Blue's real mama?

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While you were curled up on Bucky's lap, your family came back to the living room and Tony took over and turned on the television to keep everyone distracted. Joseph was undeterred and peppered the team with various questions about their histories and abilities. Bucky seemed anxious that he was going to be asked about his past, but Steve and Sam offered to show Joseph the equipment room and Austin decided to tag along. When all of the wolves and companions came back inside you felt like you had enough and whispered to Bucky you were going to bed. He held onto you a little closer and kissed the back of your neck.
"Come on pack, we are going to bed" Bucky said out loud, and tapped the side of your lap. You giggled but quickly slid off of his lap.
"Wait, I had questions about the wedding!" Aunt Melanie pouted slightly.
"Tomorrow, while we are at the bachelorette party I'll answer all your questions" Wanda assured her. "Y/N needs some sleep, it's been a big day for all of us" she added with a soft smile.
"Thank you" you whispered to you and she winked at you.
"Good night" you said to everyone.
"Now just you wait a minute" mama got up and she handed Bucky little Alpine before she pulled you into a hug and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "Good night my little songbird" she whispered against your ear. "Come here James" she pulled away from the hug and she gave Bucky a hug as well. He looked startled at first, but hugged her back quickly.
"Come on, doll" Bucky said after he pulled away from the hug. He took your hand and held it as you both slowly made your way back towards your suite.
As soon as you got in the door you kicked off your slippers and sighed to yourself. Bucky closed the door after all of the pack came in, and then he went to put Alpine up on his cat tree.
"Oh my goodness, I can't believe how much those kids have grown. And Annette! What if she makes a scene at the wedding?" you word vomited in worry.
"Baby, don't worry. She won't do a thing. She's just a kid who's got a mean streak. She will grow out of it. She knows better than to ruin our wedding" Bucky came over and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in close to his muscled chest.
"Maybe we should have eloped" you sighed, turning your head to the side.
"Your mama would kill us" he chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "One and a half more days and you'll be my wife. Then it's going to be a full month away at our little cottage with no work and just time for us to enjoy ourselves"
"We still have to come back for our weekly check in" you grumbled.
"Which is necessary. You are growing quickly" he pointed out. "And I want it noted that I am loving every second of it" he added quickly. "This body is carrying our miracle child," he said, kissing you on top of your head again.
"How am I supposed to sleep without you tomorrow?" you whispered worriedly.
"You'll have Cloud" Bucky reminded you.
"But he doesn't have your big strong arms," you pouted.
"Come on doll, I'll hold you extra tight tonight" he promised, picking you up and carrying you into the bedroom. He set you on the side of the bed and leaned in to kiss you softly on the lips. "What do you want to wear to bed?" he asked, pulling back.
"You," you gave a mischievous smirk.
"Don't tempt me doll" he chuckled. "You know I always want you."
"You had better keep it that way" you rubbed your hand over your small bump absentmindedly.
"You know I will" he promised. "Red or black?" he asked, going into the closet.
"Hmm... red" you stood up and slipped your blue dress up over your head. You heard rustling in the closet and Bucky came back out in just a pair of black boxer briefs on and carrying your red satin negligee. He handed it to you, licking his lips as he watched you slowly pull it up over your head and put it on.
"Get in the middle" he gestured to the bed and you nodded, crawling into the middle of the bed. He quickly scooted in beside you and you laid your head on his chest, while he wrapped his arm around you. "Come on pack" he called and they all filed into the room and jumped up on the bed.
"Why are you so quiet tonight?" you asked the pack.
"Mama, am I supposed to live outside?" Blue asked as he crawled up behind you, and Alpine took the pillow.
"Of course not! Why would you ask such a thing?" you asked, quickly explaining what he said to Bucky.
"Bravo said that wolves are supposed to live outside, but Brutus told him that I'm your baby and I'm supposed to live inside with the rest of the pack" Blue said, sounding a little confused.
"We didn't know how to answer this one" Jasper admitted. You quickly whispered what was said to Bucky who gave a sigh and took a moment to think.
"Blue, you are our baby, and your mama's companion. We raised you from a pup. You might be a wolf, but not all wolves live outside like Brutus and his pack. You'll always be our pup, and you'll never have to live outside" Bucky answered carefully.
"But Cloud, Melody, Jasper and Snow all lived outside. And when we went to the other den we used to spend all night outside to be wolves" Blue seemed confused.
"But that was before they became my companions. And like your papa said, not all wolves live outside" you translated and then said quickly. "You are our baby, Blue. Don't forget that. And don't listen to the other companions. They don't understand"
"But I wasn't born from you though. That's why we look so different" Blue huffed.
"You look different because you had another mom before your mama found you. You didn't even have your eyes open yet. Your mama brought you home and raised you. She chose to be your mama" Bucky explained after you translated.
"What happened to my real mama?" Blue asked.
"She is your real mama, and that's all you need to remember. Don't listen to the other companions" Melody said quickly.
"Come lay on my chest like you used to" Bucky called to him and Blue jumped over you and landed on Bucky's chest. You kissed the tip of Blue's nose after he laid down and you started humming "You are my sunshine" to him and he quickly fell asleep.
"Maybe a month away is too long" you whispered to Bucky.
"Two weeks and then we will come bring them with us" Bucky quickly offered. "This is too much for our boy Blue"
"And don't forget I'm having my pups" Melody reminded you both.
"And Melody will be giving birth soon," you told Bucky.
"That's something else to keep in mind," he agreed. "Close your eyes doll" Bucky whispered. He reached over and turned on the music on his phone and it was one of the romantic playlists he had made for you. Sleep slowly claimed you and you dreamt of the night in the woods where you had met your Cloud.

"Up and at em kids!" Mama's voice startled you awake and you yelped in fright.
"Time to get up, we have a bachelorette party to prepare for" Wanda's thick accent joined mama's voice. You opened your eyes to see Bucky looking around in a daze and suddenly the blinds were opened and Blue whimpered. He obviously was having a good sleep too.
"Mama, we were sleeping" you grumbled.
"And we have an early check in. Come on. Everyone up!" Mama said, seeming overly chipper this morning.
"Come on pup's," Billy was also in the room. "I'm in charge of you" he said to the pack.
"But grandpa Billy, I'm still tired" Blue whined.
"Come on, we have lots to do today. Your mama needs to get ready, and so does your papa" Billy told him, and took the corner of the blanket in his teeth and pulled back the comforter. Blue jumped down first, quickly followed by the rest of the pack.
"You're making me feel old" Cloud complained.
"That's what I'm here for" Billy chuckled in your mind. Mama opened the balcony door and Blue led the way out, with the rest of the pack going after him and Billy taking up the rear.
"I'll see you at breakfast!" Mama announced and followed Billy out the door. You huffed and curled into Bucky more.
"No no, that's not happening. TIme to get up, I've put too much planning into this" Wanda scolded you.
"But he's warm and comfortable" you pouted.
"And she's warm and comfortable," Bucky echoed.
"Do I need to call Steve?" Wanda threatened.
"No, I'll get up. Come on doll" Bucky sighed heavily.
"I need to pee" you complained.
"You go first, I know you need a few minutes" Bucky slid out of bed and you quickly followed. You hurried to the bathroom and shut the door.
"Do not take a shower" Wanda called to the closed door and you hummed that you heard her, hurrying to do your business. "And no makeup!" she added quickly. You sat for a moment in a stupor, thinking that this was all happening too fast. You finished and washed your hands before staring at yourself in the mirror. You brushed your hair and gave a sigh. You could hear movement out in the bedroom and knew that this was it. It was the final step before your wedding to your soulmate. You tied up your hair and walked back out to see Wanda in the middle of packing a small suitcase for you with nightclothes and one of your stuffed white plushies that reminded you of Cloud that Bucky had always sprayed his cologne on.
"Your dress is already in the car away from prying eyes, along with my dress and suitcase and your mama's overnight bag. We have a big day planned so put on something comfortable" Wanda warned you.
"Like what?" you asked, a little confused she was taking over so efficiently.
"She already pulled it out" Bucky handed you a pair of black leggings and one of his t-shirts giving you a wink. He only had a pair of jeans on, but he looked like a god to you.
"Not that t-shirt" Wanda chuckled.
"Artistic liberties with the outfit" Bucky gave you a kiss on the hand as you took the clothing and he disappeared back into the closet to finish getting dressed.

Lovers to Parents (Bucky x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें