Broken toys

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At supper you had plenty to eat, Happy had ordered in Chinese food and Bucky went to grab the jar of pickles for you to add to it. You hummed happily at the table while you ate.
"How is the baby doing?" Nat finally asked.
"Good, they have a strong heartbeat, and we are at ten weeks" Bucky quickly offered. "We listened to them for a bit."
"Doctor Cho said she wants to see us every few weeks to document the whole pregnancy" you gave a shy smile.
"You'll have to come back from your honeymoon, won't you?" Sam asked.
"With the most recent developments, is it safe for us to go to the cabin?" you looked at Steve and Tony and you heard Bucky hold his breath.
"It should be safe for you two there" Tony seemed to think about it for a few minutes. "What about the wedding plans?"
"I still have to try out a few more recipes" you bit your bottom lip unsurely. "And talk to uncle Brad to be the officiant"
"You should get in touch with your uncle sooner rather than later. Did you need some personal time to work on the wedding?" he asked, his brain moving much faster than yours at the moment.
"No, I'll make time in the evenings" you shook your head. "We will have to work on the email invitations and send those out soon"
"Let's do that this weekend" Bucky took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
"The baker is coming here on Friday morning," Pepper warned you.
"Perfect! We get to try different kinds of cake" you looked at Bucky excitedly who chuckled in response.
"And icing" Wanda reminded you.
"Personally I'm hoping for a good chocolate one" you hummed happily.
"I'm sure they will have a good one" Bucky reassured you. "We will have to give everything a fair shot though" he grinned.
"Do you think you'll be able to come to the gym tomorrow, jerk?" Steve asked a little timidly.
"Yeah, Y/N talked to me" Bucky nodded, seeming to sober up a bit. "She reminded me that I already taught Hydra a lesson, and I shouldn't take it out on the team"
"Yeah, my back is killing me. You didn't have to throw me that hard" Scott whined a little.
"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about how they almost hurt the baby yesterday" Bucky frowned.
"It's fine, I'll ice it tonight" he gave a soft smile.
"I saw in the report that you went in the regeneration machine" Tony was skimming through his phone.
"Doctor Cho wants me to reach out to her personal line next time I get hurt, just in case" you nodded. "She wanted me to go in"
"We should have done that yesterday," he frowned.
"We had a lot on our plate yesterday" you shrugged. "The baby is fine, that's all that matters" you gave a soft smile.

After supper you made your way back to the suite and went directly to the back balcony door to open it up for the pack. Blue whimpered and whined when he realized you weren't going down the stairs with him. Snow and Jasper brought out all the pups, while Cloud and Melody promised to keep an eye on Blue. Bucky turned on the record player while you went about doing some laundry, since that needed to be done. He quickly started sorting the additional laundry and brought it out for both of you to work on. He finally got you away from the washer and got you to sit down while he made you a peppermint tea, and himself a hot chocolate. He grabbed one of the puzzle books you had both been working on and came back to the living room and sat down close beside you and pulled you in for a snuggle. You grabbed the pencil and started working quickly while Bucky took out his phone and you saw from the corner of your eye that he had sent off a quick text message.
"What are you up to?" you looked at him, with an arched eyebrow.
"Nothing for you to worry about, doll" he gave you a quick kiss on your temple when you heard a tentative knock at your door.
"Come in" you called and looked over to see Steve walk in with a huge grin on his face and he started chuckling as he came into the room. "What is it?" you asked, wondering what he was laughing about.
"All of them?" he looked at Bucky pointedly.
"I need the night," Bucky nodded.
"You need the night?" you asked for confirmation, wondering what was going on.
"As your resident babysitter, I'm here to pick up the pack" Steve came in all the way with a twinkle in his eye.
"Bucky..." you blushed and looked at him fully. He broke out in a full grin and gave you a sly wink.
"We need the full soundproofing tonight" he gave your cheek a kiss.
"I don't need to know" Steve shook his head with a laugh. "I am looking forward to bringing my Seraphina over though"
"Did you want tea?" you asked Steve with your cheeks still flushed.
"No, I'm just waiting for the pack to come back" he shook his head in response.
"Mama!" Blue came barrelling in the door and ran to you. You opened up your arms quickly and he vaulted himself onto your lap.
"Did you have fun?" you asked him quickly.
"The big wolves howled with us tonight, and Zora is playing with the pups" Blue updated you.
"Why aren't you still playing with the pups?" you raised an eyebrow.
"I wanted to play with my toys" he answered simply and jumped back down and went to the toybox that had all of the toys in it. He pulled out a stuffy and started playing with it happily.
"Come here big guy, let me play with you" Steve called to Blue who went to him quickly for a game of tug with his stuffy. It didn't take long before you heard a small rip and Steve let go quickly, not wanting to ruin one of his toys. Blue started shaking the toy in his jaw back and forth and the stuffing started getting all over the living room.
"That's another one for the trash" Bucky grimaced, getting up and started picking up the stuffing. Steve was quick to help him, and you sipped at your tea. You went over to the toy box and pulled out another toy and handed it to Blue to trade, and took the ruined toy to put in the garbage. You made a mental note to order some more toys online in bulk with how quickly Blue and the pups were going through them.
"Is Blue in here?" Melody came in with Cloud close on her heels.
"He came in a few minutes ago" you answered her quickly using your mind to reach out to her.
"We were looking for him, he just disappeared. Blue, you know better than that" Melody started sassing him, and her soft growl filled the room. Blue didn't pay her any heed and just played with his new toy.
"Are Snow and Jasper on their way?" you asked Cloud out loud.
"They are on the stairs now, why? Are we going for another sleepover?" he asked, sitting down and looking at the mess Blue had made that Bucky and Steve were busy picking up.
"Yes, everyone is going to uncle Steve's for the night" you answered softly.
"No mama, I don't want to" Blue barked, dropping his toy.
"Papa wants some human time" you tried to explain.
"Aren't we just as important?" he demanded.
"What's he saying?" Bucky saw the look of concern on your face and you quickly updated him on what was going on. He stopped for a moment and he picked Blue up and held him close. "You are so important to me, but sometimes, I need your mama too. We had a bad scare yesterday, and I'm just checking her over" he explained to Blue who huffed inside your head.
"I want candy" Blue grumbled, and you repeated it.
"I've got lots of candy" Steve chuckled as Snow, Jasper and the pups came in. Steve finished putting away all the garbage and grabbed the dog bed. "You can explain it to them pal" he gestured to the small family coming in. He grabbed the bowl of water at the same time and headed out of the room.
"We are going to stay with Steve for the night?" Snow asked, a little surprised.
"Papa wants to check mama over since he got scared yesterday," Blue explained.
"I'm sure he does" Jasper gave a soft chuckle. "Alright, come on pups" he called to them and started leading them out of the room.
"Mama, can I bring some of my toys?" Blue asked softly.
"Let's go pick out a few for the night" you stood up and took him from Bucky's arms and you both went to the toy box to pick out four toys for the night. You sighed as you walked out to see Steve standing outside his door, letting Jasper, Snow and the pups in. Cloud and Melody were at your heels.
"Just this for the night?" Steve asked as you got closer.
"Well, I don't know. You've got a pretty grown up puppy right here" you giggled, handing him Blue and the toys.
"That has a sweet tooth for his liver treats" Steve chuckled.
"Not too many before bed, or else you'll have to get up during the night to let them out" you felt the need to remind him and he shook his head.
"Don't worry too much. Go enjoy your night" he waved you away.

When you got back to the room, Bucky had finished picking up all the garbage, and was in the middle of putting the laundry into the dryer for you. You closed the door with a loud click and leaned against the door, looking at Bucky from under your eyelashes. He looked over and made a double take as you started pulling your dress up over your head, and kicking your shoes to the side.
"Now that's what I'm talking about" he grinned and turned the dryer on.
"Do you know how attractive you look doing housework?" you purred to him. "My big strong super soldier, doing just little things around the house for little old me"
"Anything for you doll" he closed the distance between the two of you and grinned widely.
"And when were you going to tell me you were sending the pack away for the night?" you batted your eyes at him.
"As soon as that punk answered yes" he chuckled, pulled you in close, drinking in your nearly naked form in just your undergarments.
"You're wearing too much clothes" you pouted, rubbing your hand up and down his chest.
"You think so, doll?" he asked, his hands going to the hem of his shirt and he quickly pulled it up over his head and looked down at you hungrily.
"Pretty sure I know that it's a fact" you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his naked chest. "We need to close the balcony door and lock it" you reminded him and he nodded, pulling away and rushing to the door to close and lock it. You reached behind your back while he was closing and locking the door and unsnapped your bra and when he turned to face you again, you smirked and let the garment fall to the floor. "How about it, Sergeant? Are you going to make my night without the companions worth it?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him and he stopped for a moment to bite on his knuckles and looked at you hungrily. You knew you had him where you wanted him.

Lovers to Parents (Bucky x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα