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"I guess you're my boyfriend?" Evangeline batted her lashes, giggling and twirling her hair with a teasing smile as she walked alongside Edward. They really did make the picture-perfect couple, they were rich, and gorgeous. "Or in better words my Fiancé." While amused, Evangeline was obviously getting a kick out of this entire thing. She did not care for the whispers going around school about Edward and Bella, about what those two were before she came alone. Not one bit.

"You're enjoying this too much." Irritated, he couldn't do much if he wanted to avoid the rage of a man with power unknown to him until a few days ago. He really didn't want to get on anyone's bad side and if that meant playing pretend for a bit then he was ready. "This is only for show."

"Like your relationship with that human? You must truly not care for her if you're willing to play along like this." The said girl was following behind them from a bit away, her hand almost white from how hard she clutched onto her backpack strap. She was obviously pissed, and who wouldn't be to know that your boyfriend was now someone else's from a mere rumor. Honestly, Evangeline thought she would love this place while she was here. It had been far too long since she had been in a school, anyway, surrounded by gullible humans young and old. "I mean what mate would pretend to be intertwined with another person?" She ended it off with a flirtatious wink, taking her free hand and running it down his chest like a gentle caress. "Couldn't be me." And before a proper reaction could be given, she skipped away with a pep in her step, all smiles and giggles at the havoc she was causing around her. She truly was beautiful, he would admit that, very pretty to the point of attraction despite Bella taking up most of his mind, but he wouldn't dare leave the innocent human for the murderous vampire who was still on a murder rampage. They couldn't control what she did once she left for Seattle, but Forks was a place that she mauled animals and left to be found like some psychopath hellbent on tormenting the people living around them...It was a person that reminded him of himself a few decades back, a person that he swore was in the past and would stay in the past for that was never the way to live and still isn't. He and her could never be anything other than enemies or distant acquaintances. Barely even that.

"So, you're just going to roll along with this?" Bella rightly aggravated nudged the stone-cold shoulder of Edward, red in the face and clearly angry from the frown and creased eyebrows. "Why not just say you two aren't a thing to everyone so that they stop assuming I'm trying to steal a taken man!" She was facing two different sides from everyone around her. The side that was upset she even tried going for someone 'out of her league' and the side that 'felt bad' that she was being replaced. There was nothing in between, and she felt like a villain walking down the halls with all the side stares and whispers.

"I can't, Victo-Evangeline is 'related' to Joshua and if I dare mess with his reputation because I couldn't play along for a few weeks I'm afraid I won't be walking around here for long. I don't like this as much as you don't." But then he wasn't getting any heat like Bella was. The most he was getting was disapproving thoughts for pursuing another girl while he already had woman...He wasn't like that, but who was he to try and correct these people who were already out to get him in the first place.

"What about us then? What are we going to do?" While she wasn't exactly popular, she wasn't a total outcast either. She was getting the attention for being the first girlfriend of a lonely rich boy, but with that gone she was practically back to being nothing now that the new girl's title and attention was now directed at another girl. "You're just going to pretend we aren't dating?"

"No, I'll still come see you, but we just can't act out in public anymore. Your more than welcome to still come by the house, I won't pretend that hard." Even if it was hard for him to have such the distance he has now on her, he was used to her sticking so close that when she left her scent would stay attached to him for hours after...He couldn't handle being this far, but he'll rather not die when he was so close to someone he likes this much.

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