A positive outcome

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By the time you actually made it to bed, it was later at night than you usually went to bed, but everyone had to be brought outside for the bathroom. Steve, Scott and Thor joined the pack since Jasper and Snow didn't want to go outside at the same time. Steve and Thor carried the pups while Blue confidently led everyone outside. He ran all over the grounds in excitement while the four adults seemed a little more timid. Scott was busy with his phone a majority of the time you were outside, but kept stopping to take pictures of the wolves as they were mildly playing. Bruce, Vision and Tony soon joined with their pups and they all started playing with Blue who had made it his mission to take in all the scents around him. When you finally made it back inside, you had to set up the pack for the night before you could take off your makeup. Steve and Thor thankfully helped with that task, and you escaped into the bathroom for your nightly skincare ritual. Coming out of the bathroom, you saw Bucky was already in the bed with Cloud, Melody and Blue waiting for you and you skipped a little bit as you went to the bed, and curled up to Bucky. He quickly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to lay across his chest. He gave you a soft kiss on top of your head, and you raised your head long enough to receive a kiss on the lips. Blue curled up beside your face on Bucky's chest and quickly went to sleep. You heard him mumbling something about bacon in his sleep before you fell asleep yourself.

"No Blue, you need to let your mama eat" Bucky admonished Blue in the morning. You had gone to breakfast and gotten eggs and bacon with toast again, and Blue was bound and determined he was getting more bacon this morning.
"I don't mind" you cooed to Blue who was up on your lap eating a slice of bacon for every slice you put to your lips.
"You're eating for two doll, he can't just eat table food all the time like this" Bucky frowned slightly.
"I can spare a little" you giggled, feeding Blue another piece, who was more than happy to eat it. Bucky grumbled slightly and got up, heading back to the cafeteria line up and getting another plate of just bacon. When he came back he set it down in front of you, and both you and Blue shared the entire plate quickly. You mumbled a quick thank you before digging in, not forgetting your manners.
"It's good that Loki did that spell on you, you seem to have a heartier appetite than the first day we saw you" Thor smiled looking over.
"Food isn't bothering me, thankfully. Thank you Loki, you are a lifesaver" you directed your smile at Loki who nodded in acknowledgment. You couldn't help but think it was a rather regal nod, but then remembered he is a prince, so it was likely second nature to act that way. "Oh, honey, when is Blue's next vet appointment?" you looked at Bucky quickly, not remembering when it was scheduled.
"Next week, it's for all the pups. One of us is going to stay off missions to make sure they all behave themselves" Bucky looked at Blue meaningfully.
"Perhaps by then you'll be home at the compound again, and can ensure they receive proper care yourself" Loki gave a sly smile.
"That depends on the serum, and if it works or not. We are testing it again today to see if your suspicions are correct" you replied easily.
"I assure you, you're likely going to be home by then" Loki grinned.
"I just moved into my bedroom completely, it's likely going to take me over a week to move back out" you joked.
"I'll get a moving truck" Tony shook his head. "I'll even pay for the movers, but as soon as we can we are going home" he looked at Pepper, as though he was promising her he was coming home.
"What about our jet?" Bruce seemed a little confused.
"We will take the jet, the movers can take a truck. We will beat them home, and they can bring our stuff into our suites. I brought a lot of stuff here too" he admitted.
"That's true, and you've been getting a lot of deliveries" Bruce chuckled a little nervously.
"You got one too Bruce" you reminded him.
"That was from me" Nat gave a broad smile. "I had to send him a care package," she added smoothly.
"He kept it a secret, whatever it was" you giggled a little. You had finished your breakfast and now Blue was licking your plate eagerly with his tail wagging happily. "Looks like someone wouldn't mind diner food if it came down to that ever again" you raked your fingers through his fur.
"It gets old fast" Cloud came over to get his face washed off.
"It's never coming down to that again" Bucky shook his head, speaking at nearly the same time. You had to take a moment to process what they both said and had a blank look on your face for a moment. You finally smiled and leaned over, kissing Bucky on the cheek. He turned his head quickly and puckered his lips expectantly and you gave his lips a quick and chaste kiss.
"We never know what tomorrow brings, my love" you reminded him.
"I know what it's not bringing" Bucky grumbled in response.
"I'm with Buck on that one" Steve agreed with him quickly.
"Besides, you make the best meals," Sam piped up.
"I sometimes miss the burgers though," you admitted. "I've been craving one with extra pickles"
"Maybe we can do that for supper" Tony perked up, suddenly on his phone again. You looked at him in surprise, but you knew that look. He was already in the zone. Pepper stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before both her and Happy left for the day, and Edwin jumped up into the chair beside Tony and gave a bark. That seemed to startle Tony a little bit and he pushed back his chair slightly so that Edwin could jump onto his lap instead. You saw the little hop, and saw that Tony put one hand down around Edwin automatically. You knew one day he would make an amazing father. Even when he is in the zone, he still pays attention to his baby.
"I miss those burgers that you used to bring to us when we were out in the city at night" Pietro hummed a little to himself.
"I know exactly which one's you are talking about," Peter readily agreed.
"I normally got them from the diner on fifth street" you gave a half smile. You jumped at the same moment when Blue let out a small burp.
"Excuse me" Blue quickly excused himself.
"Good boy" you praised him, and he preened under the attention.
"Time for the lab" Tony stood up.
"Are we sure about bringing all the pups into the lab? Maybe they can stay in my room with Snow and Jasper" you bit at your bottom lip unsurely.
"They will be fine, don't worry so much" Tony shook his head.
"He says that, but if the serum shows promising results, we are opening up that cell again" Bruce whispered to you.
"We will take them out if it comes down to that" you gave a grim smile.

When you walked into the lab with Blue and Zora in your arms. Bucky walked past you and took one of the chairs and set it right in front of the glass cell for the Hydra agent. You knew he was showing he wasn't scared of him, but you were worried for the four pups. Tony and Bruce were close behind you, while both Cloud and Melody went and sat on either side of Bucky. The rest of the team had gone to the weapons lab to test out the new gear.
"We should make the scepter for Loki" you set Blue down on the floor who ran to Bucky and looked at the Hydra agent curiously.
"He did help you out quite a bit, I can agree with that" Bruce nodded. "Let's check the serum first," he decided.
"I'll work on the scepter" Tony offered, sitting down at his station with Edwin on his lap. Zora went around the room and sniffed at almost every corner, taking in the large space. Anastasia seemed content to sit at Bruce's feet while he worked. You went and got a sample of the serum, and another vial of blood before bringing it back over to Bruce's station. Bruce quickly administered the serum and you both took turns looking through the microscope. You let out a gasp as you saw the serum looked like it was working. Bruce quickly took over, looking through the microscope and he reached out to hold your hand quickly.
"Update?" Tony called over.
"It's fascinating, it looks like it's working" Bruce answered him, moving so you could take another look. You all heard a menacing growl coming from the glass cell, and Cloud growled straight back. Blue took this as it was his job to growl too and started to growl, but it ended in a howl. He sat with his back to Bucky's leg, and Bucky flexed his arms a little bit, showing he was unbothered. He continued his stare down with the Hydra agent. The Hydra agent let out a bark and Blue jumped back with a whine before he started barking again, once he saw the glass that separated them and kept him safe. The hydra agent banged his fist up on the glass, shaking the wall and you looked over worriedly. Blue let out a whine and ran towards you, clawing at your leg to be picked up, which you did quickly.
"He doesn't like the sound of that," you whispered to Bruce.
"That's too bad for him" Bruce shrugged, picking up a scared looking Anastasia. Zora went to Tony who was already holding Edwin and asked for him to pick her up. Tony did it without a second thought.
"Don't you dare" the hydra agent growled menacingly. "We have an army, you won't be able to fight all of us"
"That's the most he's told us since he got here" Tony said lightly, rocking his two pups.
"Looks like you are going to the raft" you smiled and he started pounding against the glass walls again. You flinched slightly seeing the wall flex, but it didn't break. Bucky sat stoic, seeming to be almost daring him to try to escape. Cloud stood up on all fours and growled, moving to stand in front of Melody in a protective manner.
"We should test on a fresh blood sample" Bruce whispered to you.
"You want to ask him, or should I?" you gave a half smile. You saw one of the lab attendees seemed to flinch at the idea of trying to take blood work again, but you felt braver with Bucky in the room. "Baby..." you started to whisper to Bucky.
"After lunch, I want to be here when you do it. We need to have someone watching the pups when we open the door" Bucky spoke softly, but his words carried over the shaking of the walls, and incessant pounding the hydra agent was doing. You nodded in understanding, knowing he was likely going to ask Steve to be in the room at the same time with one of the new weapons more than likely.
"I can't believe it's going to work" Bruce looked at you relieved. "We can finally go home" he added in a whisper.
"Maybe" Tony seemed to be holding back a little.
"What do you mean maybe?" you looked at him in surprise.  

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