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Bucky woke up before you in the morning and pulled you in close, your naked body molding perfectly to his. He hummed happily, feeling satisfied with the outcome of last night. He knew if you weren't already pregnant, you would be after last night. He leaned down and kissed you softly on the top of the head. You moaned happily in your sleep and turned in his arms and nuzzled into his chest more. He gave you another kiss, waiting patiently for you to wake up. An alarm went off on his phone and he tilted slightly in the bed to reach back and get it and looked at the screen. It was a picture from Steve showing Blue outside with a light sheet of snow on the ground. He was surprised to see there was snow. He looked towards the blinds, and remembered he had closed them last night for the extracurricular activities.
"How's he doing?" Bucky texted him.
"He loves the snow," Steve wrote back. "They've been playing for an hour. Sam is out here with us too. You want to join us, jerk?"
"Not this morning, I've got some cuddling to do" Bucky wrote back with a grin and you moaned in your sleep again. He quickly put his phone away, and pulled you in closer. He started peppering the top of your head with kisses to wake you up.
"I'm awake" you sighed happily, your eyes slowly blinking open.
"Good morning beautiful" Bucky nearly purred to you. You reached up and wiped the sleepy dust out of your eyes. "Bed or the wall?" he asked, already planning on making love to you again.
"I need a shower" you giggled, pulling away from him.
"I can work with a shower" he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
"We need to make an appearance today, and besides, Sam and Steve can't keep babysitting" you giggled again.
"I already told you the terms of me being off work" his voice went husky.
"You can wait until later, I'll save my shower for tonight then" you sighed and wriggled off of the bed. Bucky's hands went to your hips and pulled you back to him and you giggled again.
"Give me my good morning kiss" he demanded softly. You put your knees on either side of his hips and leaned down, brushing your lips against his in a lingering kiss. His tongue swept past your lips and you hummed into the kiss. "It snowed," he told you as you pulled back from the kiss. He turned and grabbed his phone to show you the picture of Blue playing in the snow.
"I missed his first time in the snow?!" you pouted.
"You haven't fully missed it if you hurry, you can get changed and meet him outside" Bucky saw you were a bit put out, and decided he could put away his hunger for you until later. You quickly got off the bed and ran into the closet, and he followed you in. You put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a pink t-shirt and a dark blue sweater before grabbing your black boots and tying them on. Bucky passed you your leather jacket while he put on a pair of black jeans and a black sweater. He didn't bother with a jacket since his body normally ran pretty warm, and he quickly put on his black boots. You quickly made a beeline for the balcony door and swung it open to see the winter wonderland outside. There was still snow falling, and there was a sheet of snow covering the grounds and the balcony. Even your swing was covered in snow. Bucky quickly followed you as you raced down the stairs, nearly slipping. He quickly grabbed you, his heart in his throat and you said a quick thank you before you finished descending the stairs.
"Mama!" Blue saw you and started running towards you. The entire pack was playing in the snow, while Sam and Steve had them under their watchful eyes. You scooped down to catch Blue and picked him up. "The snow is so pretty!" he gave a quick howl.
"How was your sleep baby boy?" you asked him, cuddling him close for a moment.
"Uncle Steve gave me candy before bed, and all the pups took up most of the bed" he barked. You giggled and gave him a kiss on top of the head. "Papa!" he barked for Bucky and you handed Bucky, Blue.
"Good morning" he chuckled to Blue who whimpered and wriggled in his grasp. He finally set him down after a few minutes and Blue went running back to Steve and Sam who were with the pups.
"Good morning" Steve waved as you and Bucky made your way over. "I thought you were too busy, ya jerk" Steve chuckled.
"Y/N wanted to see the pack" Bucky flushed a bit, but smirked having gotten caught.
"I bet you wanted to see something else," Sam teased.
"That I did" Bucky didn't mince words, and was honest about it at least.
"He's seen plenty, this is important" you cooed to the pups as they played on the grounds.
"You should have seen Seraphina last night, she cuddled right into me" Steve grinned proudly.
"I think it's almost time for her to move in," you sighed regretfully.
"I'm going to start ordering stuff online for her arrival" Steve took out his phone while Sam threw the stick for Melody and Cloud. You gave a slight shiver due to the brisk wind while the snow continued to fall down. Bucky wrapped his arms around you tightly and gave the side of your neck a kiss.
"I'm getting cold," Sam shivered.
"I'm not cuddling you" Bucky barked a laugh. You nuzzled back into him some more and he rewarded you with another kiss.
"I might run out today to get myself a new pair of gloves" he decided.
"I forgot to get a pair of gloves and a hat" you mused. "Bucky needs them too" you realized.
"Order it online, the less you are out the easier it is on my heart" Bucky murmured into the back of your head.
"Fine, grumpy pants" you sighed. "I'll do that after breakfast"
"Which is soon," Sam looked at his watch pointedly. "We should be heading in"
"But we just got here," you pouted.
"It's not our fault you two slept in" Sam chuckled.
"No, that's likely Bucky's fault" Steve grinned, and you flushed a bit.
"No, it's my own. I should have set an alarm. I didn't know it was supposed to snow today" you shivered slightly.
"Back inside" Bucky pulled back and grabbed your hand.
"Oh I'm starving" Melody ran towards the stairs.
"That's my woman," Cloud said proudly.
"Mama, I want to play," Blue barked at you.
"Time to go inside for a bit" you told him kindly and you could tell he was pouting. Bucky led you back to the stairs and you turned around to see the entire pack was indeed following you, along with Sam and Steve. You headed in through the balcony door off of your living room while Steve and Sam went in through Steve's place. You had to wait a few minutes for the entire pack to make their way in. You grabbed one of the dirty towels and wiped each of them down as they came in, to avoid a wet floor and wet furniture. You took off your jacket and put it over the back of the couch before following Bucky straight through to the dining room.

For breakfast instead of coffee or tea, there was hot chocolate offered and you hummed happily at the sweet treat to go with your meal. Everyone seemed pleased and Tony announced that everyone was going to be on site tomorrow. You sighed in relief, knowing most people would be in the gym, but it would ease Steve and Bucky's stir craziness. You finished eating quickly, and headed back to your suite to sit in the living room for the rest of the day, only leaving for meals and to take the wolves outside. The snow storm lasted most of the day, resulting in some deep snow drifts and you were worried about the pups getting lost in them. Blue had fun zipping in and out of them. You sent Clint, Pietro and Peter a text message telling them you wanted to see them when they got home. You then texted Tony that you needed the machine tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on when everyone got home. You knew it was almost time for the pups to go to their new homes, and you needed to let Snow tell them about her decision so they had time to prepare.
Bucky went and pulled out the wedding book and started flipping through it to double check everything.
"We need to rethink the wedding with the snow outside" he seemed to be deep in thought.
"It's a bit early for snow to be honest" you frowned. "But you're right," you sighed.
"What if we talk to Tony and have it here at the compound? The wedding is small enough we can fit everyone in the living room, and we can just take the truck to the cabin. Maybe your mama and uncle Brad can watch the pack for a couple of days while we enjoy our honeymoon" he suggested, pulling you to lay back against him more. You laid more on the couch and thought about it for a few minutes, running your hand up and down his thigh slowly.
"Do you think Tony would agree to it?" you asked, your voice a bit hushed.
"It doesn't hurt to ask him," he shrugged. "It's not like we can find a venue this late in the game, and I can't really go in public"
"He has compound B just next door that he usually uses for parties" you hummed to yourself. "Maybe if we ask nicely..." you trailed off.
"I'm texting him" Bucky whipped out his phone quickly. He got a response almost immediately and grinned to himself. "He said whatever we needed"
"Now we just need to plan on how we are going to decorate it," you sighed to yourself.
"We will still go with the original plan, we just have more to decorate, that's all" he seemed to be looking at this in a positive light.
"I'll see what I can order online for decorations, and the flowers" you grabbed the tablet and started going through everything you could think of. Bucky studied over your shoulder and gave his input when you would pause when you liked something. He insisted you put everything on his credit card, and you tried to refuse but he wouldn't hear any of it. He was determined, and you couldn't change his mind. You sent out a mass email letting everyone know that the location had changed, and asked them to RSVP again that they understood. You started to feel a bite of anxiety, seeing that the shipment dates for some of the decorations were going to be close to the wedding date. Bucky reassured you it was going to be fine, and gave you a kiss on top of your head. You certainly hoped so, you just wanted the wedding to go perfectly.

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