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Alice didn't think much when she drifted off to the bathroom, taking a bit longer than she should since having to use the bathroom was going to take a bit of time getting used to it too. She had to remember the many ways to take care of herself, and especially to remember to wash her hands afterwards since it was never needed before this whole little fake human thing happened. She enjoyed the warmth of the bathroom, removing Joshua's blazer in order not to overheat herself and sliding her dress to the side so it wouldn't get dirty while she got her business done. It was quiet, a little too quiet, but then again, she wasn't at school where girls hid in the bathroom and gossiped about anything and everything while retouching their makeup or hair. The bathroom was clean with a nice vanilla scent floating around, and the floors looked like it could be licked without a care in the world. Joshua really knew how to pick places. It was nice even in the most isolated areas, with wine offered to the women who relaxed onto the little mini loveseats they had in an entirely other room known as the power room.

She was the only one in the area though, the quiet background noise of the classical music playing as she sighed in relief. It was getting quite stuffy in that little dining area, and she felt that maybe after she finished here, they could finally leave after having dessert. There was nothing else she wanted to do anymore and if they left now, they would have the rest of the night to relax in each other's arms before getting ready for the little party they were planning to through Bella. She sat for a little bit longer, taking note of the time, hinting for around six minutes before hearing the door creak open and the rushing click of some other woman's heels.

"Cullen?" A soft familiar voice was heard, quiet enough to be missed by the average human, "Alice Cullen is that you?" The heels stopped near her door, and while she should've ignored it considering there would be only one person that would know who she was in this place, she didn't. The need to question the woman about the problems she had with her man being a lot stronger now that she had her alone without the ears of her classmates or passersby's.

"Mrs. Hammonds?" speaking equally as soft, she flushed, sitting a bit longer just to hear the impatient taps of her Gucci heels. "Yes, it's me." The door creaked and black clashed against white. The contrast in their clothing was laughable, but both weren't with poor men to judge each other tastes...though Alice couldn't help but peak the amount of Gucci that littered her body compared Alice's multi brand laced frame.

"I see." She observed, taking her time to drag her eyes up and down her frame as she took in every little detail on her body, "you seem happy tonight." A red hickey underneath of ear was proof of why that was, but she made no comment to it, slightly stunned at the boldness of the two to even go out with such marks of evidence in plain sight.

"Very, but I wish I could say the same to you. Bored of your husband already?" She maneuvered around her to reach the sink, unfazed by the drop in Julia's smile at the mention of her husband, "didn't expect to see you here."

"Neither did I." For reservations were hard to get, and it took almost an entire month just for Ludwig to get the one they got now and that's with his connections. She wondered how long it took for Joshua to get a seat here. "Do tell me, who you came here with? Your father perhaps?"

"No," A small smile of amusement was present, "I'm sure you know who." She spoke so teasingly that it was hard for Julia's own amused smile not to creep onto her face.

"Just wanted to ask to be sure." A little chuckle and the small clicks of her heels reappeared as she approached Alice from the back, her painted nails curling over her shoulder out of false concern, "Came with Joshua? An older man? Thats a little concerning for someone your age." Not even bothering to mention her own age when she got together with her current husband.

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