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If you were to describe Joshua in one word, it would be perfect. He had to be always perfect otherwise he wouldn't be satisfied by how the day passed, he'd think about what he could've done better to show his perfect streak, and he would've thought of ways to make sure the next day would have no such flaws showing through.

He ironed his suit, shined his shoes, and even brushed his precious cat an hour longer than usual just to make sure not a single strand of hair would be left on his suit after a before work cuddle, he'll do with them. He simply couldn't let those humans see him as nothing less than perfect, a being that's better than them in many ways, and a person that should not only be admired from afar, but also treated with respect. He wanted their full attention, all their eyes to congregate on what true perfection is really like.

Oh, thinking about it now made him smile, he quite enjoyed attention. Loved it when his brothers would shower him in compliments every second of the day, no matter if he was doing absolutely nothing. Maybe that's truly why he didn't mind eyes wherever he went, he loved the compliments and the attention that made him feel so good about himself. Loved the men and women that threw themselves at him in hopes of getting a chance, only to be discouraged when he ignores them. The power, the smugness that comes with it. He loves it so much.

"Tannie, daddy's going to be leaving for the day." He gave his precious baby a good scratch under the chin, cooing as the fluffy pet purred in delight at the touch of their master. He loved this cat more than he would like to admit, feeling a bit ashamed that he was attached to such a ridiculous being in the first place, "behave for me, and I'll pamper you well." He even placed a delicate little kiss on their cheek, the purring increasing along with the happy little swish of their tail from side to side.

Felines were quite fascinating to him, how they did what they wanted, but knew who was in control. At the beginning it was filled with annoyance, Tannie scratching and constantly making a mess, but after a while of feeding and proper training he had become the perfect pet that still did what they wanted, but within reason, and didn't annoy him. If only humans were so easy to control like these pets they liked to own, the free-spirited creatures would have a talent for upsetting him.

"Your free to roam around outside, but take care not to get yourself dirty, you wouldn't like for daddy to give you a bath." He smiled, just a bit as he enjoyed the obnoxious purrs. He had once heard that those leeches could purr also, they seemed to be the humanoid cats of the supernatural, more so than him who had the ears and tails to 'match.' quite entertaining to think of them with a little bell collar around their neck, and loud purring when scratched under the chin like little Tannie always did.

He must leave though, he had to be at that dreadful school an hour earlier than the students, and he had yet to stop at some place and grab him a nice cup of hot chocolate. After today he would need to shop, the older lady that he took this place from didn't have much to begin with, and when he finished her off, there was nothing of worth that he thought to keep other than the patio chairs. Quite a shame that she had to go out that way, but he was sick of her presence, the constant touches, and the bothersome whines she gave when ignored really irritated him. He didn't like to be touched, and he didn't like noise when he was trying to sleep, plus how could he let a person that Tannie didn't like to stay with them? He cared about his pets' feelings also when it came to moving around. Her car would soon be sold also, he didn't have any need for a truck, his beautiful Lexus more than enough to keep him happy unlike some muddy pickup.

"Keep the house safe, daddy's leaving for sure this time." He chuckled, a sense of joy showing itself as Tannie 'waved' him goodbye, his little front paws stretching in the air as he watched him close the door behind him, a slight crack for the cat to leave if they pleased. Cat door, they needed a cat door so they wouldn't worry about other unwanted creatures inviting themselves in when he's not here.

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