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She didn't know when it had all started but there was a time when Esme suggested that she make him something for lunch to eat. Something simple, something fulfilling, just something for him to put in his mouth because men quite liked good food in a weird way. Food was always one way to worm yourself into a mans heart, and she was starting to believe every little word Esme had chatted away into her little head. Joshua was hesitate to eat anything she had brought but once he had, she knew she got him. He was less snappy with her, less annoyed when she touched him, and better yet. Allowed for her to kiss him when they were alone to indulge in their little desires.

She believed her mother completely about what she said and she wasn't regretting anything that came from it. She herself quite enjoyed watching Joshua eat away at the food she prepped with a single grunt of thanks after he had finished it.

"Do you like it? Do you wish I would make anything else?" She leaned a bit closer to indulge her hidden pleasure. She could see now why those women in the movies liked to cook for their husbands after they had a long day. The pure pleasure of seeing the one you love eat the meal you worked so hard or even little to make was worth the time and energy put into it.

"Its fine, not too light or too heavy." the simple meal for the day was a fancy sandwich and some fruit. It was light enough not to spoil his appetite for dinner, but it was heavy enough to carry him until the next meal.

"Still, would you prefer if I made anything different? Like your drink, would you like lemonade instead of a water bottle?" She had always also prepared a drink for him, but when she noticed that he would end up finishing his water than anything else, she had resorted to just bringing that.

"I quite like just having simple water, but if you really want to feed me than you can bring me a arm or leg." He grinned, though Alice had pulled back to think about it.

"Chicken leg? Arms? I'm guessing you mean chicken wings." She too had giggled, but she figured that he didn't like greasy food since he had always denied Molina's fried food when offered.

"Human." He waited, blinking back at her as she took in his words. She just seemed confused, a small smile present on her face since she guessed it was somewhat of a joke, but she thought about if he was actually serious. She wouldn't mind getting it for him, the thought of him actually eating people not disturbing her in the slightest since she was designed to drink the blood of the living.

"Are you being serious?" She still blinked though after a while, curiosity eating away at her as she wondered if this was his way of telling her something new about himself. Did he eat people, did he drink blood? Did he do anything that normal humans didn't do? She didn't know, she was still a bit giddy if what he was trying to tell her was true.

"No silly girl." He quite liked the taste of humans, but he didn't make it a habit to eat them considering humans were starting to care about other humans coming up missing. He couldn't risk causing a panic, or even getting suspected.

"Oh." Alice pouted, but she still watched carefully as Joshua finished up the last of his fruit he was picking at, " was Isabella?" She had snuck a couple of glances at the girl, and she was overjoyed to see that she was quite pretty to look at.

She looked exactly how she had expected her to look and she couldn't wait to see the face on Edward once they go home tonight. He'll be happy, she hopes he'll be happy because it left a awful taste in her mouth to think that he was hurting all alone in silence. She saw the desperate look in his eyes when she cuddled up next to Joshua whenever he would visit, and she saw the look of shame when he was seen staring at one of the many couples in the house.

She saw it all and she wanted to be the best sister she could to him before she dedicated her entire existence to the man before her. She couldn't baby him anymore once she fully got Joshua in the palm of her hand, and she couldn't constantly watch over them anymore since she'll be sure to protect Joshua from any harm.

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