I had Harry Styles child - just a little nervous

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"Christina said she's going to meet me here, before I leave with her and Eddie, to meet you guys, wherever you guys are going to be. She wants to talk to the wedding planner. Make sure the wedding planner is a person we can trust." Alexa told me, as she laid down in bed.

"That's alright. Needs to get out of Holmes Chapel for a while does she?" I asked, as I turned the light off and walked over to our bed and Alexa snuggled up to me, I kissed her head.

"Awesome. Yeah she does. Night Harry." Alexa said, kissing me good night, I kissed her back.

"Good night Alexa." I said, dozing off to sleep.

Alexa's POV

"You nervous?" I asked Harry, as we wait in the waiting room at the hospital.

It's been a week since Christina and I confirmed Harry, that she will be coming with me to Washington, D.C. Harry and I are now at the hospital, obviously, I'm about to go in for my monthly ultra sound, and Harry is with me!! I'm so excited, I guess because we get to find out what gender the baby is together. Harry looks a bit nervous though. I know it's not because there's fans around, there aren't any, as I get special appointments, although there are a few other patients, but they're about twenty years older than Harry and I.

"A little. Just it's my first time being hospital with you, getting an ultra sound to our second child. Also finding out what the gender the baby is." Harry answered, holding my hand.

I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. Oh by the way, I'm feeling so much better!! All of the Directioners who were mean to me or anyone of the girlfriends, or anyone in the band and the families, have been apologized to. Also last week, I was shopping at a local supermarket, and some of the fans saw me and said their apologies, I told them I forgive them and we had a little chat too. I know they didn't notice anything about my body, the baby bump, thank the Lord for that.

"Alexa White?" Doctor Trenner asked as he walked into the waiting room.

Harry and I got up and walked to Doctor Trenner's office. Yes he has his office where he takes ultra sounds too. Harry looked a little bit less worried, as we got in. I sat up on the bed, Harry sat down next to me, in the chair next to the bed. Doctor Trenner came to me and lifted up my shirt, getting the goo thingy and put some on my belly, and put the ultra stick thingy on my belly. Don't judge me, I don't know what they are called, and I probably won't remember what the equipment are, if I even learnt what they are. Once all the three of us saw the baby on the screen, I heard Harry gasp, I looked at him, he smiled.

"You want to hear your baby's heartbeat?" Doctor Trenner asked Harry and I, we both nodded.

Doctor Trenner pressed a button, so we could here the baby's heartbeat. Sounded like a healthy baby, my doctors' have taught me to identify if the baby has a healthy or unhealthy heartbeat. Harry held my hand and kissed it, I lightly blushed, he noticed and winked at me. I lightly giggled and smiled at him. Harry looked back at the screen, in a 'awe' moment, just watching our baby. Doctor Trenner was watching mine and Harry's reaction, especially Harry's, he's happy and smiling at us.

"Since Harry is here today, would you like to know the gender of your baby." He asked.

I looked at Harry, I knew we wanted to, but I just wanted to make sure. Harry nodded, smiling at me. Just before Doctor Trenner told us, I felt Harry slightly tense and held his breath, I lightly shook my head. Why so nervous babe? I am, but not as much, I guess I gotta give it to him, it is his first time finding out what gender our next child is going to be.

"It's..." Doctor Trenner started, slightly teasing Harry and I with the answer.

"Honey we're home!!" I screamed, as Harry and I walked into the house.

I had Harry Styles child -prologue-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora