Valentine's Special

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Part Two

She could remember when she first figured out that she was no longer human like she had thought. Her red eyes staring back into a shattered mirror as she processed what she had done to the poor woman that had only meant to bring her food for the night. She had cried, or at least tried crying, and she slept, or in sadder terms pretended to 'sleep' the night away.

It was horrible, that man she had trusted with her life, had betrayed her in a way she never thought was possible, she was sickened, angry, and honestly simply scared when she had decided that maybe she should run. She was already thrown away by her family because they believed her to be crazy, and now the one person that had believed her had turned her into a monster for such selfish reasons as to control her visions for himself. That had been the last straw for a couple of years, she couldn't handle the betrayal of trust anymore, so she had hidden. Hiding in the woods near her prison as she watched time pass with only the company of animals that she drunk from every now and then.

She hadn't thought that she would find another family, hadn't thought that there would be someone who could love someone who saw the future, but she was wrong. Like always her mind had steered, her visions taking her to a bar where she had met her second love. Jasper was swollen, so kind to her, and understanding of her betrayal, but she still felt empty. When she held him at night it left her cold, left her feeling empty even when he had claimed to fill her with love.

She just didn't love him like she thought she had, those kisses he'd give her, and the introduction to his friends like they were going to stay together forever just made her queasy. Her hunger died down enough to track down Carlisle who lived in New York at the time, his small family of five at the time. She trusted that her visions didn't fail her, there were many outcomes that could happen, but she hoped one of the outcomes would come true. Family was something she had always wanted, she wanted to be a sister to someone, a daughter, a wife, an aunt, and even a mother down the line, but only a few of those options would come along within this new life of hers.

"Your free to stay, I see you've already adjusted to the vegetarian diet." Carlisle had been so nice to her despite the others hostility to them, had even kissed her head when she nodded her head in quick motion at the thought of becoming his 'daughter'...the man was perfect, so lovely along with his wife Esme that made sure to keep the others off their backs, welcomed them with equally open arms, and even took her out shopping for some new clothes.

She had fallen in love that day for the third time, parents, and a few siblings that would soon warm up to her after a while, she saw it happen, but Jasper. She had to end things with him early, she couldn't keep leading him on, and the second she saw a pair of those long smooth fingers, she just knew that if they kept going someone was going to get hurt, and she would never wish it on family, or even her soulmate.

She daydreamed, swooning in her own mind as she pictured all the things they could do together when they met. Getting married, going on a honeymoon, switching up the family dynamics a bit to include them, and most importantly, spending time together. She had pictured those very hands holding onto hers and swinging it back and forth while they took a long walk in the woods together. Enjoying each other's presence, along with hunting any animals that stumbled along their path. Oh, it was her dream, her absolute fantasy that she divulged herself in as much as possible.

So, think how surprised she was to meet the man, his smooth features, and that enticing scent that just drew her in like a moth to a flame. While he played so hard to get, she knew at the end she would get what she wanted, she wanted him, needed him to complete the little fantasy that she had conjured up in her mind, and she couldn't just let it go like that.

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