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Bella's first day went exactly how she thought it would with her being a new student in a small town, she had expected the stares and whispers of people who didn't have anything else better to do than gossip, and she also anticipated the fact that there were some people here who just didn't like her simply because they didn't like her mother. It was annoying faking it, though she enjoyed the attention it brought her made her feel special or even a bit seen considering that she used to be somewhat invisible in Phoenix.

Though she knew she was nothing more than a shiny little toy for all the boys in this lousy town. They didn't care about her, hardly even knew who her father was before they started spitting out those pathetic attempts at flirting. She wanted a real man, not these teenage boys that thought more with their dicks than their own brains, she knew at this point some of them might not even graduate on time and that part bothered her more than anything else. They were brain dead, zombies to the stereotype of the average American teen and she was disgusted...but him. She just knew something was different about him.

That Lexus meant he had money, those clothes meant that he had class, and the fact he took his job so seriously was a huge green flag that he was a highly educated man that knew his worth. He was perfect and the fact that he was single was also a dead giveaway that she was going to make her move on to be the perfect History teacher of Forks High. She didn't care for the boys that still lived with their parents, the ones that earned allowances, not cheques, and the ones that saw nothing, but a pretty face attached to a great body.

She wanted him and while she thought about the ways to get him, she sat quietly in his class as he talked about what she now knew was the Unification of Italy...that right there just proved her point. She had already taken history, so she was prepared to go over the same stuff as last time, but this was something new. American schools were never known to teach actual history that didn't involve them or their becoming in some sort of way, but he was teaching the history of Italy as she thought.

He cares about his job

And she thought that was so attractive. So very educated of him, and so handsome...she wondered if she would be able to ask him for extra help during lunch next period? He knew her father, and if she asked for enough help then maybe she could go down to the reservation with Jacob and be tutored alongside him.

But Jacob

The child would be in the way, he'd bother her, bother them, and Joshua seemed passionate about his job to the point he wouldn't let mindless chatter distract him from his main job. Sad, it really was sad, and she wondered if there was any way for her to get him along enough to have him talk to her like a person...not a student.

"But, Mr. Kim," Angela had raised her hand, a breath of confusion leaving her throat as she ran her fingers over the photo of the late Queen, "Was the Queen really a man? Or was that just a type of defamation because of their ethnicity at the time?" She was confused, homosexuality was always kept on the down low in history.

"He was a beauty isn't he." He could only grin to himself but of course he would be the only one to know the real reason as to why that is, "King Aspen was quite the homo in his days. The entire Roman army was a bit gay if I do say so myself." He remembered coming across Alexander the 'great' and his crew of homos that couldn't last long without their dear wives by their sides.

"Real gay." A boy laughed, though mostly everyone either signed, or chuckled along. History was a bit gay considering what they find socially accepted now was much different from back then. That was one thing Joshua and the Cullen's could say was so interesting about their long lives. The vampires hadn't lived if Joshua, but they lived long enough to see women and races alike become somewhat more equal than they earlier were Jasper, Joshua and Carlisle being the main ones to testify that. Humans could make change when they saw it helping them.

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