Baking with Wanda

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When you sat down for breakfast you quickly talked to the team about your conversation with Brutus. Tony seemed surprised at the news, and you could see him furiously typing into his phone.
"I'll take a run along the perimeter princessa, and make sure we are safe" Pietro told you quickly.
"Thank you Pietro" you reached over to where he was sitting beside you, and you ruffled his hair. He chuckled and just blew some of the silky tendrils out of his eyes instead of fixing it. "Brutus said he would come and get me if they saw them again, and that they have been monitoring the lands closely as well."
"Stepping away from that conversation, what are you doing with your week off?" Pepper asked while you felt all eyes on the table fell on you and Bucky.
"Are we sure it's time off?" you looked at Tony hopefully.
"I'm just going to be working on my suits, and Bruce has free reign to do what he wants. Although I'm willing to put money on it that he's going to be in the lab" Tony smirked.
"There's an awful lot of tests that were passed with a hundred percent, so I think I'd like to do some baking. The boys have been working so hard, and so has the team" you decided. Peter and Pietro high fived one another quickly in excitement.
"I told you she wouldn't forget us once she had time," Pietro said to Peter, who quickly pulled out his wallet and handed him a five dollar bill with a relieved look on his face.
"Best five buck's I've ever lost" Peter gave a half smile.
"I need to take care of my boys too" you gave a serene smile, while bringing your attention back to your food.
"I'm getting a lot of cameras put in, in the woods and the fence line. Next time you are outside, please let them know" Tony finally looked up from his phone.
"Sure, I'll make sure they know or Cloud will tell them" you replied, and you heard Cloud grunt in agreement. You looked over to see him happily eating his cubed steaks, with nearly half the plate already gone. You suppressed a giggle, and put your attention back on your food. You felt Bucky reach over and put his left hand on your lap and he squeezed your thigh reassuringly, while your thoughts were back on the news that the Hydra soldiers were indeed so close to the compound. You took a bite of your eggs and chewed slowly, and movement caught your eye and you looked over to see Loki hiding one of Thor's poptarts with a mischievous smile on his face. He looked at you and gave a wink before he went back to eating as though he had done nothing wrong. You bit back a giggle and watched curiously as Thor visibly started pouting, and seemed confused that his second poptart was gone. You could see him processing that he didn't actually eat both yet, and his head whipped to turn to look at Loki whose face remained impassive.
"Loki, hand it over" Thor held out his hand. "I know it was you," he added with a grumpy look on his face.
"Whatever are you talking about, brother?" Loki asked innocently.
"My pop tart" Thor added, his voice raising slightly.
"I have no idea what you are talking about" he said lightly, and continued to eat with a slight smirk toying at his lips.
"Loki, do I look to be in a gaming mood?" Thor asked, looking more than a little irritated.
"Loki..." you said, seeing the clear frustration on Thor's face.
"Very well" Loki took the pop tart out from under the dish of eggs where he hid it, and he handed it back to Thor who took it triumphantly and quickly started to eat it, inclining his head to you in thanks. "Oaf" Loki murmured softly to him, and went back to his food.
"Do you need help in the kitchen today? Since there's no lab work, I don't have anything to do" Wanda gave a slight pout.
"I would love some help" you beamed happily. "We can make lots of cookies and treats"
"I'm coming, someone needs to do the heavy lifting" Bucky announced quickly.
"I have my magic, not to worry" Wanda shook her head and Bucky seemed to think about it for a few minutes before he finally nodded in affirmation that he understood.
"I could use some help with moving the furniture in our suite, Bucky. Why don't you come up and give me a hand?" Nat asked quickly, and Bucky gave a fast smile.
"Sure, I'd love that," he quickly agreed.
"We just moved it all around in the spring" Bruce looked at her in surprise.
"And we are moving it again," she shrugged.
"I'll come help so we don't scratch the floors" Steve offered quickly.
"Thank you" Nat agreed quickly.
The rest of the meal seemed to go quickly. The boys gave you and Wanda both a hug before giving Koa and Cedar a kiss, and they ran out the door to go to school. Everyone helped clear out all the dishes, and Bucky made sure to give you a slow, tight hug before he went to follow Nat upstairs with Steve on his heels. You and Wanda made quick work of cleaning up the kitchen and the dishes, working in tandem with one another.

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