Pillow talk and early mornings

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After your shower Bucky went over to get Melody, Cloud and Blue while you got changed into one of your dark blue lace negligees. You crawled tiredly into the center of the bed, and waited as you heard Bucky come back in. He called for the pack, and you heard him let them out the back balcony door. You grabbed one of the body pillows and nestled into it, keeping your eyes on the door waiting for Bucky to come back with the pack. You looked down at the red satin blanket and pulled it up more around your shoulders, enjoying the feeling of it against your bare skin. You waited ten minutes before Bucky called them all back in, and slowly the wolves all started making their way in, jumping up onto the bed. Jasper and Snow each picked up the pups one by one and put them on the bed and they went to snuggle into your back. Bucky was last to come in, with Blue still wrapped in a towel. He turned off the lights and the towel fell to the floor as he made his way across the bedroom to you. Bucky slipped into bed, letting Blue go find a spare spot on the bed and he pulled you in close to him, putting his arm under your head. You quickly nestled into his chest and hummed happily. Your body was still relaxed from earlier, and all of Bucky's extra special attention.
"You need a shower in the morning, right?" Bucky whispered after a few minutes of silence. You broke into a giggle and slapped him playfully on the chest and he chuckled.
"I have to work in the morning," you reminded him.
"Aren't you done with all that stuff yet?" he asked a little curiously.
"Not even close" you sighed heavily, thinking about this week's work load. You knew that you were in charge of the counter serum output, while Bruce was in charge of looking at the original serum, and Tony was looking over all the mission data and trying to assess what to do, and where to hit to make sure that Steve and Bucky were safe to leave the compound again.
"Maybe I can help" he said a little hopefully.
"Baby, you can't help with this. I'm not even allowed to help Tony with his part" you said a little sadly.
"What's Tony working on?" he asked in a whisper.
"He's working on making sure that you and Steve are safe. I need you to focus on the cabin, the stuff for the wedding and taking care of the pack for now" you sighed.
"We do have a lot we need for the wedding" he quickly agreed. "What if I came in the lab once I found what I think we could use, and I'll show it to you"
"We can do that" you nodded, closing your eyes.
"Too bad you didn't have your own office, I could always sit under your desk and eat you out while you worked" he said as if it was common practice to happen. You flushed a bright red and gave him another playful slap. "Are you saying you wouldn't like it?" he asked quickly.
"I'd probably love it," you giggled.
"I can't wait until the honeymoon" Bucky sighed happily, running his hand over your shoulder. "I'm going to take you in every room possible" he continued. "We will start with the living room I think, make our way to the kitchen to make food and have sex there. Then we will have to do it in the dining room, and eventually make our way to the bedroom to unpack. Then you'll need a little aftercare, so we will have sex in the bathroom. Then we will have to hit all the bedrooms upstairs, and make sure we hit all three bathrooms. Save the nursery for last, since we will have to use the wall for that and I don't know how tired you will be"
"And when will we have time to do all that Casanova?" you giggled.
"First night" he chuckled. "Maybe the day after"
"You know, Snow is going to go into heat in a couple of months," you whispered.
"We will definitely be going to the cabin for that. The last time it was hard to even get you dressed to go eat. We will just order in for all our meals" he suggested.
"If we make it that far" you sighed softly. "The last time we could barely even bare a moment apart"
"Definitely no missions" he said, his voice going a little deeper.
"Absolutely not" you quickly agreed and nuzzled into him a bit more.
"You know, I really do love you" he kissed the top of your head.
"I love you too Alpha" you kissed him on his naked chest, and listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart to lull you to sleep.

Monday morning when you woke up, the bed was empty and Bucky had left you a note that he had taken the wolves out with Steve, Vision, Bruce, Clint, Sam, Pietro, Peter and Tony. You giggled thinking that was quite a few people to take out just a small pack. But you knew your pack was quickly growing. Little did you know, that was how the rest of your week was going to go. Every morning you woke up to the same note, only sometimes there was a heart or a kiss at the end where he signed his name. He was getting up earlier and earlier, and really embracing the fact that he had to stay in the compound and take care of the pack. You worked diligently in the lab all week until Friday morning. Your evenings ended up being in the main compound living room since your little suite didn't seem to hold everyone. Even Scott, Loki and Thor would come in the evening to sit with the pack. Sometimes you had the TV on, but most of the time you were working on the wedding planning. You had all the flowers ordered, and you ordered your blue garter online, and a bunch of odds and ends you hadn't thought of. Once it seemed everything was paid for for the wedding, and you were waiting on deliveries, you started planning for the cabin, and doing online shopping for that. Now that you had four extra bedrooms, and two extra bathrooms you needed more linen, beds, and you had to start on the nursery. Bucky had you wrapped up in a blanket on his lap most of the time while the pack milled around the room and got attention from everyone. Both you and Bucky had to do with hot makeout sessions instead of making love the rest of the week. You were both too busy, and by the time that you made it back to the bedroom it was too late at night to sneak off somewhere for a quickie. You knew Bucky was getting pent up and needed a release soon. He was starting to be grumpy again, but never with you. His mannerisms were giving him away. You could tell that even Steve was starting to go stir crazy with not being able to go on missions.
Friday morning when you woke up it was to another one of Bucky's letters, and you rolled out of bed and made your way to the bathroom to do your morning ritual. You took a few minutes to put on your makeup before coming out and putting on a dark blue cable knit sweater dress, and a pair of slippers before making your way out to the dining room where everyone was already seated. Bucky was dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans, knowing today was the day the baker was coming for you both to sample for the wedding cake. You had both decided on a full moon themed cake with little wolves painted into the side along with trees. You wanted it to be a four tier cake, so you could keep the top tier for your first anniversary. You were also going to get cupcakes to go with it. The main color was going to be of course, a navy blue. To pull that off, you had a feeling you were going to have to go with a vanilla icing, but you were going to talk to the baker first.
"Good morning beautiful" Bucky greeted you with a lingering kiss on the lips as you arrived in the room.
"Good morning baby" you sighed happily. "How long have you been up for today?"
"He had me up at five," Steve quickly offered.
"Me too, someone needs to wear him out" Tony grumbled.
"I volunteer to babysit tonight, just so I can sleep in tomorrow" Sam offered and you flushed a bit.
"Are we that obvious?" you asked as you sat down with flushed cheeks.
"He is" Peter hooked his thumb at Bucky who looked a little grumpy. "My phone won't stop going off until we go downstairs," he complained.
"You've got to get used to it, you'll have a pup soon" Bucky warned him.
"Even the pups are tired," Steve said a little hesitantly.
"Thank you Sam, we would love a babysitter" you finally gave in.
"I'm liking the early mornings" Bucky lied, and you put your hand on his thigh and you felt him move quickly in his seat, seeming to be sitting up more.
"I need a babysitter" you leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek.
"So no meeting in the main living room tonight?" Loki asked, a little surprised.
"No, we can still meet" you nodded, and felt Bucky get tense under your hand. "For a little bit at least" you added with a soft smile.
"Are you excited for the baker?" Pepper asked, changing the subject for you, and you were grateful.
"We are, we know exactly what we want" you nodded, taking out your phone and showing her the idea that you and Bucky had come up with.
"Oh wow" Nat looked over at the picture. "That's going to be amazing"
"It's a bit over the top, but it suits us," you nodded.
"It's not over the top, it just suits us" Bucky corrected you.
"We should see if one of the local pet stores makes dog treats for all of the pack and the shadow wolf pack for the celebration" you said on a whim.
"I'll look into that for you," Tony offered. "You have a lot on your plate, and you are making supper tonight" he reminded you.
"I'm making chicken tonight" you gave a bright smile.
"I wish I could taste food, Wanda always praises your meals" Vision sighed softly from beside Wanda.
"Sometimes they are a flop, I would hate for you to have to taste one of those" you shook your head.
"Prove it, everything you make tastes amazing" Happy gave you a glowing review. You flushed again and gave a soft smile.
"I'm not leaving until after supper tonight" Clint informed you. "Laura already understands"
"I'll have to make extra so you can take a care package home" you giggled as Bucky filled your plate and then passed the platter down to Sam beside you. You got up and grabbed the jar of pickles from the fridge and sat back down.
"Eat up doll, you have a big day today" Bucky kissed you on the cheek.
"You eat up, you'll be busy tonight" Scott teased and Thor gave a good laugh.

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