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Bella screamed, landing headfirst into a lake she struggled to collect herself in. She was thrown, like Emmett had thrown her just because someone said so, and she wondered if he would be much more willing to do more to her if Joshua had said so. Of course, she was thankful they wanted to 'help' her so badly, but this way was terrifying and the fact that one wrong move could end up with her head disconnected from her body was enough to have her regretting even thinking about wandering the woods. Forget the whole Edward thing, she was scared for her life when she realized that he hadn't even fallen anywhere near her...she was alone in a lake where she had to jump occasionally, to force herself up above the water to catch her breath. This was stupid, and this wasn't going to be the last time that she craved returning to Arizona just so she could feel the sun against her skin and joy of knowing that it was much too bright for any vampire to stumble into, no one wanted to burn after all.

"Bella." Emmett grinned, throwing her a thumbs up as he sat in a tree up above with a bottle in his hand. It was half filled with something Joshua had mixed up together, and by the way everyone was rubbing their nose she had to guess it had done something to their sense of smell. He was weird, but in a clever way, Joshua was a lot more interesting than he tended to let on. He knew things, like them, without putting up a front to throw others off. It was hot, but it also put her in a situation where her life was on the line if a small mistake as blinking at the wrong time happened.

"Dammit Emmett did you really have to throw me! Couldn't you have just ran with me on your back and dropped me in the lake like that?" The purpose of the lake was to wash off any lingering scents, and she was sure Edward was given the same treatment just in another lake...or river.

"Nope." He laughed, "I know your upset, but Joshua was the one to say throwing you was best...but you might want to stop chatting up your bodyguard just in case the vamps are nearby." He thought this little thing was fun considering they hadn't had any proper action in a long time, so he was soaking in this as much as possible, and damn was Joshua a master at creating fun moments throughout the entire stressful thing.

"Ugh!" Bella screamed, she wanted everyone to know she was upset since they might not be able to see her properly, "at least tell me where Edward is so we can go through this together." She whispered, anxious and scared as she slowly waddled herself to the edge of the lake.

"Don't know." Emmett shrugged, "thought he would've landed here also, but I think I applied too much strength when I launched him." Considering Joshua only told him to throw Bella a certain way and left it up to him to throw Edward.

"Fuck!" Bella whined, she truly was fucked than, she didn't want die and if anything happened to Edward than she was screwed...why did she wanted to play hero for a person who was already dead. Brownie points? She's fucked.

"Bella shushes." Emmett stressed, he was trying to keep an eye on her, and an ear on them. This barely half a bottle of shit Joshua created was only going to last a good two hours, anything more would dissipate and reveal them to the nomads. He knew the man quite liked having everything on a strict time limit, but these bottles could've lasted much longer considering it wasn't like anyone's life was going to be put in danger. Maybe that was just part of the fun?

He couldn't really focus on it though, his eyes switching over to Carlisle who gave his own unsure smile. He too had a bottle ready to be opened while Jasper's and Alice's job were mainly to rip the heads off the nomads. He thought he would take part in it except for Alice, but he guessed she would know when exactly they were coming in before the rest of them since Edward was rendered useless after becoming human.

"But seriously shouldn't we check on Edward?"


"You're a bastard you know that." Joshua grinned, eyes blue and canines showing as he relaxed up in a tree where the Shifters had been staring up into for a good five minutes now. They had- he had found them quite quickly and because he had nothing else better to do, he had decided that now was the best time to torment the poor puppies.

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