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Esme cried as she tried hard to stop Edward from packing his things and leaving. Her unshed tears clear as day, but her worried words going unheard as the forever teen rushed around his room to pack up every single item of clothing he owned. He was leaving, not permanently but he had to go, he couldn't stand sitting a second longer around the Swan girl without thoughts of tearing throats invading every crack and crevice within his mind.

"Esme." Rosalie signed, she had saw the quickness in how her brother stormed over to his car and peeled out the lot as if fire was lapping at his ass. It was annoying and she scoffed at the thought of some mere human managing to shove a stick that far up his ass for him to be acting like that, "let him go, he's nothing listening to anything we have to say." She thought harsh words, and hoped they would reach him. She wanted him to know just how pissed she was at how he was treating their 'mother' and she wanted him to feel remorse as he traveled to their cousins for God only knows what.

"But he doesn't have to leave! We can fix everything together! Just wait for me to call Carlisle down so he can talk some sense into him!" She loved this family and watching it fall apart and separate was heartbreaking for a woman who only wanted to experience what it was like to have a big family. She loved everyone and that included Bella, who had yet to arrive, and Joshua, who was slowly making his way into the family.

"No. I'll go crazy if I stay." The scent of her blood was still fresh, and he wondered what would happen if she didn't rush out of the classroom like he did. He would've have had to kill everyone there; the entire school would need to be wiped out because word would get around and the last thing, they needed to worry about was their secret getting out and scaring the humans.

"Yeah, just let him go." Emmett groaned also, Jasper was long gone his mind damn near going feral as he took in the blood lust of Edward, and it was just safer for everyone if an empath wasn't surrounded by a bloodthirsty vampire.

"Alice would've stopped everything if she thought he would hurt anybody in school. She's not stupid no matter how carefree she tends to act about the whole hanging around human's thing." Emmett rubbed on Esme's back, and he wished he hadn't told Alice it was fine for her to chill back with Joshua when there was obviously something serious going on with Edward.

"B-But she's, his mate. Why is he acting this way towards his mate?" Esme wailed, her face even more distressed as Edward harshly shoved past the two to gather some of his belongings in the den, "Alice isn't acting this way towards Joshua, Carlisle never acted this way towards me, nor Rosalie to you." She couldn't wrap her mind around the way everything was flopping onto its back, yet Emmett couldn't either.

He wasn't even conscious when Rosalie had changed him, and he wasn't around when Carlisle had met Esme either. He didn't know how vampires were supposed to react when they encounter their mates, and he didn't know if Edward was overreacting or not so he couldn't give a comforting answer to his second favorite woman in the world.

"I'll be back," Edward rushed, "sooner than you think." He had rushed out the door despite the cries of Esme to wait for Carlisle to come back home. It was either Edward was a hardheaded ass teenager or Esme was a horrible mother figure, because Joshua watches on in annoyance as the vampire sped off into the woods.

"Edward." Esme wailed, and while Carlisle wouldn't be missing work to handle his stubborn son, he would be busy handling his saddened wife that couldn't stop the dry sobbing no matter how many hands came to rub at her back or comforting words that was whispered into her ear.

"That usually happens when you allow a child to do what they want for who knows how long." In one arm he held his bags filled with papers that he needed to grade, and in the other was a clingy Alice that clung on tight to his neck as she was carried into the home. Joshua had dealt will humans of all ages and that included rambunctious children and rebellious teens, coddling and spoiling was the last thing a parent should do when raising a kid...or vampire teen.

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