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He had never been in love before, never had someone he held so deeply in his heart that he felt like he couldn't be with anyone else after their death like most humans seem to experience. He thought it was problematic, time consuming, and a big waste of energy to care so deeply about someone who could come and go as they pleased. He'd lived for so long that true love seemed almost like a false sense of security for him, and that was just for him. He believed in it for others, but for him, no.

Out of the seven Fox Spirits, only two of them had found someone they considered worthy enough to live alongside them for eternity. He had thought it was silly, even when he was forced to toss the petals of a Moon Lily onto the ground, and even when he saw the power of the moon bond them together in a way where their souls intertwined. He had smiled though, welcomed the girls with open arms, but he still felt a bit dull in the back of his mind. Love wasn't made for someone like him, wasn't made for certain people in this world, he would forever be soulless.

But maybe there would be hope for him, his brother had promised that he would eat those words with such a smug grin that he was left feeling a bit threatened. His brother sounded sure of himself, and he was considered to be a blessed by the God of Prophecy himself, Tiresias, the man was surely right about his future but when would it come? Would it be another millennium before that special someone came around, or tomorrow...his stupid brother was known for talking so much, but never elaborating.

He had flipped through countless books, but none stood out the most, other than Luminous, the book that spoke so deeply about the love of two empaths who believed that there was love in the world for everyone but them. It was his favorite, something he constantly read before he fell asleep at night, and he stupidly wished that maybe his dream would come true that he would find someone that understood him like he wished.

He loved his family, but only one could understand his troubles, and even then, one couldn't find a solution to their own troubles within their relationship. Very stupid these Fox Spirits were, but so strong, and resilient they were. The descendants of the Moon Goddess, Tatiana, and the Sun God, Yucca, were quite dense themselves...maybe they stand no chance to fix them, and if they do maybe it would be incomplete to the point of falling apart once the next problem comes around.

He didn't know what he was thinking when he had dropped her over the edge, tossing her cold body off the cliff and watching it plunge into the deep dark of the waters below. His heart had grew beyond cold, but his eyes were so soft with warmth, his arms stiff, but his legs strong and quick as he jumped after her.

The bright glow of eyes catching sight of the falling body that seemed to fall in slow motion. She looked beautiful, the tears that pooled in the corner of her eyes, and mouth wide in shock as her scream was silent by the crashing waves below.

So beautiful, in his mind maybe expressing love was different, the people who he saw holding hands weren't so cute to him, more so bothersome than sweet. The book was filled with hardships from the female lead sleeping around to get her mind off her soulmate, to the male lead knowingly putting his vulnerable soulmate into tough situations. They both were horrible people at the end, dying together at the end even when one was very much unwillingly to go unlike the other that just didn't care.

He believed that love would make some people do drastic things; shedding blood being the main one, and maybe even going as far as scaring the other into behaving. It was something that was needed in his mind, something that would only help the relationship, not destroy it, but he couldn't understand why his brothers thought differently and couldn't imagine putting the girls through that...weak-minded maybe, or just softhearted.

There were times when they had enslaved people, ruled a kingdom with an iron fist, and destroyed their enemies without a second thought, but once they met those two suddenly the ideas had changed? What they thought was best, wasn't best no longer- It made no sense to him at the end. He still thought he was better than the mortals that wandered this earth, thought of them as replaceable, and consumable to a certain degree, and without a doubt he believed that his mind would never change no matter what his fate was at the end.

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