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Amusement was shown on his face the second the blonde vampire sat before his desk during her usual lunch time. He would hand it to her for being such a good sister, but did she really think that he would fall for such an outlandish idea? She surely didn't, he was positive she was much smarter than this, but since she was sitting here and speaking the unbelievable, he would guess that she wasn't as smart as she claimed to be.

"You want me to be Miss Hale?" He laced his finger together, eyebrows raised as he stared. His gaze became a bit uncomfortable as Rosalie straightened up a bit in her seat.

"I would like for you to join our family for Thanksgiving." She would've never done this if it wasn't for the idea being placed in her head by Esme, and the concern she had for Alice and her unmoving progress with the man before her. It was stupid, inviting a human into a home filled with vampires just for some dinner that they couldn't consume to begin with.

"Would mind me asking why? I hope it isn't because of your sister's interest in me." He felt some way about that, but he wasn't interested, dating in his position was dangerous and dating a student was even worse. No matter what she tried, he could never attach anything to their relationship, and he wouldn't want to be caught dead with a vampire anyways, "no offense but I am your teacher after all, such relationships are inappropriate and unheard of." He didn't miss the grit of her teeth and the aggressive clench of her fists.

"You know Alice's feelings about you?" She thought the man was just clueless, and thought if he became a vampire he'll be like another Emmett, "yet you still chose to ignore her? That really hurts her feelings." She felt her nerves fading away and being replaced with mild anger, but she knew he had a point. They didn't want attention, and he didn't want it either...but did he like her back? If he knew such a beautiful girl was interested, wouldn't he be interested also? She believed so, but this man was also beautiful, gorgeous even and she doubted that he lacked relations with other beautiful women.

"She has nothing but a crush, she wouldn't be the first after all." He ignored the lifted brow, the obvious look of a stunned person who couldn't believe the size of his ego for even saying something like that, "she would get over it, I'm sure your father wouldn't be happy to know a man was preying on his little girl." That made it sound a little rockier than it was supposed to be, and it made it even ickier to think that Alice was the one far beyond his age instead of the other way around. She was technically preying on him.

"It's beyond a crush I can assure you." She grimaced just a bit, "Our father wouldn't mind, he likes you quite a bit." A little too much in her opinion since he seemed so interested in the man more than Alice was, but she guessed it was because of his idea of having a new family member.

"So lustful? I'm sorry Miss Hale, but I'm not interested in a relationship with my student." The girl was pretty, prettier than any lover he had, but the judging eyes of his brothers that would surely discover his relationship was something he was very much conscious about. They would surely have a lot to say, and her being a vampire wouldn't be the only thing they would talk about. He couldn't handle the embarrassment of being wrong this early into his fit that he had last thrown. He would never be able to live it down.

"It's not-" She groaned, a sense of aggravation overcoming her, "it's not like that! She's very much interested in you, and I'm not suggesting that you sleep with her, but at least give her a bit of attention. Don't be so cocky as to think you could find a woman better than her! No other woman could compare besides the Goddess, Aphrodite herself!" And maybe that was why she blessed the girl with beauty, she obviously thought that Aphrodite was very real and beautiful, and she would be right. It made a smug grin appear when he thought about that time when he had slept with the Godly being herself. Oh he has been better before, but strangely enough he believed that Alice did trumpet her looks in a way. Very weird.

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