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Joshua saw the family from the love seat across the room. Eyes watching them curiously as they fought over what movie would be perfect to watch together as a 'family.' for this lovely holiday they were spending with each other. National Treasure, Sunset Moon, Die Hards, or Lotus? Such peculiar options, but he figured that they were still human underneath that blood lust they tried to hide. He thought it was ridiculous to watch a movie period, but with a few pleading eyes he gave in instead leaving like originally had planned.

"You'll like Lotus." Alice sat next to him, "The movie is amazing, and it matches well with the books you like to read." She loved that movie herself, watching it at least once a month to fantasize about love like Lela's.

"How so." He stayed watching Edward and Emmett argue about their choices being better. If he didn't already know their secret, he would think this was a normal family fighting about normal things, "the books I read are different from the usual."

"It's a book about a girl who can't stand the pressure of her family that wants her to forgive her cousin for taking her lover away from her." She signed, a far off look in her gaze, "she ends up running off into the woods and finding a baby that she swears to care for because she thought they were abandoned like her." It gets bloodier at the end since the male lead of the book was so harsh to the people around him, drawing blood from the people that wanted to merely talk to Lela.

"The male lead is a werewolf that finds that his stolen baby was taken by his mate who he drags off into his home to love on himself." A little lighter than what the movie presented but her family had already thrown that out the window. They didn't like the bloodiness of it, didn't like the possession of the thought of someone wanting to lock away another person for their own benefit...Rosalie didn't like it, but she loved it. Alice loved the thought of getting dragged away by her love and kept in a space that only they could see her. Though it was romantic in a way that they only wanted her to think of them and see them.

"Interesting." He took the CD within his hands, eyeing the seemingly innocent cover while pondering over the evilness of it. He wasn't fond of the human's moving pictures considering they tended to give him more of a headache than a rush, but he did like the thought of this movie.

"We could watch it together later if you like." She scooted a bit closer, "in my room while they watch whatever they want." If they could, she figured her family would run off somewhere to give them privacy, but then again, they didn't seem to be interested in their conversation with the yelling they were doing.

"Me? In a little girl's room?" He could snort, though he held it back with his own hand coming to cover his mouth. This girl never failed to amuse him, but he sure he could tell she was being serious about leading him up those stairs and away from her family.

"Or we can leave back to your house." She didn't mind either, choosing to instead cling onto his side as they both watched the family fight over nonsense. She didn't care for the movies, wasn't even fazed when they rejected her choice almost at once, and she wasn't concerned about whether they were listening in on their conversation or not.

"I don't like people in my house." He rested his posture, head lolling back to reveal his neck to family of predators, "so why would I want you there?" He figured he should be worried that the newly vegan would get tempted to attack. His eyes already darting over to them multiple times like he was constantly on the lookout for something, but was it really what he was doing?

"Many reasons that I'm sure not against finding out." She could lick him, she was close enough to do it, and his neck was right there for her tongue to drag upon, but she didn't. She didn't think the man would appreciate having venom soaking into his soft skin, nor would he appreciate the wetness of it. She'll kill to do it though, take her tongue to other places, but she had yet to have it in something as simple as his mouth. Four months was a lot for a person like her to wait on something that was meant for her. She deserved a medal for her patience, and she deserved even more when she finally managed to get him where she wanted.

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