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He could still remember the time when he first met Carlisle during the 1600s. He was much different as a person, but by no means did that mean he lacked any education, he was after all an immortal being, but during this time he was one of the many pretty 'wives' of an old Italian King. A taboo thing during those times, but he guessed the people only looked past it because he was so charming to the eye. He was also considered sociable, and the ladies loved to chat and gossip with him whenever he was available, that alone had been enough for the man to climb the social ladder high enough to have the respect of the humans that lived to kiss the boot of their ruler.

Seeing Carlisle, he didn't have much expectation for him. Thought of the man as basic, annoying, and a bit uneducated considering the patients he did care for rarely survived under his care at the time, but then again, the man was just so sweet to him. Kissing the back of his hand, and gently rubbing at his feminine waist as he led him around town with the intent to 'show him around' since he was new to the area...He didn't know how Carlisle felt at the time, but he knew he didn't love him-never loved him, but he was stuck in that attention faze of his life, any attention was good attention in his eyes.

"I believe the heavens have blessed me this fine morning with my very own personal angel." He had been sitting in the Palace courtyard when Carlisle arrived, his curious golden eyes marveling at the sight of a man in a Gamurra. It wasn't uncommon considering men did dress up as women for theatrics, but it was uncommon to just see one lounging around in it for 'fun.'

"Angel?" He laughed, he knew he looked rather dashing in this dress, but angels were nothing but balls of light, non the less able to wear clothing, "some would say a devil, others may say homo." He fanned himself, unbothered by the quickness in which the male had chosen to kneel before him. He seemed so eager to speak with him, and that was the case for most. They all wanted to meet the King's pretty little homo that seemed to shoved the other women to the side with his breathtaking looks.

"Homo indeed, but I highly doubt the devil part." Never mind the flesh eating Fox Spirit that got a kick out of watching life fade from his prey's eyes. The blonde had moved to take his hand, kissing the back of it like some enraptured knight meeting a young beautiful maiden, "though I wouldn't mind if you were."

"A Charmer I see." He smiled with amusement clearly shown in his brown eyes as he allowed the man to lay his lips upon his fair skin, "though charming thy King's wife is punishable by death." It wouldn't take much for a roaming knight to catch sight of this man kneeling before him and thinking that something scandalous was going on, and it wouldn't take much for the king to instantly be informed of his favorite lover being taken advantage of either.

"Death fears me not Your Highness." He was immortal after all, and he was sure that if anyone were to come around, he'd leave quicker than he had appeared, without a trace, and with the taste of the King's wife on his tongue. He had kissed once more a bit confident in his actions considering the man had yet to pull away. It had him wondering, was Carlisle always a homosexual? Or did he just have the power to encourage sinful desires within a gentleman, either way he enjoyed the attention of a young man, the experience being much different compared to an older one that already had a foot and a few fingers in the grave.

"I see." Cocky, wasn't he? Joshua guessed that he only said that because he didn't know Cold Ones could be killed still. He hopes to show him otherwise, but maybe not when he has such attention on him, "Your lips have graced my skin, but they have yet to say your name."

"My name? Sir Stregone, Your Highness." He placed another kiss, the existence of time being forgotten as he remained staring up into the deep pools of chocolate colored eyes of the fair 'maiden' before him, "Yours?"

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