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Her father knew Joshua. Her father knew Joshua. Her. Father. Knew. Joshua. He knew Joshua. Bella grinned; this was perfect! If he knew Joshua, then he probably knew something about him, didn't he? He probably knows what he likes to eat, what he doesn't eat, what type of women he likes...or if he even likes women.


She knew that man couldn't be gay with the way he presented himself, but at the end of the day did she really know how to tell if someone was gay? He liked Alice Cullen that was for sure, and she heard good things going around about how he supposedly didn't like the Nurse that worked at the school for some reason. She would have to investigate that, deep into that, but she didn't know where to start. Should she start by asking her father all these questions with the intent to pretend she was simply curious, or should she rely on the gossip that seems to grow about him every day? She didn't know and she was pacing weirdly fast inside her room while Charlie watched some baseball downstairs.

Stupid fucking game

She never understood sports, nor was she ever interested in it, but her mother seemed to drool all over a man that plays them. She could see the income they could make, but Phil was nowhere near close to being offered the same special benefits that actual professional players get. She figured her mother was just sticking around to say she was with him before the success, but she wondered how long that would last. They're married, and she's out eating hot dogs and living in a motel. Their life together won't last long if he doesn't get rich and famous fast. But back to Joshua. That man was already rich, he was already perfect. No waiting was needed, and he was up for the take. She had a few rivals for his attention, but if she had to guess they weren't as big of a rival as Alice Cullen was. And speaking about her, Edward Cullen was just as interesting, even if he lacked manners.

He was handsome, over worldly handsome in a weird sort of way that makes her question whether it's natural or not. He's pale, deadly pale, not just pale like she is, and it reminds her of a corpse almost...but when he spoke to her today, he sounded so lovely. His voice was nowhere near as enchanting as Joshua's, but it was still so nice to listen to. He also seemed to be highly interested in her also. His now brown eyes throwing her off from the black he had last time.

So very handsome, but more on the weird side than anything

It made her a bit flustered to know that she didn't really have to work hard to get his attention like she does with Joshua, he just gave it to her without any reason. A rich boy gave her more attention than he gave any other girl in that school, and it made her feel good, made her feel like she would have a better chance with him considering he was also up for the taking. But his brother, Gasper, or whatever was cute in his own way and single. She had thought for a second that Alice Cullen was dating him considering Rosalie is dating Emmett, but she was surprised to find out that those two were the only incestuous freaks in that family. Alice, Edward and Gasper Cullen were single, but neither of them paid a single attention to anyone in school other than her and Joshua. Alice was interested in Joshua it would seem, and Edward was interested in her, she didn't know what the other was interested in but if she had to guess from the longing stares, he seemed to give Alice he was in love with her.


After all that, it leads her to her main question. The harder but better choice, or the easier, but less worth it one? Joshua or Edward? Joshua or Edward? Joshua was smart, he was handsome, he looked alive, and he was very wealthy from the luxury car he drives all the way to his Chanel wristwatch, and Gucci dress shoes. He was also mature, and she loved mature men, thought they were the best out of the best even if they were just a tad bit older than she would like for her husband to be. Did she really want to be with an older man that would give her a lifetime worth of money? Or did she want to be with Edward? He was younger and that was fairly good in her mind, but he was also rude. He treated her like shit, and everyone had seen him do it. Of course, he had money and looks, but that money was all his parents. He was also adopted, which meant he wouldn't have a cent to his name if Carlisle didn't choose him out of the other useless batch of rejects. He'll have nothing but his pretty face, while Joshua had it all. Everything he had was his, earned by his money even if it came generational it was still his at the end of the day.

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