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One could guess that Forks was the hot spot for all dangers alike to visit, from Natives being able to shift into horse sized wolves, straight to vampires that claimed themselves as vegans. Maybe because it was small that no one would pay them any mind, but others think it's because of the freedom they felt whenever they stepped foot outside without stacked layers of clothing on. It gave them the freedom to be themselves without someone bothering them for simply existing.

Like now, the 'youngest daughter' of the Cullen's was resting in the arms of her 'elder brother,' enjoying the false sense of warmth the body gave as she relaxed back into his chest with the sun beaming onto their skin. Sparkles, she had always loved the fact that her skin sparkled so prettily, and the thought of sharing such a love with her mate lit her with joy. Unlike her brother who wasn't concerned with whether he had found a mate or not, she was very much interested in what they would look like, and what their role in the family would be.

"School starts in another week." Jasper signed, he brushed his fingers through his sister's hair, he wasn't the best at controlling his thirst, and the number of teens that would throw their emotions at him was also exhausting to think about. He wasn't very fond of his family's tradition, but he wasn't going to trash it just because he didn't like it. He saw how happy it made some siblings pretend to be normal. It made him happy, artificially, but still happy, nonetheless.

"I know, excited?" She grinned, she wished for him to find his mate also, whether they were dead already or not, she hoped only the best for him after everything he'd been through. She had taken the liberty with Rosalie to find the perfect outfits for everyone for their first day, she wanted to dress to impress, and the thought of listening in on the new gossip about them was even more entertaining to her. She was ready for the attention, the limelight, whether that was good or not.

"Sure," He bathed in her happiness. For some reason Alice's emotions had always appealed to him in the most imaginable ways possible, he once thought it was because he was in love with her. Being so thankful to her for saving him had him falling hard, falling fast to the point he didn't even notice when he hit rock bottom until it was too late, "what about you? I know that you're quite excited for some reason." More than usual, she was never this flighty about school, but then again, Alice was a character that never seemed to have her emotions correctly for certain situations.

"Edward, or brother." She giggled, "he's going to find someone important this school year, and I can't wait!" A new sister, a new friend, a new family member to look forward to, she was excited for a new face to come around, "Ah! A couple months later though...I don't want to tell Edward out of fear he'll run away knowing she's human." She saw it, that girl would be a vampire, but if Edward saw it, he'd run, he'd run away never to be seen again until that girl was long gone. He'll never wish for his own happiness, so she would have to do it. It sucks that there were more boys in the family than girls, and Rosalie herself barely wanted to shop at times.

"What about you? See anything about your mate." He started lightly outlining her jawline when he noticed her emotions switch towards a more depressive emotion. He knew how badly she wished for a partner, never failed to express it aloud when it was just the two of them, and he felt a bit bad that he wished for her to never meet them just so he could have her to himself. He would get jealous every time, but he knew how wrong it was for him to feel this way, he'd hate it if it was the other way around.

"I-I," She whimpered, that kitten-like noise flowing from between her lips as she gathered her bearings, "I can't see them, I can never see them." It was exactly like when she tried looking to the future and the Shifters got in the way, she couldn't see anything clearly and whatever she managed to see always ended up with her mate caressing the face of another unknown person. She hoped they weren't married, she hoped they weren't in a relationship in general, she doesn't know if she'll have the heart to separate them from each other.

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