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Maybe it was him that was the problem? He couldn't help himself but to follow the two of them out when he had first seen them talking together on the sofa. Jealousy struck hard seeing them sit so close together, and soon sadness followed afterwards once they began to walk back towards the house.

They used to be happy like that once, all smiles and giggles, but soon it began to die down once Alice realized that there was something more than what she had right now. There were people destined for us, a fate that we can't control but should be willing to go for, and she had left him. This was probably the third time a woman had either left him for someone else, or just used him for their own benefit. He couldn't remember much of his human life, but even then, he figured that whoever he was dating didn't bother to waste any time forgetting about him when he ended up missing.

He loved them all, had a big heart and a lot of love to give, but they always went for something more. Something that he apparently couldn't give them that someone else could. It could be him or them, he could never quite tell even with the power of empathy available for use. He had really liked Alice, well loved her yes, but he liked her more than Maria. Maybe it was how she saved him from death, from a fate of loneliness that would soon lead to his demise. He didn't know, but he just knew that he adored her, could've given her the world, but the thought of soulmates, and eternal love just seemed 'too good' to pass up for her.

At that, he didn't quite understand at the time that she truly could see the future, the time when she first started pulling away from him. He had wanted to officially marry her around that time wanting to call her his via papers like the other two couples did. She declined, harshly at that, a look of horror on her face as she tried to tell him that she wasn't the one for him, wasn't his mate and marrying her would only hold the two of them back from finding who really is meant for them.

She didn't even look at the ring he bought her with the help of Edward. Didn't think it was pretty either from what little she did glimpse at. Safe to say he was a bit offended, a little pissed, and even a bit embarrassed considering they had an audience at the time with the other coven members watching, and their 'cousins' the Denali's probably overhearing her voice getting loud about it.

It had broken his heart for the final time, but he was willing to make it work. He didn't have a chance to fix anything with the other two women he had the chance of being with, but he did have the chance to fix this one. He was willing to look past the fact that she had rejected him once, and figured it was due to nerves, not some soulmate she hadn't even met yet. The soulmate that she finally met and had ignored her for the past few months of knowing about her attraction to them. He would have treated her so much better, would've dropped a ring on her finger the second she showed interest, and this person barely even said a full sentence around her when she tried speaking with him on something unrelated to 'school.'

"Jasper please." Edward signed, he wasn't that happy that a human knew of their existence, but who was he to stop Alice? He was slightly scared of her and with Rosalie somewhat backing him up, but backing her up also knew this wasn't a battle he'll be able to win from his thoughts alone, "I know you're upset, but can't you be happy for Alice? She finally got what she wanted?" Somewhat at least. He could see that the two had changed the way they interacted with each other, the two of them speaking with each other more and allowing touch on Joshua's side, but he still thought they were moving a little slowly to be considered soulmates.

"She got a man that doesn't pay an ounce of attention to her, have you seen the last few months?" And that wasn't to count the fact that Alice had been sneaking in his house to swap out the things she stole. This was hardly a relationship in his eyes.

"Not much progress, but it's progress." To something worse than hell, but this was strictly not his problem. Not his problem unless someone makes it that is.

"He knew about us from the beginning, how do we know he's not working with the Volturi to get more Intel on our gifts. On yours and Alice's?" He knew little to nothing about them besides Carlisle's 'friendship' with the three kings, but he does know about the power that they know live within the two of them and the desire to have them both in his cult.

"Even though the two of them are mates at the end, we'll cross that bridge when we get there." He hoped never, Edward never wanted to come across those monsters ever again, but they still couldn't separate the two of them.

He thought that while he was against bringing other humans into their problem, it wouldn't be so bad if Alice finally got what was keeping her up at night. She had been so excited at the vision of Edward's mate but would never express how she felt about not knowing hers. She had pushed aside her emotions for the longest just to make sure everyone else was happy and safe, so the least he could do was let her have this if no one ended up in danger.

"So, we just wait? You still can't read his thoughts? Alice's, someone's-"

"I can't read his, but I won't because I promised that I wouldn't. Jasper sometimes I hear things without meaning to, it's something I can't help, but I do try with my best effort not to listen in on anyone's thoughts." He felt different about the situation, but there was no one in danger or threat to worry about. Jasper's relationship problems were exactly that, his problems.

"And watch your mouth, Rosalie or Alice might hear your unsupportive words and a fight might start." One of them was out, and the other was busy holding a small conversation. There wasn't a possibility that they might overhear anything, but he didn't want to be caught entertaining Jasper's jealous thoughts.

"Rosalie would agree with me."

"Rosalie will agree with you to a certain degree. I'm sure if you can find something within his life that he simply won't give up for immortality then she might help with breaking them apart, or we let fate handle their relationship." Alice's thoughts were so pure, so happy and he didn't have it in him to drop his depressing thoughts upon her, "just let it go."

Edward had then stormed off to whatever part of the woods to get away from the flirting that was going on in the living room. Everyone had left for the sake of privacy for the two, but him. He was curious, a bit jealous, and slightly concerned that something might happen to Alice even though realistically she'd have the upper hand. This family was big enough, there was no need to add another, or even want another member to the coven, but of course this thing about mates had to have everyone shutting down their real feelings about the matter. This was dangerous for both sides, and right now he was the only one truly seeing it for what it was. He'll leave it alone for now, but sooner or later this subject would have to be addressed, they were allowing a human around a newly vegan vampire, and anything was possible if he managed to hurt himself around them. 


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