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"What do you mean, maybe?" you demanded, feeling like your fire abilities wanted to come to the surface. Tony looked a little shocked, but knew you were holding back since you had Blue in your arms. You stood up to your full height and glared at Tony for keeping secrets.
"Steve texted me, some of the new weapons are malfunctioning. Fury needs them for Shield agents as well. We need to keep working" Tony frowned.
"Come on, Tony. We haven't been home in weeks" Bruce seemed just as upset as you were.
"Then let's turn our focus on making sure that the serum does indeed work, and then we can focus on the weapons again. I'm already making tweaks to them, and sending for them to be constructed" Tony seemed a little upset at the notion himself, but was holding back. You didn't know if it was for his own benefit or for yours.
"You can work on the weapons from home" Bucky suddenly gave his two cents. "I want my family at home"
"We all want to be home," Bruce whispered. "Anastasia is growing up so quickly, I feel like I'm missing out. That and she's been getting more and more into Nat's shoes. I think if I'm at home, it will stop"
"Mommy loves her shoes too much" Anastasia perked up. "Daddy's never home, so I'm getting mommy to love me more"
"I don't think that's how it works" you gave a small giggle. You heard pounding from the glass enclosure again, and looked over to see Melody had her hackles up as Zora started barking from her side. "We should test the serum on the big guy" you looked at Bruce with worry in your eyes.
"You will not touch me" the Hydra agent howled and your hairs stood on end. You and Bruce shared a worried look while Bucky stood up and crossed his arms, standing just on the other side of the glass while the Hydra agent continued to pound on it.
"You'll be human again soon enough, and sent to the raft, once I'm done interrogating you" Bucky gave a menacing smile, as though he had been waiting for this moment.
"I'm not scared of you" the Hydra agent spit at the glass.
"I'll change that" Bucky chuckled darkly.
"Papa can be scary" Blue sounded in awe. "Can I be scary like papa someday?" he asked you a little excitedly.
"You, little munchkin are going back to the bedroom for a bit. No talk of being a big scary wolf. You are growing much too quickly for my liking" you gave Blue a kiss on top of the head.
"Papa would let me" Blue whined as you went and scooped up Zora. Bruce seemed to be following your train of thought, and grabbed Edwin and Anastasia and the pair of you went back to your bedroom to leave the pups in Snow and Jasper's care.

When you and Bruce got back to the lab, Tony was already in the process of putting the super gas canister in the wall. He had a grim smile on his face while Bucky waved at the hydra agent with glee visible in his face. To Bucky, this meant you were coming home if it worked. That's all he cared about. But it also meant he was going to be one of the people that would be processing him before he went to the raft. After over a month in what Bucky thought of as the tank, he figured the hydra agent was going to be willing to talk. Especially once he wasn't a werewolf any longer. Bucky felt eyes on him and turned around to see both Cloud and Melody watching him. He watched as the hydra agent slowly fell to his knees, and fell back, his head slapping softly on the floor. The Shield agents came over and unlocked the door, while Cloud and Melody both growled. Bruce grabbed a syringe filled with the serum, and came towards the glass enclosed room. You stood back as Bucky went into the room first, before Bruce, and he stood over the limp body of the hydra soldier. He was truly asleep from the gas that you and Bruce had devised. It had already been filtered out of the room, thankfully. Bruce came in and pulled up the hydra agent's sleeve, and quickly dosed him with the serum. The hydra agent's body seized immediately and started convulsing as his wolven features started to go back and his human features started replacing it.
"Handcuffs sir?" one of the shield agents asked Bruce who was standing back and watching, while Bucky was still standing above him.
"Let's wait until he's fully human" Bruce backed out of the room. "Come on Bucky, he's going to take a while"
Bucky nodded once, and stepped out of the glass room and the door was closed behind him, and promptly locked.
"That looked promising" Tony spoke up, having been watching closely. You were furiously recording everything that you could onto your computer from watching, trying to make sure that everything was documented properly. Bruce went to his work station and started doing the same thing. Both of you worked in tandem, while Bucky took a seat again, watching the hydra agent closely. He knew the three of you likely did create a counter-serum, but he wanted to make sure his family was protected.
Bucky glanced away from time to time to look over at you working, and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He knew he used to seem like the brooding type, angry even, but with you it was like you were his other half, and you had softened him. He still couldn't wait for the two of you to review the renovations to the cabin, and having your first baby together. He figured he was going to put a white picket fence around the grassy area, even though there were no neighbors to speak of except for the compound now. He just wanted the excuse to fulfill that childhood dream of having the whole family and white picket fence. He had a feeling you would be fine with it, but he still wanted to run it past you. With it being autumn outside, the ground was going to be too cold to do the addition to the property soon, and he silently worried about the additional rooms you both wanted to put onto the cabin. He didn't want to wait until spring, when you would be further along. He hoped that you both could agree on some new plans for the cabin and have it done before winter officially starts. He watched closely as your hands danced over the keyboard as though it was second nature to type that quickly and he felt that familiar tug at his lips again. You never ceased to make him smile. He couldn't wait for the wedding, he wanted to go over all of the specifics with you. So far most of the evenings since he got to Shield headquarters had been spent in the common room with the entire team. He selfishly wanted that time alone with you, to go over the wedding plans and to decide on the colors, maybe even the menu or invitations. He knew you came from a larger family, and couldn't wait to see what the ceremony was going to be like with all the family and their familiars.
He wondered silently if you had heard from your mom or uncle Brad. You hadn't mentioned them, and he was curious as to how they were doing. He knew uncle Brad had gone through a lot of sudden changes this year, since losing his first companion. Now he had his second, a beautiful eagle named Soren, who was very feisty. Bucky was so lost in his thoughts that he barely realized that Melody had put her head in his lap, but he started petting her absentmindedly. He knew she was going to be having pups herself in the near future, and didn't think she should really be in the lab where it was potentially dangerous. Bucky started scratching her behind the ears and she let out a small whine. He knew exactly what she wanted. He reached into his pocket and took out a few treats and handed her one, before handing one to Cloud. Both of them ate them happily, seeming to relax a bit more. Cloud laid down on the cement floor and put his head on his paws as he continued to watch the glass enclosure. Melody however, had other plans. She whined a bit more for another treat, and Bucky chuckled, taking out two more and feeding the two of them. Melody feeling fulfilled, jumped up onto Bucky's lap and he chuckled lightly, putting his arms around her to steady her. She gave a soft whine and licked him on the cheek causing him to chuckle again. She puffed out her chest proudly and stayed on his lap, her head looking in the same direction as Cloud and Bucky. The hydra agent's breathing had evened out, but he still hadn't moved yet.

It was well after lunch before the Hydra agent started to stir. He stood up and let out a yell. It was obvious he was trying to shift again, but it wasn't working.
"What did you do to me?!" He screamed through the glass.
"We made you human again" Tony came over, seeming to be at ease. During the lunch time meal, he had barely gotten off of his phone, continuing to monitor the hydra agent from a video camera that was installed. It was like he didn't want to miss a moment of the experiment. He barely acknowledged when the boys announced they would be taking care of the pups for the afternoon, seeming engrossed in his work. Edwin had whined for his father's attention, but Tony only afforded him some absentminded pats.
"Impossible" he cried, and started pounding on the glass walls, but it was not nearly with the same amount of strength he had previously. "No!" he screamed out in grief. You were a little surprised at his reaction. It was almost as though you had taken his identity from the way he was acting. You felt a little bit bad, but what Hydra had done was unnatural and was a crime against wolves everywhere. You had discovered they used stem cells from the mothers and newborn pups to help create the original serum. No wonder they had always targeted the mothers. You were lucky to have gotten Snow out when you had. From the team's recon missions it looked like they were still experimenting on wolves, and targeting the pregnant wolves first. You wanted to be back in the field again so badly, and to be fighting alongside the team. You knew how to communicate with the wolves, so you felt you were better suited. Now that Loki had used the spell for you to not feel the effects of morning sickness, you felt like you could really help out in the field again. A glance in Bucky's direction told you that you would be fought tooth and nail on that. He was overprotective to a fault. You loved that about him though, among other things.
"Impossible or not, we did it. You are headed for interrogation once we are done with our tests" you spoke to the hydra agent cooly. You didn't feel badly for him at all. He was out like a light when he lost his ability, and the change didn't even make him stir. The convulsions worried you a little bit, however it seemed to be just fine. Bucky walked into the glass enclosure and the hydra agent tried taking a swing at him, but he stopped him quickly with a movement from his vibranium arm. You loved seeing the way he moved, and wished that you could see him move around more. Maybe in the gym. You hummed in satisfaction watching him as he handcuffed the hydra agent and brought him out of the glass enclosure. Bucky was excited for the tests to be over, because it meant you were coming home, regardless of what Tony mentioned for the weapons. Bucky brought the agent out, and started bringing him towards the medical wing for them to do a full work up. Bruce quickly followed, curious about the results. You turned your attention back to the weapons that didn't seem to work on the computer, trying to find where you all went wrong. This was more Tony's thing than it was yours.
"You might want to start filling more syringes of that serum, the team will be headed out on missions again soon" Tony looked up from his computer. You gave a soft nod and grabbed several to fill up, making a mental note that you needed to start on another serum. You filled syringes until you were out of serum, which was quite a lot, before you went about starting to make a second batch of the serum. You were at it so long, you barely noticed Bucky had come back into the room, feeling comfortable with the amount of Shield agents watching the hydra agent like a hawk. He had taken his seat again, but was sitting with his chest to the back of the chair and watching you with an almost heated gaze. He could feel it in the bond earlier, that tug that you were slightly turned on by the way he had moved. What he wouldn't give to have Steve watch the pack again tonight, but he also recognized the fact that they were a part of you and you needed them closer after having been separated from them for so long. He watched as you concentrated on mixing the ingredients for the serum, and you were so engrossed in your work. He raked his eyes all over your body, wanting nothing more than five minutes alone with you. He was pretty sure he could make it quick in the bathroom. Hell, he would settle for the public bathroom at this point. He loved the way your hair was smoothed away from your face and back in a braid so he could see your face. His eyes dipped down to your ass and he hummed to himself thinking he was a lucky man. He could still envision you this morning in nothing but your panties and his t-shirt walking around the room. He loved seeing you that comfortable. He felt himself getting hard and your head suddenly looked up, and you looked at him with a loving gaze, and heat in your eyes. He knew automatically you were both on the same page, thanks to the bond. He gave his flirty smile and puckered his lips for a moment. You giggled and walked over to him, putting your fingers under his chin before leaning forward and giving him a quick chaste kiss on the lips. He whined a little as you pulled away.
"Save it for later" Tony growled from his station. You gave a giggle and moved back to working on the serum, and Bucky went back to watching you and planning your evening for you. 

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