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The family sat silently in a circle, eyes all darting to one another as they came up with something to say about the entire situation. Two people out of everyone else felt different. Rosalie being a bit pissed that this was even allowed, and the other unconcerned since it didn't concern them in the slightest no matter how many times Rosalie tried to convince otherwise. Joshua didn't care about Edward wanting to pursue the human, that was his decision, but Rosalie needed a bit of backup on her opinion since everyone else is against her.

He felt bad seeing her frustration build up as everyone else around her failed to see why she was so upset. The human was nosy, very nosy, and she was nosy to the point of bothering both Alice and Rosalie for reasons as to why their brother was gone, and when he would be coming back. She had purposely for that reason tried busting her face wide open with that ball. The girl couldn't take no for an answer, and she was about to see the demon that lived within the blonde if she kept it up.

"Now Rosalie." Carlisle signed, "I understand your upset, but hitting Bella wasn't the way to go."

"I didn't hit her; the stupid human busted her shit wide open without my help." It was amusing to at least her and Joshua who couldn't stop the chuckles that forced themselves up his throat. He couldn't get the picture of her falling on her ass, and it didn't help that Rosalie was so good at describing it all from the moment it happened.

"Carlisle." Edward groaned, "see what I tell you about her being so difficult about everything! She's fine with Joshua and he's human!" His finger was close to poking the 'human' in his eye, and a harsh smack of the hand was delivered via his little sister Alice, her eyes narrowing out of annoyance. She had once told him to stop doing that the first time he almost took Joshua's eye out, but the man never once flinched whenever it happened, an even more amused look on his face.

"Joshua doesn't run his mouth to his little friends." Jessica, Angela, and even Mike Newton was suspicious of them. Angela was kind enough to mind her business, but Mike Newton couldn't help but harassing them, and Jessica was helping with opening her big mouth about Bella's 'wild assumptions.'

"I'm sure she didn't mean any harm from it." Alice shrugged, "I think the new rumors are quite funny." Even when some random human purposely nicked his finger in hopes of getting the girls to react, they were trained to not even bat an eye towards it. Jasper though, the boy had to take breaks from school sometimes when things became too much for him.

That didn't stop him from clinging onto Alice though, his eyes peeled open in distaste as Joshua smugly planted a kiss onto her lips. He lived for the aggression, and it wasn't like he would do anything in fear of retaliation from his family. He couldn't hurt a 'human' he couldn't attack a 'human' he couldn't do anything to Joshua while they assumed his status.

"Still, she's my mate, just like Joshua is Alice's." The room quieted, Edward sounded a bit desperate, but when hasn't he ever when it came to getting things, he wanted. This wasn't about him, and while Rosalie would usually suck it up, she felt like Bella really wasn't what Edward claimed her to be. He thirsted for her like no other, and Alice showed no reaction to her mate's blood.

"Alice doesn't crave for Joshua's blood like you do with Bella's. Alice isn't seconds away from biting into the throat of her mate like you are. Nor do we have to worry about Joshua's Chief of Police father questioning his daughter's disappearance once you do end up changing her!"

"I won't change her." and while he said that with confidence everyone looked at each other with such disbelief.

"Sweetie, you'll have to." Esme signed, "it's dangerous for her to stay human. If you have the intent to change her than the Volturi can do nothing to us if you, do it." She feared them, maybe even more so since she had no abilities that could save her from death. She didn't have a past relationship that could save her like Carlisle, or some valuable power like Edward and Alice did. She would die, along with Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. They were useless out of the bunch...and Joshua. There was no telling what type of power Joshua could have, but Alice had no qualms about changing him if it came down to it.

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