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"Was this her?" She pulled out blurred picture after picture, shoving them into the face of her husband that rested on his 'bed' in the living room. He was tired, his back was hurting, and he was downright starving from the woman neglecting to cook for him since he couldn't be trusted to do it himself. It was exhausting just being around him, but who would trade their hot wife for someone less hot? "Or her?"

"I don't know." He groaned, rubbing his eyes. He was having a tough time sleeping with the woman stomping around and tossing things around trying to find stuff. Did she really have to ask him questions int the middle of the night when he had to get up for work? "All these pictures are blurry.

"That doesn't matter, I know what their faces look like! You just need to look at the outfit and say if this is her or not! Do you wish to go to jail?"

"Jail? I'm not the one that killed those people. You are, there should be no reason I'll get in trouble with you!" Agitated he challenged her a bit, "what if I were to head down to the police station and rat your ass out, you think I'll behind bars with you?" He could see her back down a bit, but when she had ever just let a person win, there was only one person who had the one up on her and she'll be damned if there were two.

"Might be less time, but yes. You fool, don't you think I don't document everything I do? You going out to get those files for me, documented, you are helping to hide a few bodies, documented, and you choosing this girl for me will be documented also. If I go down, then so do you bitch, now tell me the outfit of the girl that got you those files." Once again, she shoved the phone into his face, the colors of the outfit being visible but the face almost unrecognizable. It seemed these photos were taken at a school setting, so he flipped through a bunch before picking some random picture of some redhead.

"You sure that's her?"

"If it isn't wouldn't you still go down the line until you find her?" He couldn't see her face, so he wasn't positive it was completely her, but then again, the girl was wearing a mask when she chatted with him. He had nothing to go off except her style of clothing.

"Yeah but getting it right the first time will lessen the load." The picture he had chosen was of some random girl she had never seen before. The girl wasn't that pretty, but she was slowly gaining popularity as she spent time with another redhead he had bypassed. If she was the one, then she had nothing to worry about after she got rid of her.

"Do me a favor and go get me my shit. Don't fuck it up either." Keys and a stack of money were tossed onto his chest. "Terrance Lahote, you better bring my change back or that's your ass." She left it at that, and for a few moments he laid back on the couch to just sit and think about what he was going to do next. He was already so deep, might as well go deeper and see what happens.


She looked suspicious walking around in all black. Her red hair stood out and drew attention as she walked the tiny little shopping center of La Push. It was filled with shirtless teen boys, and girls that wore the missing shirt of said boys to cover their swimming suits. It was nothing like what she wore, black skirt, black button up top, and Mary Janes, so it wasn't surprising to think she didn't come here because of the beach not even a mile away from the busy little area. She didn't want to stop and talk to anyone; she was on a mission and even with the smell of blood wafting all tantalizing underneath her nose. They all smelt divine but maybe that was the hunger that was getting to her.

"Looking for something? Cause I don't think I've seen you around before." A boy, teen, hell might've even been a grown man with the way his muscles rippled under his shirt tapped upon her shoulder. Stopping herself in mid step, she turned to look at him. Black hair, brown hair, and deliciously tanned skin was what drew her eyes towards him. He smelt like grass, freshly cut grass and she couldn't help but twirl a strand of hair between her fingers.

"Yeah, new here." She looked around the busy shopping center, "you see a Terrence Lahote around here? My car is down, and I need someone to fix it up for me." It was exactly right outside the border of La Push, she was hoping to get the man on the other side of the county line so that she could set him up, but she wondered how she was going to do that when Carlisle didn't even tell her where to find him.

"Terrence? You're looking for him?" He seemed upset, a little disappointed that she wasn't looking for him, but what could he possibly do. "If it's a car you need fixing, I'm sure I can help instead...I could even do it free of charge since your new to the area and all." The way he bit his lip made her think for a second. Would it really hurt to have him do it instead? Sure, it wasn't 'her' car that needed fixing, but it was a car, nonetheless.

"Could you really fix it?" She batted her lashes; this boy was truly attractive and whether he was older or not didn't help in the slightest. She quite liked older men, but if he was just a bit younger, she wouldn't be too bothered by it.

"Yeah, names Jacob. Jacob Black, do you mind me asking for yours?" His fingers twitched, and his eyes flickered down to her lips before snapping back up to her eyes.

"Evangeline Kim, I'm staying with my cousin and might need someone to show me around this place since he's so busy himself." This would be the perfect chance to drain him dry, but she felt no desire to kill him. Better yet, turning him into a vampire sounded so much more appealing than just drinking his blood. "Would you be upset if I asked that of you?"

"Not at all." He looked around, removing his eyes just for a second before taking her waist and pulling her in close, "I'll gladly show you around, luck me that your cousin is a busy body." No fresh out of school, and in his arms is the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Bella couldn't compare when it came to staring at this beauty. She might've been pale, but she wasn't Bella pale...she looked quite healthy compared to the latter.

"You and me both. Evangeline Kim." She winked, "but my car still needs fixing." She removed herself from his hold, "aren't you going to fix it for me like you promised?" She felt like a young teen again, batting her lashes, and baby talking this man like a needy girlfriend trying to gain the attention of her boyfriend after so long of not having it. If this was what it was like being interested in a person, then she wasn't so upset about her dead fling James anymore. Her feelings for him were long gone at this point.

"Yeah." All out of breath he held himself back to kissing her right then and there after seeing her lick her lips so seductively. "Though we might get to stop by Terrence so that I can borrow some tools." Even if he didn't want to take her there, he had to if he wanted to help her. He didn't have his truck on him which meant that the tools he did have weren't on him.

"That's fine, I won't mind if you won't." But of course, Evangeline was willing, she was more than happy for the boy to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her along the shopping center where boys and girls alike stared at the unusual duo. While she didn't plan to bring an extra body, she was sure that she could still bag Terrence even if he was tagging along with her. Extra eyes would do nothing but make her plan flow more smoothly at the end of the day.


Bet ya'll weren't expecting me to drop two chapters at once!!! And for those who guessed /Suggested Victoria was going to get with Jacob you got what you wanted/asked for! I couldn't help but give Jacob his little Imprint since Bella isn't.


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