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Like before Edward was struggling, his breathing was ragged, and his chest heaved up and down at a frighteningly fast pace. It was scary being able to breathe again, and he wondered how his heart sounded to his fellow coven mates who watched him in awe. He was flushed with color, and his once pale skin was given new life. He looked imperfect, perfect in what was considered normal within human standards, his looks didn't look as sculptured as before.

"Wow...Your heart sounds weird!" Emmett touched him, lightly brushing his hand against his cheek like he usually did with Rosalie. It wasn't meant to be intimate or anything, but he was just so awestruck that he couldn't help himself but want to touch. Edward was warm, he was colorful, and he was alive.

"Emmett!" Edward jerked, he was already uncomfortable with how bad his vision was now, and the fact that he wasn't used to being able to feel temperature again. He was hot compared to Emmett's icy cold hands, and he understood just how weirded out Bella was when she touched him the first time around. They weren't convincing now that he had the human perspective of things.

"Enough!" Joshua rolled his eyes, Tannie curling up into his neck like a scarf. They wasted five minutes with Edwards stupid adjusting, and Emmett's touchiness. "Emmett toss above those trees than Bella, after that we wait." Bella herself was shaking like a leaf, she wasn't given any time to take in the fact that she was right about the Cullen's, but looking at Joshua she was even more scared to know that he could've killed her in the woods if he really wanted too. He was strong, and she guessed that from the mere fact that he blew something into her face and brought her back with strength she didn't know she had before.


"Yes, throw if they hurt themselves on the way down than that's even better for us. Our main mission is to draw them towards us, and fresh blood would surely draw anybody in." He licked his own lips, a grin on his face just thinking about. They didn't consume blood but sometimes when they were feeling some type of way, they would just for the hell of it. It was something rare though, they mostly stuck to flesh and that alone had enough blood in it to satisfy them.

"What if we get severely hurt?" Confused and a bit worried, Edward didn't really want to die permanently in time around no matter how grateful he secretly was for experiencing such a thing again.

"You'll just revert back to a vampire; Bella though will have to wait until I can heal her if she isn't already dead." He shrugged, and he already began walking, expecting eyes darting towards Emmett who shrugged reluctantly as he picked up a horrified Edward and Bella. "Carlisle and Jasper will be nearby also." The two vampires were already gone at this point, when he had given them the direct area, they had left so they could crush the crystals in the proper spaces.

This was a one-time thing since the magic stored in those crystals was not his, but someone else's. He'll have to contact his brother to make more, but he has no problem watching the Cullen's go to shit because they didn't want to listen to him if things went left.

"This is a pretty extravagant plan, Joshua." Alice skipped next to him, her eyes glazing as she tried watching the nomad's movement, they were moving in the correct direction, and she couldn't wait to see his magic in action. She had always wondered if those crystals were just warm for some other reason or because they were special in some way, and she was happy to find out it was because of both those reasons. She enjoyed those crystals more than who they were designed for, and she too wondered about the human thing after seeing her brother turn in such a cool way.


With the plan in action everyone had gathered around to watch Joshua set up a few crystals. Blue, Orange, Pink, Green, White, Purple, and red. All lined up in a nice little heptagon, Edward reluctantly stood in the middle with a few complaints along with Bella who would split her life force for a little bit of time. Joshua at first wasn't going to do it, but he thought why not since the little girl wanted to play hero, she wanted to give her 'life' for the vampire then he had no problem giving it.

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