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 Brown eyes met another set of brown eyes, Joshua had been right to call off of work for the entire day, the thought of finally getting a break from those kids making him much happier than he expected, but the thought of a substitute taking over while they took a test worried him. Some of those children didn't belong in his class, he knew that, and the possibility of them cheating to make it through was a possibility but gave him all the more reason to get them removed, though he figured he was mostly getting upset over the missed work he was current forgoing just for a bit of money from a woman he didn't care much about.

"Mister Kim, I see that your grandmother has passed, and has left you a few things." The attorney gave him such sympathetic eyes, but he didn't care to reciprocate, "I'm her attorney, and I'll be informing you of your inheritance." If the woman before him was smart enough she'll see that there was no way this man could've been her grandson. The woman didn't have any children, nonetheless someone who came to visit her, but somehow, he existed? Did she think he belonged to one of her love children that she wanted no part in raising, or did she just not care that he should've been investigated a bit more? Either way, he was going to get full rights to her things, full permission to sell whatever he didn't want, and full permission to keep what he did, and that included the porch swing that he thought was quite swell the first time he sat on it.

"I accept the gratitude, but I knew grandmother would pass sooner or later." He held back a smile, the woman was oh so sweet, and the few nights that he spent with her was a lot better than any other woman he had spent time with. He was even a bit grateful that she had even decided that she would leave her things with him without even using much force besides the physical manipulation, no mental force needed.

"She had quite a few things, so I hope you don't have anything to do today, it'll take a while to discuss everything, and there are somethings you can only get if you complete certain tasks." Though the most surprising thing was that sometimes those tasks were given to much younger grandchildren, like graduating college, and getting married. This man before her seemed much older and put together, maybe late twenties.

"She informed me." She didn't, but either way he was going to get it, there was almost no chance of him selling her vehicle unless he had the deed to it. He didn't really want to be sitting here, but he would, there were going to be a few instances where he would be stuck doing things that he didn't want to do, so he might as well get used to it. He was working with a literal teens.

"Grandmother and I were quite close despite the distance between the two of us." Oh, the remorse that shown on his face was fake, but the woman in front of him ate it up. Her looks of pity, though the professional in her kept it smooth, the papers in her hand being presented before him.

"I apologize again, though these are a few deeds that you can already take, things like the house, her two vehicles, and her vacation home that she's currently renting out in Italy." That stunned him a bit, was she perhaps related to the man who he once slept with? He had long since given the property to his first offspring after he left that dreadful country, but he never bothered to figure out what had happened to it afterwards.

"She's been busy, I see." His eyes scanned the residence, Volterra Italy, was quite a beautiful place...if you forgo the coven of roaches that lived within. He didn't want the property, though a part of him wanted to see his thoughts were correct on the earlier matter. A descendant of a warlock was crazy to think about...maybe she wasn't influenced by her at all? Maybe she thought of him as great company, or just wanted someone to take her things after she left. He imagined that the answers would come if he went to see the property himself, maybe it would be useful to keep it after all.

"Of course, the Miss's was quite wealthy, and considering your background I would say that you are also, you should know that she had to keep money flowing in somehow." For a second her eyes wondered, a glint of need, before she had coughed it away. Lips curling into a smile as she started listening out his inheritance.

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