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He loved pretty things, pretty and obedient. Maybe it was why he had the prettiest pet Persian cat that listened to every word he said as if it came from the Lord and Savior himself, or maybe it was simply a power trip he got whenever he made a being such as this leech bow down to him as the god, he perceived himself to be. It felt lovely, this strong-willed being, kneeling before him waiting for him to tell them anything, something that would give them 'purpose' that would remotely last only a few hours, or even seconds depending on whether he genuinely wanted them to suffer.

While he had seen better looks throughout his long life, that didn't mean that this thing before him was lacking anything other than the intelligence that should've prevented them from walking into his trap from the very beginning. Truly fascinating that they seem to last so long without a care in the world, made him a bit curious as to who they were following before he came along and snatched their will right from under them.

"Such a pretty thing, but it's highly unfortunate that I don't have a use for you at the moment." He traced the outline of their faces, their red eyes reflecting the smug expression that he simply couldn't bear to hold back, "brother might want you though. He'll love such a pretty thing like you." Red hair, and fair skin, would've sent him overboard, and if she had the stereotypical green eyes to match then it would've been the best thing to ever happen, but she didn't. That deep Garnet color penetrated the deepest part of disgust that lived within him. His brother would be truly upset if he sent this vile thing to him as a 'gift.'

"Would you like that? A new master to use you since I can't?" Speaking of master, he remembers those three idiots that 'ruled' over these abominations. He'll admit that they seemed to do a decent job at keeping the other bloodsuckers in check, but it would do them nothing if someone like him stormed in on a power trip and took them over for their own pleasure. Something so easy to his people, but not worth the air they breathed, owning these creatures was as simple and easy as owning a dog. Loyal to the end, through sickness and death.

"Or would you like to stay with me? Want me to keep you?" He took his fingers, gripping her cheeks, and nodding her head yes. A shimmer of glee flooded his pupils as he pondered over her 'request.'

"You want to stay? With little ole me?" She could compare nothing to his precious cat, Tannie, but maybe it was because she was a bit dirty from her prowling, "I can't keep you though." He didn't have the space, nor the time to train her to be the perfect pet. He also didn't want to take any more strays since she technically wasn't alone when he caught her. The best thing for him to do would be to throw her back into the wild, but the problem of her coming back would arise. Her dirty gaggle of mutts had already tried to retrieve her twice, one more than the other. A problem he didn't want to always be dealing with if he had decided to keep her.

"I could kill you, and if the other two come I could get rid of them also." He pondered on it, a false sense of contemplation overtaking his features. He didn't really care that they wandered these woods, but they were getting too close to his home, constantly leaving behind a stench his nose couldn't bear to tolerate. This was supposed to be his place of relaxation, a place he wasn't supposed to be bothered at, but these three were acting a bit recklessly and tramping all over the place leaving behind a bad feeling that he would rather not feel here.

"But then again, the three of you could make for some entertainment. Toss you to the family of vampires and let them see what to do with you or save you for later for an even better show." So many options, but if he wanted to save them for later, then it would be best to catch the other three, take control and release them back into the wild for them to come back later.

"Say puppy, what do you think? I'll let you choose, death, or entertainment?" He allowed his control to slip just for a bit, his grip tight on the vampire's chin as he took in the aggressive snarls and hisses. The pitiful thing was much better quiet, but what was the fun in that, "hurry now, before I decide for you. I'm not much of a patient man." He grinned, her eyes flitting back and forth before finally relaxing enough to glower at him.

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