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"I'm just saying, he's handsome and smart. A male Rosalie if you may." Alice squealed, sitting on the couch beside Esme who happily listened to her chat away. They had come home to her cross-stitching, listening to a bit of classical music she had found in Edward's little personal shelf that hung above the fireplace.

"Sounds interesting, unlike the others, and Carlisle, I haven't had the chance to meet the boy." She always felt a bit left out, and sometimes decided that maybe she should become a teacher along side her children that attend school. It got boring staying at home majority of the time, and house decorating only did so much before she got bored.

Her life wasn't filled with keeping up to date with modern day humans like the children were, and she wasn't someone who regularly saved lives like Carlisle. She was just her that sat at home doing nothing, but 'caring for the home,' like a good wife did. She'll admit to it being a bit boring, even envious of Carlisle who constantly had something new going on in his eternal life despite it being sickening at times.

"You'll meet him! You'll come to parent night with Daddy, won't you?" That was Friday, since they arrived at school on Tuesday, two days had passed leaving it to be Thursday afternoon. She had great joy talking to him and learning new things about him as she watched from a distance.

"It isn't weird that he's, her teacher?" Rosalie, a bit skeptical, frowned as her recurring thoughts about him still being human were brought forth to her mind again. She loved Alice, but she also hated that another person would be dragged into this life. She didn't want this, and she was sure he wouldn't want this either. She saw the way he looked at the young children of the other teachers, the man obviously had a soft spot for children.

"Weird that he's older than her by a few years." Emmett was only a few years older than Rosalie, but the age gap wasn't as big as Alice's and Joshua's.

"Alice is actually older than him, the girl has been eighteen for god only knows how long." Edward had joked, merely teasing the small girl that pouted on the couch.

"Though we have an image to keep up, if he's changed than there's no way that the two of them could be seen as anything but Niece and Uncle, or even father and Daughter considering they look similar enough with the black hair, and gold eyes." There was a possibility that Carlisle's father position would be taken, but then again, they would end up being mates, and the likability of everyone believing that Joshua and Carlisle were brothers was very unbelievable.

"You all are thinking too much into this." Esme signed, "When we cross that bridge, we'll discuss the options that we would all have. This family could be whatever we want it to be, that includes Alice and Joshua finding what seems more believable. Alice could claim an older age to work if she likes." It wasn't back in the nineteen hundreds like when she was young, women were looking younger and younger as time passed on and responsibilities were lifted off of them from the social pressure.

"She's a bit too small for that, isn't she?" Jasper seemed skeptical, "she seemed a bit young to be a teacher, or even a nurse." That was if she decided to go into that field of work, she could become something similar to what Esme does, and the two of them could 'live' separate from the rest of them...that hurt to think about, Alice had already decided that a bed was needed in her room, once she got close enough to Joshua, she wanted him to be able to come over and spend the night, sleep.

"Don't you have an English teacher shorter than her with three children?" She remembered the boys joking about how they mistaken her for another student if it wasn't for her wedding band, and name tag around her neck.

"She's actually taller than me but looks younger." About seventeen, the woman looked very happy also, and whether she got married young or not, she was living her best life doing what she loved.

"Well, there you have it." Esme, contrary to belief, didn't seem to care much about the age gap, or the huge fact that he was still human, and possibly unwilling to turn like Alice hopes he'll be, "this is Alice's business, she'll handle her mate however she wishes without any of your interference." She had mainly glanced at Rosalie, and Edward, those two were always skeptical when it came to the topic of immortality and damning their soulmates.

"We wouldn't dare." Only Jasper seemed to catch what she meant, she had looked at him, but not as long as she had with the other two.

"I'll be sure to have an open schedule so I could meet him, though I don't know if Carlisle will be available, I hope you understand." It wouldn't be the first time that he had missed a meeting, or the first time that no one had attended, but it would be the first time that someone's partner was involved. Joshua was a new addition to the family, and it would be bad not to at least meet him.

"Thank you, I hope he can, I won't be upset if he can't...there's always the weekend." They still had plans to 'welcome him' to Forks, Saturday would be the day, and her new mission was to figure out what he liked to eat the most. Maybe a nice dessert would do.

"That's if he doesn't get called in." Esme smiled, or at least tried too, she loved Carlisle, and he kept the money rolling in, but she always got a bit lonely when he stayed away from home for far too long. There would be times he would come back two to three days later, and the most they could do was smile and welcome him back with open arms. She had always felt like they were drifting apart, but the second those thoughts come into mind, he always comes back to have her wrapped in his arms.

"He won't." Alice smiled, "I promise." She saw it after all. She always kept an eye on her family, she loved her family, wanted the best for them, and while they tried so hard to make her happy, she would do the same, make sure they were safe and well in return.

The room had fallen back into a comfortable silence with Mozart playing in the background. Esme back to her cross-stitching, Rosalie painting her nails, Edward reading, Alice daydreaming, Emmett playing some game on silent, and Jasper staring out the window. It was peaceful, or at least for the others, Edward would always be hit with the thoughts of the others, his mind occupied with thoughts that didn't belong to him in the slightest. It truly was a curse disguised as a blessing, he was thankful to know when danger came to his family via someone's thoughts, but he always wished to have his head filled with nothing, but his own thoughts, and wished to hear himself instead of others. Maybe that's what he gets for being nosy when he was human.


A little bit of Esme's thoughts, since I usually forget about her. I also can't forget about Rosalie's apprehension to the whole turning thing despite how much she want Alice to be happy.

I also added a bit about Carlisle and Esme's relationship to promote Carlisle's book, that would come out much later, I still plan on getting Rosalie and Leah's book out first. I also gotten a request for Esme's book to contain certain things. Later I'll let you all decide, I want to write Leah's and Rosalie's book together...than Charlie's book, i'm not going to lie, it made me very sick when it got deleted, made me not want to go back and finish it, but I will!!! I WILL!

How would everyone feel if I finished my Fair lady's series? If I go back to writing that one, I don't think I'll finish this series as fast as I want though.

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