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The day so far ended up going as he expected, the students were ever more curious about the new teacher of Forks High, with the main topic being his availability despite being a bit too young for him to begin with. Such weird humans they were, always so interested in things that could possibly kill them, the dangers of the world being something that attracted a lot of them even though it might not end very well for them if they met it. If they truly knew what he was, and what he did for a living, they'd run for their lives. Using their feeble weapons to get 'rid' of him. They wouldn't think he was so handsome, wouldn't think of him as amazing if they learnt just how many people, he had killed over the years he's been alive.

Very weird indeed, but what was even weirder was the fact that Cullen's hadn't shown up today. If he cared, he'd realize that they couldn't, the sun being far too bright for them to attend, but he didn't. He was more concerned over the fact that only one Cullen would have to be in his face, the tables in the back only having enough to fit four of them, while the front had one available seat...oh goody.

His eyes flashed a bright blue, an almost mischievous grin spreading across his face as he decided to visit the teacher's lounge while he had a free period. His stomach already being satiated, he didn't think he'd ever fully go back to eating human food, but he might if he really needed it too. He instead was hungry for something else, maybe he should control himself, his brother being right that if he ate too much in so little time then he might go feral, but he couldn't help the fact he loved striking fear into human hearts. Why not eat them also after he kills them? Their body would only go to waste, and this wasn't a place he would exactly want to attract the police too because of a possible murderer on the loose.

"Oh, Mister Kim! Hello, it's nice to finally meet you." A man dressed in grays and greens grinned at the sight of the new teacher, he had so much excitement packed away, and only now was he releasing it at the sight of an exceptionally beautiful man, "I'm Jose Molina, though you're fine to call me whatever. How's your first day? Already getting flowers." He laughed at his own joke, not bothering to see if Joshua understood what he was saying or not.

"Oh yes, I'm quite enjoying this school so far." He sat down, stopping himself from scrunching up his nose in distaste at the smell of human food. He hated the smell of pasta, though it didn't taste bad when his older brother made it for him once, "disappointingly no flowers, though." He also grinned, and whether it was real or not wasn't important then.

"A shame, I got tons when I first arrived." The man joked, lightly shoving his arm, and for a second Joshua himself considered shoving the man through the window for dirtying his suit with his greasy fingers, "heard you were young, and single. Is it true?" He calmed down for a second, resuming his lunch.

"If I answer yes, will you introduce me to someone?"

"Of course! My two daughters are single!" He laughed aloud, lightly smacking the back of his shoulder, "I'm just messing with you, though you might want to be wary of the single women around here otherwise they might just pronounce on you." He spoke a bit quietly, his eyes darting towards a group of female teachers, who were whispering and giggling to themselves as they took in the appearance of Joshua, "being young and handsome is quite rare around here." His mood seemed to drop, and by the look of his face he was probably dreaming about his own youthful years.

"Oh, of course." He looked their way also, a small wave being given once he noticed that he had their full attention, "it's a shame that I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Or ever, but no one had to know that, and he wasn't up for a lecture about finding that special someone before it's 'too late,' like some older humans try and give when he works around them.

"Real shame." Molina shrugged, "It's about lunch time now, you're not hungry?" There's always fruit cups, and drinks in the fridge if you forget to bring your own lunch. There's also a cafeteria where you can buy the food they serve there also." He was lucky to have a wife that packed his lunch every day, the food being much better than the cafeteria food, and much more filling than the fruit cups in the teacher lounge's fridge.

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