Everything as it should be

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News of you being on bedrest traveled around the compound quite quickly, and you weren't getting a moment alone with your loving James as much as you wanted to. The pups also needed to go outside frequently, so Bucky was up and down with them quite a bit. Mama and Billy would come every morning after breakfast, then Steve, Seraphina, the shadow wolf pack and Sam after lunch until supper. In the evening Wanda would come over. When it was time for bed, the entire pack congregated in the bedroom, including the new pups.
When you woke up the following Monday morning, you were nearly at your limit. Even Bucky to be in the same boat with you. He took out the pups while you went to do your business in the bathroom before returning back to the bed and laying down on your side and rubbing your belly. You had kept waking up most of the nights with small pains, but you wrote it off as growing pains. You had plenty of stretch marks on your skin, that since discovered, Bucky had made a habit of kissing them lovingly when you complained about them. You felt something weird and the bed suddenly felt wet. You looked down and you were hit with a strong pain again.
"Oh shit" you said, realizing your water just broke. Bucky was still outside and you knew you had to get to the lab as soon as possible. You forced yourself off of the bed and you started waddling yourself to the balcony door.
"Baby" you called to Bucky, a hint of urgency in your voice.
"What's wrong?" he clued in quickly, calling from the bottom of the stairs.
"I made a mess," you told him loudly, embarrassed.
"Don't worry doll, I'll come up and clean it up" he assured you. "I'll just be a minute," he added. You felt another flash of pain and you let out a cry. He ran up the steps three at a time and looked at you holding your stomach and looking like you were in pain. You were trying to breathe through the pain, and he looked shocked.
"Get the pups" you growled.
"Is it time?" he asked, seeming dumbfounded.
"Get the fucking pups!" you cried out as the pain wouldn't stop. He jumped over the side of the balcony and landed on his feet at the bottom. He grabbed the four pups and the rest of the pack ran up after him. You groaned and hit your knees as the pain finally relaxed a little bit. Bucky set down the pups and then picked you up and waited for the pack all to come in.
"Mama!" Blue said, seeming scared.
"You're about to meet your little sister," you warned him in your mind. "We need to clean the bedding" you said out loud.
"I need to get you to the medical bay" he ignored you.
"No, I don't want anyone to see it," you said worriedly.
"Medical bay doll, I'll clean it up after," he promised as he hurriedly carried you through the whole suite and he broke out into a sprint as he hurried down the hallway towards the medical bay.
"The bed is soaked" you said in shame.
"Doc!" Bucky yelled, ignoring you as he got closer to the medical office. "Doc, you gotta help!" he said, a note of panic in his voice. People that were in the hallways stopped to watch in shock as the super soldier nearly broke the automatic doors to get in.
"Bucky?" Doctor Cho asked, coming out of her office. "What happened?" she asked, and then she looked at you with a note of shock on her face. "We need her in a medical gown" she took over, realizing what was going on. Bucky set you on your feet and quickly undressed you before he put the medical gown on you. He then picked you up again and put you on the delivery table in the center of the room that had been waiting for you. You felt the pain again and cried out, grabbing Bucky's hand and rubbed your other hand over your stomach.
"Doll, I'm right here" Bucky promised.
"Let me check you" Doctor Cho waited until you were done crying out and you had fallen back onto the bed in exhaustion. She pulled up the gown and put transmission gel on your stomach and checked to see that Rebecca was heading in the right direction. "You look almost 40 weeks, which means she's not too premature" she decided with a bit of relief in her voice. She cleaned off your stomach and put your feet into stirrups and got down between your legs and checked you. "How long have you been having contractions?" she asked. When you hesitated she frowned. "The pain," she explained.
"Since last night" you said in a small voice. "I thought it was growing pains" you added.
"You're almost fully dilated," she said softly. "Which means your little Rebecca Rose is on her way" she warned you. You cried out as you were hit with another sharp pain and you pulled on Bucky's hand.
"Bucky, I need to call in my team. We don't have much time. You need to change" she directed him to the scrubs waiting to the side. He quickly went to change after you finished screaming, and came back to hold your hand. Doctor Cho picked up her phone and said it was a code red and she needed all hands on deck.
"James, if I don't make it you got to make sure that the wolves that survive live long lives. You also have to take care of Rebecca Rose" you said, feeling scared to your core. "Make sure she knows her whole family" you said as tears went down your face.
"People have been having babies for thousands of years, you're going to be okay" he said with a soft smile.
"Promise me" you demanded.
"I promise. I'll raise her at the cabin and retire to focus solely on her" he promised. "I'll raise the pack and I'll always take care of the wolves" he brushed back your hair. "You can't leave me yet, mate" he said lovingly. "We've just barely started," he kissed your sweaty forehead.
"Where's my pack?" you asked as you started to get hit with another contraction.
"They can't be in here" Doctor Cho warned you.
"I need my Cloud" you said, afraid of what was happening.
"I'll get you Cloud" Bucky promised.
"No wolves in here while she's delivering" Doctor Cho tried to argue.
"Your crew ain't here yet. They've bonded the longest. Let her have him for a few minutes" Bucky sassed her. He opened the door and the entire pack was at the door waiting eagerly.
"Mama!" Blue ran in without notice. "You're in pain" he said as he put his front paws on the bed and looked up like he wanted to jump up.
"I'm here pup" Cloud came in and jumped up in Bucky's chair. Doctor Cho huffed a little and started taping medical equipment to you.
"You need to take care of Bucky and the pack," you told him.
"On my life, I will," he vowed.
"Bond yourself to the baby as she's being born in case I don't make it" you spoke through your mind.
"I won't do that. You'll be fine pup" Cloud told you softly. "I know you're scared, but you've been through this twice through the bond. You're going to be okay" he assured you.
"How do you know?" you asked as another contraction hit and you cried out. Blue whimpered and jumped up on the bed and curled into you until the pain passed. Bucky had gone to your other side and held your other hand so you didn't hurt anyone.
"Because you are strong, and your baby is strong" Cloud said once the pain passed. Your face was wet with tears and sweat.
"Mama, don't be scared. Papa is here to scare all the monsters away" Blue said, only feeling your fear in the bond and not understanding it.
"Yes Blue, Papa will always scare all the monsters away" you kissed him on top of his head. "Mama needs a break now" Bucky picked up Blue who howled in indignation. Cloud licked your cheek and Bucky led them out. When he opened the door again, mama was standing there as was most of the team and the rest of the wolves from the compound, along with little Alpine and Billy. He gave them a quick smile and ran back in.
You had quite a few more contractions, they were coming closer together and staff started coming in quickly. You held Bucky's right hand tightly and he never made a comment about how tight you were holding him.
"Okay, you're fully dilated" Doctor Cho checked. "It's showtime. Start pushing" she instructed.

A few hours later Bucky emerged from the medical bay with tears in his eyes, holding Rebecca Rose with a full head of chestnut brown locks on her head. She was swaddled in a pink blanket and she seemed to be sleeping.
"Everyone, meet our daughter," Bucky said proudly. "Rebecca Rose Barnes" he cooed, looking down at her lovingly.
"She's beautiful," mama said, completely in awe. "And Y/N?" she asked expectantly.
"In the regeneration machine. She's exhausted. I think she spent too much time thinking she was going to die" Bucky seemed hesitant to let mama take Rebecca from his grasp. He just wanted to keep holding her tightly to him.
"I knew she would be fine" mama grinned, taking the baby and holding her proudly. "I went through the same thing when I had her," she admitted. "Billy was very cross; he couldn't be there with me," she smiled at the memory.
"In our next life" Billy told her gently.
"Yes, in our next life" she agreed.
"She looks just like you" Steve came over looking over mama's shoulder.
"No, she looks like Y/N" Bucky smirked. "Look at those cheekbones," he added.
"We did hear her rebel yell" Sam chuckled.
"Music to my ears" Bucky laughed. "Y/N's too," he added. Rebecca woke up and started crying immediately, and mama handed her back to Bucky. "I need to get back to my wife, she'll have my hide" he chuckled as he turned and went back into the room.
"You're next" Tony looked at Wanda with a grin who's cheeks went pink.
"Hopefully not as quick" Wanda said in response.
"And then it's my turn," Pepper sighed softly.
"Actually next is my turn," Nat grinned. "We got approved for the adoption for a baby girl."
"I'm taking all the females on the team off missions" Tony went to consult with his phone. "We are a growing family after all," he added.
"I want to see my Y/N" Melody said, while Snow and Jasper were whining at the door. Cloud was standing back, but they could tell he wanted nothing more than to be let in the room again. Alpine and Blue were standing back, watching the door closely. One of the nurses opened the door to say something, but the pack ran past her and went in to see you. To them, even a few hours apart felt like an eternity. There was no fighting them, and Doctor Cho didn't have it in her to say anything.
When they got in the small room with the regeneration machine, the machine cover was still open and your face was red from exertion. You were sitting on Bucky's lap feeding Rebecca Rose and they all crowded around you to see the new baby up a little closer. They let out soft howls in celebration and both you and Bucky chuckled. It was music to your ears. Rebecca didn't even stir, but continued to feed off of you. Everything was as it should be. 

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