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"Are you all serious!" Bella screeched the second Victoria appeared before her, the vampire all smiles as she introduced herself via her new name to everyone. It was more surprising seeing her more human like than alive, considering Alice had arrived seconds before to inform them of a guest. Obviously out of everyone in the home Bella was the least welcoming considering the woman had been plotting her entire murder alongside her 'friends' not even a day ago. "We can't possible let her just roam the house with me in it!"

"Calm down Bella, she won't hurt you, I promise." Alice cooed, "she's with Joshua for now and soon after their done she'll leave...or stay." Hopeful eyes flaunted Victoria, the girl was annoyed most by the over reactions of the other vampires, and she didn't bother looking at Edward who she was honestly silently stunned was a vampire before she had met him. Joshua truly was an interesting man to be able to temporarily turn someone human even if it was for an hour at most.

"Yeah," She tucked a portion of her hair behind her ears, "your no longer my bitch, sorry." She had to hide a little giggle, and Alice lightly nudged her on the shoulder.

"Don't curse at school, Joshua will punish you." He doesn't do it, so she wasn't allowed to do it either, and for that Victoria's entire personality would need to be revamped and reassessed for this entire little mission she was forced...did quite mind doing.

"I know that." She didn't but the least amount of time she had with Joshua in her face the better.

"So," Esme tried grinning, she was still terribly upset about the almost killing of Edward, "What's the whole disguise for? What do you two have planned that requires you to be so dolled up." Without all that mud and dirt that covered her body before, she was quite pretty to look at. Victoria really was a beauty when she cleaned herself up and styled her hair properly.

"I'm his little cousin coming to stay with him while my 'parents' are on vacation." Which would be reasonable if they finished what they were going on in a few months. There were only a few months left before the school closed for the summer, so she was only sitting in on the last bit of class.

"Interesting choice of a story." Rosalie had to look her up and down, "people will question why you don't look Asian."

"They should mind their own damn business and there's this thing called genetics, I could obviously say either my mother or father was European." And she hoped that alone would have people off her back but of course you could never be too sure when it comes to these human teens in this day of age.

"I see." Rosalie nodded though, they had some stupid backgrounds also when they moved into a new town so she couldn't really judge, but Joshua was a known perfectionist so she had hoped that Victoria would really have something attached to her background to make her sound extravagant even if her appearance doesn't match it. "You don't look as great as him either." Victoria ignored that part, choosing to instead place her ass right onto one of their couches despite the suspicious glare of the males in the house. They now knew she was with Joshua whatever the reason they wouldn't bother her until the man released her into the woods to be hunted down by them after everything is finished.

"You aren't going to try and kill us for killing your friends, are you?" Jasper was ready to tear her head off no matter what her relationship with Joshua was. "Because I'll rip your head clean off right now."

"You won't." All smiles Victoria relaxed into the soft sofa, "and I would hardly call them friends. They were simply others who had no problem with my earlier lifestyle, so they join in on it." It took her ages to learn both the men's names, and even thing it took her even longer to even consider bumping uglies with James who she now deeply regretted even giving a shot. The man was dirty, lousy, and downright a creep at times, but he was all she had during that time for Laurent wasn't interested in any other woman besides his mate...pitiful thing won't ever meet him though.

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