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Fury's offer echoed in your mind while you worked all day. Bucky and Nat had both come in to visit with the pups, including Edwin whom Bucky was babysitting. Pepper had decided to not bring in Edwin to work again today, since yesterday he seemed adverse to being in an office all day. You had taken a short break for lunch, mainly because you were famished. Alpine had joined for the family meals again, choosing to remain on Bucky's shoulder for the entire duration that he was outside of the bedroom. The antiserum had finished cooking, so both you and Bruce spent a better part of the afternoon loading it up into needles and into the weapons that you had created with Tony. By suppertime you still had half the serum left to be taken care of and both you and Bruce had to be forcefully taken out of the lab to go and eat.
Cloud was getting visibly grumpy, mirroring Bucky who seemed to be getting anxious to go. When you finished with supper you found Bucky, Nat, and Pepper had come into the lab with all of the wolves and Alpine and seemed intent on helping you finish your task. Cloud stood at the door and would growl at anyone who came close to the threshold, seeming to be scaring away any and all Shield agents. Jasper stood beside him, keeping guard, but not as grumpy about it. You knew they missed home, and the comforts that it brought to all of you. Alpine sat on Tony's desk while all of you worked with the serum, and even Tony had rolled up his sleeves to try to get all of the concoction put away.
It was nearly eight o'clock by the time you were done, and you weren't sure if you were spending another night at Shield when Tony clapped his hands together and announced you had twenty minutes to grab your gear, and that everyone was going home. At this announcement Bucky quickly took off his gloves and waited for you to take off yours as well. Nat was already pulling Bruce out of the room, and back to their room. Bucky picked up Alpine and carried him as you led the way back to your room with all of the wolves in tow.
Getting packed up seemed to be easier since Bucky took over by just handing you Alpine and he started taking all of the clothes and throwing it haphazardly into the overnight bag, only leaving the clean clothes in the dresser. You noticed there wasn't much left, and made a mental note that if you did end up having to come back, that you would need to bring extra.
Bucky grabbed the snacks out of the fridge and put them into a reusable bag and carried the bags out while you quickly followed behind him with the rest of the pack, and carried Alpine. He led the way back to the jet and you saw Nat, Bruce, Tony, Anastasia and Edwin were all already buckled in. Bucky threw down the bags and set about strapping in the pack, and Tony closed up the back. You barely sat down and Bucky was buckling you in as well, before he took the seat beside you. You asked where Pepper and Happy were, and Tony told you quickly they took the car back and would meet you all at home.

As soon as the jet landed, there was a flurry of excitement that you weren't prepared for at all. Bucky had unbuckled you while Tony, Bruce, and Nat all unbuckled all the wolves. You tried to pick up the bags, but Bucky quickly took them from you, and just asked you to hold Alpine to bring him back inside.
The moment the back of the jet hatch was opened you saw Steve was waiting on the tarmac with Sam and Seraphina and grinning from ear to ear.
"Steve! Sam!" you waved at them excitedly.
"As soon as Bucky finished helping you in the lab we got a message you were coming home. How's it feel to be done with that for now?" Sam came over with a grin on his face. Steve took one of the bags from Bucky, as though he wanted to feel useful.
"This jerk here was pretty excited to come home. We even had instructions to refill your fridge with strawberries and peaches earlier" Steve chuckled.
"I've been enjoying the fruit in the evening" you quickly admitted as your group started making your way along the tarmac towards the back of the compound doors. "How has everything been here at home?" you quickly asked.
"Too quiet" Sam smirked and opened the door for you to walk through. You whispered a quick thank you and walked through. "I didn't have my girl Melody to spoil, so I've been laying around the living room. Our missions were canceled for the week since Shield is over inundated with Hydra agents already, along with Tony and Steve not having the time to go over mission dockets"
"They will have plenty of time next week" you gave a soft sigh as you walked down the familiar hallway back to your suite. You had noticed while you were walking into the compound that almost all of the snow was gone, and felt hopeful about it. "Honey, did you check in with the architect this week?" you looked over your shoulder at Bucky who broke out into a giant smile.
"I called them today, in fact. The cabin is basically ready for us. They are just putting the furniture back, and painting the walls at this point. By the day of the wedding we should be good to move in for a few weeks" he gave a boyish smile. You arrived at your suite door and you quickly opened it and all of the wolves brushed past you. Cloud went to the back door and whimpered.
"We need the grass" he announced and you nodded understandingly.
"Here you go" you opened the door and left it open, letting in the chill breeze.
"Thank you Luna" Jasper grunted as he rushed by. You could tell the five of them had likely been holding it for a while.
"Wait for me!" Blue exclaimed and rushed to catch up with the larger wolves. You stood at the doorway and watched them for a moment, and the sound of the washer machine being opened caught your attention. You put Alpine up in his cat tree and looked over to see Bucky was already putting clothes into the wash so you didn't have to worry about it.
"I could have done that" you gave him some slight sass.
"Just takes a second, doll" Bucky gave you his flirty grin as he put in all of the darks. Your eyes ticked to Steve who was in your small kitchenette stemming a bowl of strawberries.
"Steve?" you asked, feeling a little confused.
"Bucky texted me last night that this is what you need before bed. Go take a seat" Steve smirked while Sam came over and put his hand in the small of your back and led you away from the open door.
"Come on little mama, Bucky's been setting this up since he left" Sam led you to your couch, and grabbed one of the ornate stuffed pillows and fluffed it before leading you to sit down. You looked at him in surprise, but followed his lead and sat down. "Look at that little belly" he cooed as your shirt stretched over your baby bump.
"I'm a little self conscious of it" you flushed a bit.
"Don't you dare! You've got a little miracle in there" Sam spoke up while Bucky nearly dropped the bag he was standing up to put away.
"I love your little bump. I can't wait for it to get bigger" Bucky left the bag on top of the washer. He made his way over quickly and sat down next to you, while Steve shook his head as though he disagreed with you.
"You've got something we all wish we could have" Steve finally put his two cents in. "I'm just glad Tony put in sound proofing," he added with a smirk. Sam went and took a seat in one of the chairs, while Steve started boiling the water for some of your favorite hot chocolate, and Bucky laid across the couch, putting his head on your lap and turning his face towards you so he could kiss your stomach.
"You asked your best friends over to work in the kitchen?" you giggled, looking pointedly at Steve.
"I volunteered for this job, don't let that jerk tell you any different. You worked hard this week, and we want you to relax before your mama and Uncle Brad and his family get here" Steve said over his shoulder.
"And what did you volunteer for Sam?" you asked, arching one eyebrow.
"I'm here for my girl Melody, our other little mama" Sam chuckled. "She hasn't had one of my rib rubs for a couple of days, and I'm sure she's due."
"You are going to be so loved little one" Bucky whispered to your stomach. "Papa is going to take care of you and your mama" he continued. You giggled and started carding your fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes in contentment for a moment before he started peppering your stomach with kisses again. You sat in companionable silence until the clack of little paws started coming up the balcony stairs and suddenly Melody came in first. She went to grab a drink of water before she made her way to Sam and jumped up on Sam.
"Oh my Sam, my boy, I missed you" she cooed and you repeated it for him.
"There's my girl. Come see me for your rubs" he pulled her more onto his lap and he started rubbing her ribs for her. She made little whimpers in the back of her throat and licked his face as he went. Steve came towards you and Bucky with two mugs and a bowl of strawberries.
"Thank you Stevie" you flushed as he put down the mugs on the coffee table, and handed you the bowl. You quickly started digging in, offering him some but he shook his head and went back to get the other two mugs of hot chocolate that he had made. He quickly came back and set one down in front of Sam, and one in front of the love seat. He then moved towards the record player and turned on some music for all of you to enjoy. You hummed to the oldies suddenly playing in your room, just enjoying the moment. You took a strawberry and popped it into Bucky's mouth, moments before the rest of the pack came back in. Blue looked up to see Alpine back in his cat tree and gave a soft whine before he vaulted himself at you and Bucky. Steve tried to catch him, but he was too quick and he landed on Bucky's stomach.
"The big shadow wolf pack is outside, and they said that they guarded the building for us while we were gone. They said we can play with them tomorrow!" Blue told you excitedly.
"If you behave yourself, pup" Cloud reminded him.
"I'm behaving myself, Cloud" Blue grumbled.
"That means going to bed with us, and not trying to stay up, or whining for extra treats" Snow chipped in.
"But papa has the best treats!" Blue sounded scandalized.
"Baby, where are the treats?" you asked, giggling slightly to yourself.
"I'll get them, you stay here and put your feet up. You worked hard today. Eat your fruits" Bucky gave your stomach another kiss before standing up. He went and got the treats and fed all of the wolves a few, including Melody who didn't get off of Sam's lap for the occasion. He then grabbed the bag of cat treats and fed a few to Alpine. While he was giving out the treats you finished your strawberries and you got up and put the bowl away in the sink before coming back to the couch to drink your hot chocolate.
"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Steve asked after a few minutes, and Bucky had sat down beside you again with his arm over your shoulders.
"I think it's going to be a quiet day in. Since the farmer's market is over the season, I'm not sure what we will do on Sunday" you frowned slightly.
"We should all go to the main living room and watch movies tomorrow. Make a family day out of it. I'll bring all my pillows so you and Melody will be comfortable" Sam offered quickly.
"I'll bring mine too" Steve smiled as Seraphina jumped up onto his lap.
"I was looking on Amazon this week and bought a pregnancy pillow for Y/N, it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I'll be bringing that to see how she does with it" Bucky said with a note of pride.
"You bought me something?" you asked a little excitedly.
"I bought you a few things," Bucky chuckled. "The rest is going to be a surprise," he added with a bit of glee.

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