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Like clockworks, the entire family would come down to the living room to bask in each other's presence, before they all left to do whatever it is that their modern day lie told them to, Carlisle laid comfortable on a love seat with his wife Esme, enjoying a good book. He had already begun work, but to keep the family tradition alive, he called off the day to spend time with his family. If it wasn't for the fact that it was sunny outside, maybe they all would've gone walking about Seattle for a little break from Forks, they couldn't risk it though, living dangerously would only lead to death, and he was far from being ready to lay his life to rest.

Esme enjoyed a bit of cross stitch, and while she didn't have a job to attend like usual, she did have the role of being a rich housewife that would soon be handling everything that came to their children in school while Carlisle worked. It was useful for if any of the kids decided that they couldn't handle being around humans and would need to be pulled out without seeming suspicious. Rosalie worked on getting her nails done with the bright red nail polish she had bought on a whim when she went shopping with Alice, and Emmett played some random racing game on the television that Jasper had outed to just watch after being beaten a few times.

The only ones out of the bunch missing were Edward, and Alice, but the excuse for Edward was that he was playing the piano in the other room next to them. He was the one that fought so hard about how this was stupid and did nothing for them considering they did this randomly throughout their time anyways, but who could say no to Alice. She set the tradition in motion and always got everyone to do whatever she wanted if it didn't cost a life. It was unfortunate that she wasn't here to see everyone getting along so well without the fighting and threats being thrown around after Edward had accidentally revealed that he was very much in someone's thoughts.

"This is lame." Emmett groaned, "what is there to do other than look at each other." There wasn't much to this tradition, but it made for a good bonding experience for the entire Coven, of course the person who had come up with the idea in the first place wasn't there, and the only problem with that meant that no one knew exactly what to do without her guidance.

"Well, we could always go hunting together. We'll be attending school tomorrow." Rosalie signed, she had already had a couple of deer, but a few more wouldn't hurt to have. She too figured that there wasn't anything else to do but bask in each other's presence, and they had already enough already.

"Not hungry." The slight hum of displeasure coursed through Jasper, he hadn't been hungry ever since Alice turned him down for a little alone time together, "anything but that right now." The depression rolled off him in waves, and with an annoyed sigh, Rosalie in turn thought about something else the family could do.

"I haven't watched a few movies. You know Carlisle, they had turned a few of your books into actual television shows, right." Esme smiled, she might not have similar taste in books to her husband does, but she sure did love watching the modern technology she had grown to appreciate.

"I've heard, but I fear they won't actually follow the plot of the book." Said book rested in his closed palms now, the plot thick with detail, but the look of hidden cautiousness clearer than ever, "I don't mind watching, but I do expect to be disappointed."

"Boring." Emmett didn't care for witches and wizards. He barely could find interest in the book his family seemed to enjoy so much, and while a movie did sound great, he wasn't sure he could sit and watch a movie about a book he could care less about, "anything but that, I hate that stupid book." He whined, soon flopping onto his back to fully immerse himself in a tantrum as a grown toddler.

"Emmett please." Edward sighed, "you're being so loud for no reason, we can hear you even if you don't shout." Those irritated thoughts of everyone around could've given him a headache if he was human.

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