They having a good time laughing and cracking joke for while away time. They talked about different things men usually talk about:sports, games, music etc. It was quite nice.

"So Jungkook, tell us how has your relationship with Tae being?"Hobi asked drinking his whiskey. Namjoon and Yoongi nodded their head in interest to know too.

Jungkook took a sip of his whiskey before saying,"it's going great hyung. We may not have been together for long but everytime I'm with him, I feel like known him for a very long time".

They all nodded at him smiling at his words. He looked really in love with Tae and they were sure he was in good hands.

"He looks really cute when he smile his boxy smile, his giggles beautiful melodies are music to my ears, he looks cute when he's trying to be angry or be serious, he does this cute dance when he's eating a delicious food, and-" he got cut off by a cough from Yoongi.

"Whipped"Yoongi coughed out smirking. Jungkook looked at Namjoon who was looking at him in surprise.

"Wow, I feel like I haven't been loving Jin enough" Namjoon said surprised and they all chuckled."I didn't expect this reply from you Jungkook but I'm happy. I'm happy you are back to your old self again"Namjoon said smiling.

"Yeah I'm happy too"Yoongi said too smiling."Thanks guys"Jungkook thanked them.

"I'm bored, let's go play some games. Too much emotions"Hobi said suddenly. They laughed a little because they had forgotten about him.
Back at the mall, Jimin, Jin and y/n have been dragging Jungkook all over the mall with a lot clothes in hand.

"Guys, I think we've bought enough". "Let's go home"Tae whined like a baby.

"No way in hell we are doing that. It's not even 12:00am yet"y/n exclaimed with her hands in the air.

"Yeah. We've only both a few things" Jimin said looking around the mall.

"A few thing!!?? Hyung, you are holding 6 different bags filled with clothes, sneakers and jewelries, same as Jin hyung and y/n and I only have 3!!??"Tae exclaimed in horror at Jimin.

"Tae calm down, we won't max your man's card if that's what you are worried about"Jin said calmly.

"Yeah and besides we still have to buy suits for you guys and a gown for me you know"y/n said softly.

"I'm sorry guys, I just feel bad about spending his money"tae said biting his lips, frowning.

"Nothing is going to happen so don't worry your head. Now let's go to that shop over there, I can see some gowns for y/n"Jimin said dragging y/n over to the place.

They got in and a very beautiful woman came to meet them.

"Good morning, how can I help you?"she asked with a charming smile.

"Wow, you are gorgeous"y/n exclaimed loudly. Jimin and the other nodded in agreement. The woman blushed and said"thank you very much, I appreciate".

"Yeah, so I need a gown meant for an award event. Do have any recommendations?"Y/n asked smiling.

The lady looked at her up and down and said"I think I have something for you. It most like would suit your body frame, give me a moment".

She left to the back to bring the gown and 2 minutes later she was back with a beautiful peach lace gown and silver heels.

"Wow!!"they all exclaimed eyes wide at the dress. The lady giggled at their reaction and said"try this on". Y/n speechlessly collected the dress and walked to dressing room to change.

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