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You just weren't ready to let go of Bucky yet after the doctor's appointment, and instead of letting Tony and Bruce know you were done, the two of you snuck back to your suite so he could get ready for his mission. You sat on the bed holding Alpine who was purring loudly at the attention. You watched the closet door closely to wait for Bucky to come back out, and when he did he was fully dressed for his mission and he frowned slightly, tugging at the leather halter for his knives.
"What's wrong, doll?" he asked in a hushed tone coming over to the bed and sitting down beside you.
"What if we just ran away?" you moved closer to him and he put his arm over your shoulders.
"Where do you want to go?" he asked, not even questioning leaving. All he knew is he would follow you to the ends of the earth if you wanted to. He knew you were worried about him being in the field and wished he could take your worry away.
"Anywhere, as long as it's with you and the pack" you sighed.
"We have the money," he shrugged. "Should I go take this off?" he asked with a half smile.
"You know I wish we really could" you sighed again.
"I'd go with you if you asked me to" he leaned down and kissed you on the side of your head. "It's not even a question"
"Just be careful on your missions this week" you asked him imploringly.
"I have a family to come back to, of course I will. Make sure you don't take off your engagement ring, I don't want any of those Shield agents getting the wrong idea," he kissed the side of your head again. Your phone started ringing, but you declined it. Bucky's phone started ringing almost immediately after and he grimaced and hit the ignore button.
"I know I have to go," you groaned, and leaned more into his firm body.
"Come on, I'll walk you to the jet" his lips sought out yours in a lingering kiss. You smiled against his lips, wondering if you would ever stop feeling butterflies every time he kissed you, and you rubbed your nose against his for a moment.
"I love you, James Buchanan Barnes," you whispered.
"I love you too, Y/N and future Mrs. Barnes," he whispered back. "Put Alpine down on the bed, he will be fine" he grinned and you both gave Alpine a kiss on either side of his head that he gave a small meow for. You finally set Alpine down on the bed and gave him a soft pat on top of the head. Bucky reached down and picked you up making you feel weightless and you gave a soft giggle while wrapping your arms around his neck. He carried you out the door, towards the back tarmac where Cloud was waiting by the back door with Clint, Nat, Steve, Tony and Bruce.
"You two couldn't answer the phone?" Tony looked a little disgruntled.
"We needed a minute" Bucky dropped his head to nuzzle you slightly with his beard.
"How is the baby?" Nat asked with a glimmer in her eyes.
"Good, they are a little bigger than normal" you admitted the news Doctor Cho had given you.
"They are half supersoldier" Bruce seemed to be deep in thought. "It's going to be a fascinating pregnancy"
"Come on pup, say your goodbyes to your mate" Cloud barked at you.
"Cloud says it's time to go" you whispered to Bucky who audibly groaned.
"Cloud is right, both jets are waiting on us" Tony clapped his hands together and looked at you both expectantly.
"You need to go gear up," Steve reminded Bucky.
"Steve" Bucky had a pained expression on his face.
"He's right" you slid out of his arms, and he gracefully set you down on your feet.
"Come on" Tony tried pulling Bruce away, who was holding Nat's hand tightly.
"Be safe on your missions this week, gingersnap" Bruce pulled Nat in for a soft kiss on the lips. When he pulled away, he had a smear of red on his lips, and Nat reached up with her thumb to try to rub it off. You followed their lead and leaned up and kissed Bucky softly on the lips. He grabbed you by the hips and lingered at your lips longer than usual, seeming to be just enjoying the intimate contact.
"Be safe for me" you whispered, pulling away.
"I have a family to get back to" he whispered back. Cloud came over and head butted you in the hip and you bit your bottom lip moving to the side. Cloud sat down in front of Bucky and he gave a soft grin before getting down on his knees and pressing his forehead against Cloud's.
"Stay safe, mate" Cloud gave a soft growl, and you repeated it for him.
"I'll be safe. Watch my mate for me" Bucky gave Cloud a kiss on the forehead and stood back up.
"Let's get this show on the road. I want to come home too" Tony sighed, and you nodded before following him with Bruce and Cloud on your heels. You could feel Bucky's eyes watching you closely until you went out the door and headed towards the jet.

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