There was a small couch big enough for 3 people to sit so Jimin, Jin and Tae sat down on it while the tops stood behind the couch touching them every now and then to assure them that they were safe.

The officer took a small chair by the side of Kwon's bed and sat on it.

"Since we are all here, let's begin the questioning shall we?"the officer asked as he was given a given a notepad filled with questions for the both of them.

"Let's start with you Mr. Kwon. I'll get straight to the point...why did you kidnap Mr Tae on the night of the event?"the officer asked looking at Kwon in the eye.

"Isn't it obvious? I just wanted him for myself. I have always wanted him even when he was working for me but the little slut always refuse my advances"Kwon said with a low voice staring at Tae with lust making Tae shift uncomfortably with his stare.

Jungkook wanted to pluck Kwon's eyes out because of the way he looking at Tae. But there's nothing he can do other than to wait, he didn't want to be violent like last time.

Now that I think about it, Tae has never told me why he left Kwon's company. In details Jungkook thought.

"Stop staring at him like that you sick fuck"Jimin said with gritted teeth. He didn't like the way he was staring at Tae.

No one did.

But Kwon simply ignored him.

The officer sighed and asked Minho the same question.

"I didn't help Kwon for his selfish and disgusting desires, I just wanted Jungkook..period"Minho arrogantly.

"You disrespectful fucker"Kwon spited out and the officer shut him up.

"Enough Mr Kwon, we are here strictly for questioning not to listen to you curse"the officer said already irritated with his attitude.

"Mr. Minho, by wanting Mr Jeon what do you mean?"Minho was asked again.

"I just wanted him for myself. I wanted his attention and most importantly his money. I was in some debt that I needed to clear up and Jungkook was the best option for me" Minho confessed looking at Jungkook.

"Fucking golddigger"Jungkook cursing at Minho with disgust in his voice and Minho chuckled lowly.

Tae was shaking with fear at the unwavering stare Kwon kept giving you him. Kwon noticed his fear and thought of making it worse.

"I have always wanted Taehyung ever since he came for an interview in my company few years ago. That perfect  body with his soft baby skin and I just-"he was smirking evilly at tae's shaking form until Tae stood up from the couch and ran out.

"Taehyung!!"Jin and Jimin exclaimed loudly before running after him.

"You are a fucking pedophile, you know that!!??"Jungkook yelled in anger before leaving the room to find Tae.

Namjoon stood up in fury ready to punch his fucked up face but Yoongi was faster.


A heavy blow landed on Kwon's face making him have a bleeding nose.

"Fucking bastard"Yoongi yelled loudly.

Kwon just simply laughed at his anger. Every single officer, even Minho was disgusted at his behavior.

"He's such a weakling"Kwon said laughing loudly like a maniac.

"Mr. Kim, please take Mr. Min outside so that he can calm down"the officer asked Namjoon as Yoongi was about to launch at Kwon again.

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