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He rested on top of a tree, eyes watching Isabella run past to 'catch up' to him. It was silly really, but he was done dealing with the human, his relationship wasn't any of her business and even if she wanted to use it to her advantage, who would believe her? She didn't hide her attraction for him any better than all the other girls, yet Alice still wanted her around. For her dear brother, Edward, the human was destined to become one of 'us.' Bullshit. He didn't see the little human going anywhere in life but to the grave and he'll be waiting for the little nosy thing to perish for her stupidity. But he'll admit that he saw that she wasn't as dumb as she let on to be. She was careful around him, asking questions but not pushing too hard to come off as 'threatening' out of fear for her life in these woods. She was stupid to follow him though, these woods were thick, and the fact she was only running deeper had him signing and thinking just a little if he should retrieve her and drop her off at home...but he won't. He had business to do, and he wasn't going to let the little girl stop him from getting it done.

"I knew that there was something weird about you." Sam, he had barely spoken to the man besides pleasantries when he was sitting at the bonfire. There was so little he had the chance to say, but the man had already held such a negative opinion on him no matter what he tried to do. It was sad really that he was more stuck on him than the vampires running around having an all you can eat buffet.

"Following me? Didn't think you were that madly in love with me." He laughed, all smiles and everything as the man stood still below him all stiff. He didn't know what Joshua was and for that main reason he had to be careful. He could eat, be in the sun, and breathe just like any other human, but he obviously wasn't. The smell of blood was thick on him, and he slightly gagged a bit, it was more overwhelming than what the vampires usually carried with them.

"Don't be stupid, inform me of what you are so we can get this over with."

"Get what, over with? Elaborate puppy." He could see the jaw clench, the frustration building up but his caution being much stronger since he refused to jump at him. He didn't know what Joshua was capable of, if he was merely a serial killer terrorizing Forks and a good part of La Push, or a new brand of vampire that they were meeting. There were very few monsters he could think of that would consume blood to an overwhelming amount.

"Your death! I know you have something to do with the killings that are going on around here! I can smell it all over you! I wonder why the Cullen's haven't gotten rid of you yet..." Very curious since the man lived majority on their territory. It had him wondering if they were working with him and a big part of him was eager to rip them to shreds for violating the treaty that was in place. They were causing harm to humans even if it wasn't themselves doing it, that was surely enough reason to kill them wasn't it?

"You think it's me doing all of this? I don't leave bodies behind." He shrugged, Tannie resting upon his chest as he waited for more words to stream out the overgrown puppy. "Those fools wouldn't be able to stop me either so it's fine that they don't know it's me." And he usually washed himself well. He had a vampire constantly living in his house and she had yet to find out anything, and if she did, she turned a blind eye out of love.

"So, they don't know it's you."

"Of course, not because it isn't me." He grinned, "I'm sure you heard me the first time, but I'll repeat myself since I know dogs can be a bit slow." He ignored the growl, someone's patience was growing thin with him, "I don't leave bodies behind. You'll never find my victims." Like the one he just finished off not too long ago. That one rebellious teen that wanted to ignore the rules that were in place about not going into the forest...poor baby for he would never be making it back home or to his friends that dared him to enter in the first place.

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