that. She was his mate, his soulmate, someone who he had and will plan his life around now that he had found her...she was his everything and he would do everything to protect her so no. No, he wasn't worried about the couple dry humping behind him. They low whispers to each other reaching deaf ears as he only took in the silence of Bella thoughts, and the beating of her heart.

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