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Evangeline enters the nurse's office with a sly smile. Looking around the empty room and rummaging through the drawers trying to find whatever Alice was talking her ear off about. The vampire was useful she'll give her that, and she wondered if she was the one to tell the others about her plans, they had with the human girl Bella before they were either stopped or killed...she had no gift that was remotely useful and more so a hindrance to her everyday life than anything else. It was a shame truly, running away when certain parts had the potential to get good simply because her life was on the line. She couldn't read minds, couldn't predict the future, and she didn't have any increase in trivial things such as strength or beauty. She was just Victoria, but damn did she have a good sense of when something wouldn't go quite right...even if it meant getting herself caught would be better than trying to run away. She rummaged everywhere, tossing things to the floor and even dumping whatever garbage was left onto the floor just to cause a necessary mess and give off the illusion that someone was raiding her office. She wanted this woman terrified; she wanted this whole thing to drag on for as long as possible and create such stress for this person. It was one thing that she was stopped from feasting upon the blood of Isabella, but Julia was the next best thing even if her blood couldn't compare alongside Isabella's.

"Opioids, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Heroin...This bitch doesn't have anything around here that I can use." Which was annoying as hell, which means she needed to plant it somehow and the main problem would be getting it without drawing attention to herself for she was quite well known now that she had been introduced to the public. She couldn't go out to buy or steal anything with the fear of not only ruining her reputation, but also Joshua's in the process. So, the next best thing was finding a drug equally as dangerous but not concerning enough that people would get suspicious of her buying it...Good thing she was 'knew' a doctor.


"You want me to get you what?" Carlisle, while he wasn't busy, was in his office at the hospital, finishing some documents that a few nurses had brought him to look over. He was used to being handed medical files of other patients to double check if any mistakes were made, and while he was pleased that everyone trusted his opinion this much, he did admit that it was mentally tasking to take on so many people's load. Now he not only had to take on the load of someone else's work, but he also had to worry about Joshua's little friend that was looking to incriminate someone.

"Anxiety medication, preferably a high dosage. You'll do this for me? Joshua will be highly appreciated If you do" She highly doubted that the man wasn't even appreciative of her current work considering she got the woman trembling in her heels at school.


"Xanax preferably. The more additive the better." At least she hoped it was, she was dead, the two of them were and these drugs weren't around when they were human...expect cocaine but that was normalized when she a human, everybody wanted a hit of it and luckily her mother was a believer that faith would heal all above these manufactured drugs.

"The death of those kids wasn't caused by Xanax, that's a new medication that has come around before the death of those kids, Opioids would be best if you were to plant them onto her." He was a man of good faith but even he felt a bit bad for those kids that didn't receive the justice they deserved. He was glad to know Joshua still had quite a heart for children, but why exactly was he targeting Julia in the first place would never make sense to him. What had the woman done to get on his bad side this quick.

"Synthetic Opioids. The only way for me to get my hands on some of those is to retrieve them from the police station, but you'll need to get a seller apprehended for me to gain access to it." Which was hard considering the worst someone around here was selling was Weed, and even that was hard to come by since the kids were so protective over that one seller.


"No, I'm a Forks doctor, I'm currently being asked to retest blood of a woman that was found not too long ago for an overdose." Duped Opioids, but these seemed different from the rest of the little synthetic drugs that's been floating around lately. "You'll have to get them arrested within the Forks County borders. Check the reservation, I heard that a Lahote around that area has been selling a few things to earn a bit of extra cash." At least he hoped that was the right name.

"The land of the mutts?" She was almost human, not quite fully human, but not quite fully vampire at this moment so she really shouldn't worry about the Shifters, but at the same time worry about them a little. "Think they would smell me?"

"If we can't tell you're a vampire majority of the time, then I'm sure they'll have to take a recess to tell you are also." And if not, then at least they didn't have to worry about Victoria anymore. "You get him arrested on Forks County line, and I'll handle the rest. The longer you take, the longer you'll have to wait until I can get what I need." This was the lowest he had ever swooped, but he guessed if it would get the woman out of his home quicker than why not help.

"Thank you, I'll have to repay you back for your time. Do ask for anything." even with the threat of death handing over her head if the shifters are able to tell she's a vampire, she couldn't help but thank the man for making her little job easier. "Anything." and while she did mean it anything, she could see the man pondering over it a little bit, fingers drumming on his desk as he thought long and hard about what he wanted, before refocusing onto her presence.

"Get me some alone time with Joshua and if you decide to stay, I'll put a favor in for you after all this is done."

"Deal," She asked no questions, and no answers were given, "specific time? Day? Or just whenever?" 


Oooh, alone time. This book is close to coming to a end guys! Are you excited??? Who should I do next?

Leah's -  Already writing

Jasper's - Plot already made (not started yet)

Emmett's - No plot yet

Rosalie's - Rewriting/Editing/in process/on hold

Carlisle's - Plot already made (not started yet)

Esme's - Plot already made (not started yet)

Edward's - Plot already made (not started yet)

The Olympic Coven - No plot yet

Jacob's - Plot already made (not started yet)

Volturi will be done after after I've finished these up above.


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