Snow and Jasper's announcement

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You were still anxiously doing some online shopping when you heard a knock at the door and Bucky called for them to come in.
"Oh thank God, I thought you two would be busy" Clint came into the room and you quickly got up and rushed over to give Clint a hug.
"How was your weekend, papa Clint?" you asked quickly as he embraced you.
"It was good. The kids were asking when you two were coming out our way again. I had to let them down easy" he pulled back from the hug and you led him into the room to sit down. "I saw the update, I take it the outdoor wedding is out because of the snow?"
"Yeah, we don't know if it's going to continue snowing or if it's going to be gone by the wedding, so Tony said we could have it here" Bucky nodded while you sat beside him again on the couch.
"How are you feeling, songbird? Did I miss much over the weekend?" He seemed inquisitive.
"You didn't miss much. I got my dress, and Wanda got hers" you gave a small smile.
"Hydra didn't try storming the compound, right?" he asked, seeming worried about that.
"No, nothing from them at all" you shook your head.
"She's keeping me occupied while I can't go on missions" Bucky grinned mischievously.
"I bet she is," Clint chuckled. "What are you working on?"
"Wedding decorations" you frowned. "Oh my goodness, do you think the cabin will be done on time?" you turned to Bucky with worry etched on your face.
"Stop worrying doll, they had the second floor added on already. They are just doing the interior now" Bucky reassured you. You huffed slightly and nodded, snuggling into him again.
"What was it you needed to talk to me about? I haven't unpacked yet" Clint finally asked.
"Snow wants to talk to you, but I was hoping to wait on the boys" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Well, while we wait on them why don't I make myself comfortable" Clint got down on the floor and started playing with the pups. It wasn't missed by you that Zephyr went directly to Clint and started barking playfully, saying his name while wagging his tail happily. Clint quickly picked him up and cuddled him closely.
"How about those dark blue satin bows?" Bucky redirected your attention back to the screen. "We can put them on the back of all the chairs. Once the wedding is over, we can just put them into storage" he suggested.
"That seems like a lot of money to just go into storage" you gnawed at your bottom lip.
"We have the money to spare. Hell, we can pull it out again for the anniversary" he chuckled.
"They are pretty," you sighed softly.
"Buy them" he urged you, and you closed your eyes for a moment. He took the tablet from you and put in the number he wanted and just bought them. "I did it" he told you and you opened your eyes again.
"We need centerpieces" you felt guilty seeing the price come up on the screen that he had just spent. "I'll buy them"
"It comes out of the same account doll, stop worrying so much" Bucky kissed your cheek and started going through the selections.
"The flowers alone are going to be a few thousand dollars" you groaned.
"Again, we can afford it" he reminded you.
"You should get something for each table setting too, that way people have a memento to bring home with them, just speaking from experience" Clint brought it up.
"We can do tiny gift bags, but what would we put in them?" you looked at Bucky.
"How about a little bit of candy, and something with our names and the date on it?" Bucky suggested.
"We should go with hershey's kisses, since you have the best kisses" you giggled.
"Alright, kisses it is" Bucky plucked the tablet out of your hands and went to the website to make a large order and asked for expedited shipping. "What about a journal for everyone?" he suggested. "We can get it shipped here before the wedding, and they will be monogrammed with the date on the bottom corner, and a picture from our first date on the front"
"Can we make that happen?" you asked in surprise.
"Money can make a lot of things happen" Bucky started searching online for a good vendor that had a lot of recommendations. You grabbed the wedding book and started writing down all of the changes quickly.
"What if we went with just a flower centerpiece that surrounds one of those flameless candles?" you asked, thinking off the top of your head.
"That should work, it would be pretty too" Clint grinned, giving Zephyr a kiss on the tip of his muzzle.
"Princessa?" Pietro called from your open suite door.
"You're here!" you sang seeing the two boys standing there. They both came in and got down on the floor to play with the pups.
"Is everything okay?" Peter asked quickly, his cheeks still a bit red from being outside in the cold.
"Yes, everything is going well. Snow wanted to talk to the three of you" you updated them quickly. You took out your phone and asked Tony to meet you in the lab. He quickly agreed and you stood up.
"Right now?" Snow asked you, and you nodded to her. "Finally" she sighed and got off of the loveseat where she was watching the pups play.
"I'm coming," Jasper announced.
"We will watch the pups" Melody promised, nosing at the four pups now on the floor again.
"Is the Alpha coming?" Jasper asked and you looked at Bucky.
"Yes, Bucky is coming" you answered out loud. Bucky nodded and put down the tablet and helped you get up. The pair of you led the three men out and headed towards the lab.

"I take it this is important?" Tony asked as you came into the lab with Snow and Jasper on either side of you and the gentlemen behind you.
"It's been a few weeks coming, I need to get this done" you nodded.
"Come on, in the chair" Tony gestured for you to come sit down. You headed towards the chair while he booted up the computer and he put the helmet on you. You heard Snow give a soft huff while she patiently waited.
"Grab a seat" he gestured to the unused computer chairs.
"They'll need it" Jasper chuckled and the sound came through the computer speakers.
"What's going on?" Pietro took a seat beside Peter while Bucky just stood behind you and started rubbing your shoulders. Clint just got down on the floor and started running his hands through Snow's fur.
"We decided the three of you are going to take our pups. We want Zephyr to go home with Clint, for Peter to have Cedar, and for Pietro to have Koa" Snow said simply.
"We had a long conversation about this, and we feel you would give our pups a good home" Jasper added.
"That's quite the honor, thank you. I'll take good care of Zephyr. My kids are going to be over the moon!" Clint gave Snow a kiss on top of her head and then Jasper.
"Thank you so much!" Peter squeaked.
"Thank you, this is an honor" Pietro came over to pet them, running his fingers through their fur.
"The pups will be ready to go home with you in a week in human time" Snow warned them.
"I'll make sure to bring Zephyr back to visit," Clint promised. "Laura and the kids are going to be so excited" he seemed to be overly excited himself.
"We know they are going to be in good hands" Snow gave a soft moan as she had three men petting her softly.
"I can't wait to tell my family" Clint's eyes glinted with unshed tears of joy.
"I can't wait to tell my sister, I'll have a pup of my own now" Pietro grinned.
"Aunt May's never going to believe it until she sees it," Peter said happily.
"You'll need babysitters while you boys are out in the city" Clint reminded them.
"Don't worry, they can always come stay with us" Snow seemed to be anticipating this.
"Yeah, we still have lots of room for now," Jasper agreed. Bucky grunted slightly and nodded in agreement.
"But you boys should cut back the amount of time you are in the city for a little bit, just until the pups are a little more grown up" you reminded them. "This is a big responsibility," you added.
"Don't worry Princessa, we will take good care of our pups" Pietro promised.
"I'd better run out to the store tomorrow after we are done for the day, and pick up some supplies" Clint gave Snow another kiss before he stood up and started messaging into his phone. You had a feeling he was letting Laura know the news.
"Can we go with you?" Peter asked hopefully.
"Sure kid, we will borrow one of Tony's SUV's, the pups will need lots of toys too" he said more to himself.
"They like the stuffed ones that Blue keeps ripping apart," Jasper offered.
"Don't forget they need to go outside more often, you don't want accidents in your rooms boys" Tony reminded them.
"We know, we've babysat Blue a few times" Peter had slightly flushed cheeks.
"Is that all you needed to announce?" Tony looked at Snow and Jasper.
"Yes, thank you Tony" Snow answered for both of them, and Tony nodded, taking the helmet off of you.
"I'm going to get unpacked" Clint stood up to his full height and did a small stretch. "Thank you again" he pat both Jasper and Snow.
"Yes, thank you" both boys chimed in.
"We had better get unpacked too" Peter looked at Pietro who nodded in quick agreement.
"We have things to do too" Bucky rubbed at your shoulders again and you looked up at him in surprise. "I believe you said you needed a shower" he leaned down and whispered in the cusp of your ear and you flushed realizing what he meant.
"Yeah, didn't need to know that," Tony rolled his eyes.
"I'll see you all in the morning" you got up from your seat and Bucky quickly took your hand to lead you out.

Lovers to Parents (Bucky x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin