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Meeting the girl already made him feel as if she was really going to annoy the hell out of him for the rest of the school year, make it hell simply by existing, and he could do nothing but watch as she did it. It never made sense to him why these vampires liked to play pretend anyways, nobody seems to like school, so what goes through their head to go through it multiple times? Constantly being surrounded by these mongrels' called teenagers and living under the 'watchful' eye of the school staff. It doesn't seem like that'll be an innovative idea for people who need to avoid the public eye at all costs.

He too liked to play pretend, but he never did the same job twice. He's modeled before, authored books, attended college, was even a college professor, but he had never taught or done anything more than once every century or two. It was mind numbing, too easy, and even lame to never switch things up, and considering that Gumiho's could change their appearance to a certain degree helped with getting away with a lot of public work.

Blue eyes and blonde hair one century, green eyes and brown hair another, and finally his natural appearance after so long. Black hair, and brown eyes, he'd missed his natural beauty, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't love how he looked with those last few changes.

"Mister Kim! Will this Quiz be counted? It is still the first two weeks of school..." His annoying children chattered, only a few doing the classwork he put down in front of them.

"No, but it will be used as bonus points for your actual test that very next week." He skimmed, busy checking over work that a guy had recently brought up. Smart boy, but he wouldn't go anywhere if he couldn't follow directions, "and I would like a full paragraph on the writing section. None of you are in Middle school anymore, you'll get no points for having less than four complete sentences." He had already begun marking questions they might have had to relook over, the very first day he had given them a small book that had all they needed to know if they looked for it.

He didn't want to do any unnecessary work, but it would be unfair of him to just throw them to the wolves when they obviously didn't know anything beyond their own personal knowledge. As time passed, he began to realize just how simple-minded humanity really was, the idea of forgetting where they came from, or even passing off the proof of something far greater being alive made him look down upon them. Creatures that don't know when they're outmatched, or even outclassed bothered him far more than he would like. The idea of being carefree and believing that nothing outside their belief was an interesting way to live, a very envious way to live considering those higher beings they believed didn't exist, never bothered them.

He wondered what it would be like if he was born human? If he lived a regular life that would eventually lead to death, a life where he could eat what was believed as normal meals, and even live somewhat of a normal life. He imagined that was what the Coven of vampires was going for, normality.

"Complete the study guide, and I'll give you points for your upcoming test in two weeks." He watched the teens either working, or chatting with anybody that would listen. They really were carefree and completely ignorant of the flesh-eating fox, very ignorant, and very stupid.

It made him wonder how some managed to make it this far into life without coming across something that challenged their beliefs. His kind was part of many cultural folklore, but some people claim to never have met anything, and no one believes. Ghost, demons, and satanic rituals being something far realer than they could possibly think. It's a wonder how they haven't thought about why there were certain famous people in this world that did nothing to contribute to their cause. People are never born with wealth, just privileged.

"I'm also staying late today, if you need help after school, I'll be glad to help." Unfortunately, he had a teacher's meeting to attend, and that meant that he was going to get home late, the cleaning he had planned for the day being put on hold, and maybe it'll be put on hold until the weekend when he knows, he'll have time without being bothered.

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