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~This is going to be really long!! 15001 words long ~

Alice sat quietly as Rosalie worked on styling her hair. It was simply something they decided to do on a whim considering they couldn't do much with a light sleeper of a toddler lying in her aunt's lap. It was most of a welcome surprise when Rosalie had showed up with the child for Joshua never informed him of why he was going to meet up with her. He had just left her with his brothers, leaving for not even a week before returning like nothing else had happened. She could be mad at him for pulling something like this, but strangely enough she didn't quite care about the lengths he took just to give life to this little bundle of joy. She couldn't find herself to care about a lot since her life had been changing so much over the past few years, and a small part of her wondered if they would eventually have kids of their own considering Joshua would soon become an uncle himself. Rosalie though? She didn't quite know how her sister was feeling after having the child. Maybe it was the fact she had calmed down a little and wasn't so paranoid like she used to be, or maybe she just trusted Alice a lot more than she herself perceived for she had no trouble allowing her to hold the child despite not knowing exactly how much her dear sister had changed over such little time...she wouldn't ask.

She enjoyed the silence that was happening between the two, didn't mind the bits of chatter that filtered through the door as Joshua and his brothers caught up with each other, and didn't mind when Rosalie was firm with not voicing her opinion on Joshua marrying her now after so long. She said nothing, mentioned nothing. Didn't even say anything when she noticed that Alice now looked a bit more mature than she had last seen her, and even had longer hair despite it not being nearly as long as before since she cut it before the vampire had even arrived. She mentioned none of it. Her silence could also be because right after the wedding they would be returning to Forks despite it not being nearly if they would prefer in order not to be recognized. Curious, she had to ask though. Obviously, this child didn't appear out of nowhere and she was familiar with the method Joshua used to even be able to give her the child in the first place.

"Rose, I can feel your hands shaking, concerned about something?" Her voice was still light as bells, though instead of those full cheeks she once had, she was now the slim-faced beauty that Rosalie would dare say was just as pretty if not more than herself. Both Joshua and Alice were a match made in heaven.

"I am, just concerned about Hayden after all." The child arose for just a bit at the sound of their name before being soothed back to sleep with light backrubs. He was quite silly, but then again Dhampirs were quite a phenomenon themselves for they were simply blood drinking humans compared to the rest of them. "We are going to Forks after all."

"But we aren't staying." The decision was made because of the call the Shifters gave to them. It was about that woman Julia who Alice had hoped to never hear from again. That woman truly was going off her rocker and those lousy officers of the law weren't doing a good enough job considering she was still out on the streets despite what she had done. "They won't get mad at you, hell they might not even remember little Hayden anymore." Mere words to soothe. It had only been five years since they last left for Forks, and the Shifters didn't forget how their pack alpha's mate carried another couple's child for free along with another Alpha in their group disappearing. They were probably furious at having two important things taken from them, but they weren't dumb enough to try and fight Joshua no matter how upset they were with how things had gone. They wouldn't even be dumb enough to attack Alice for recognition wasn't the only thing she could do anymore. But it had been a while since she last saw them, about five years to be exact, but looking at the child no one would really know that they were technically that old to begin with. It was a rough time all those years back when Joshua suddenly called her one afternoon to meet him back at their old place in Forks to receive her gift alongside Emmett. There were a lot of threats, tears considering the gift was a living breathing child.

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