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Wanda's dress was a little more retro in dark blue, with a layered skirt that went to her knees. She barely needed any adjustments made to the dress, but the manager assaulted her with pins regardless. You hummed to yourself, back in your pink dress and looking at tiara's. You decided on one that had roses and ivy intricately woven in a white gold. It matched your earrings, necklace and ring in your eyes, and once Wanda was done getting her dress fitted, the manager took it out for you to try on. The girls cooed that you looked perfect, and it was only missing the veil. You added it to the order, and paid for both dresses and the tiara to pick up for next week. Nat tried fighting you, saying she had wanted to pay for the tiara, but you shook your head. You didn't mind spending a little extra money on the wedding, and knew that Bucky would approve of the additional piece.
"I'll reopen the store if you're done?" the manager asked softly.
"We are done" Pepper nodded her head, and flipped the sign for her. The four of you walked outside and Happy was still waiting in the car for you. You had wondered why he hadn't come in, but then you saw he was busy texting on his phone and you had a feeling it had to do with Peter's Aunt May. "Starbucks?" Pepper asked after you all got in the car.
"Oh yes please, I'd love one of their lemonades, since I can't have any caffeine" you rubbed your hand over your belly absentmindedly.
"They can make you a caffeine free frappuccino" Wanda advised you quickly.
"That would be perfect" you cooed.
"Consider it done" Happy called back to you, where you were sitting between Wanda and Nat. He pulled out into traffic and started making his way for a drive thru.
"Since we can't hear it anymore, how is your sex life with all the wolves?" Nat asked and you flushed slightly.
"It's been amazing. Steve has been a real trooper. Bucky's been getting him to babysit when he wants just a night just the two of us. Otherwise it's just quickies in the bathroom. The bed is getting too small for all of us now, and the pups sleep on the bed with us as well" you admitted softly.
"Nothing wrong with a bathroom quickie," Nat chuckled.
"Tony likes those once in a while" Pepper giggled a bit.
"Vision normally waits for the bedroom" Wanda rolled her eyes. "He likes trying different things though"
"Does he get that carnal urge though?" Nat asked her a bit quickly and you saw Wanda's face go slightly red.
"I think so, we've been trying for a baby" Wanda smiled. "Sometimes I think he's going to throw caution to the wind and take me in the gym by the way he looks at me, but he always waits"
"At least he has patience" you smiled knowingly.
"How is Bucky handling being on the back burner?" Pepper looked back at you.
"He's not," you answered honestly. "He's my grumpy sergeant"
"Tony's been not so secretly staying up to look over the data to see why they targeted the boys. I know it's bugging him, and he wants to get ahead of them" she advised you.
"To be honest, I'd like to be digging into that data myself. My fire is just itching to be used at the thought of Bucky being attacked again. I can't believe they came after him in broad daylight" you huffed.
"They attacked you too, if you don't remember" Wanda reminded you.
"They wouldn't use me to get to him, I'd just fry them" you shook your head.
"You give them too much credit, they are that stupid" Nat rolled her eyes.
You paused for a moment and looked at her in shock. "Is that why you came today?"
"No, but I did come packing just in case" she tapped the inside of her boot, and you suddenly realized she had a gun on her.
"Nat!" you exclaimed, a little scandalized.
"What? We all have our specialty" she shrugged. "I just do better with hand to hand or guns. You're lucky I didn't bring my widow bites"
After you got coffee, you walked with the girls through the mall with Happy in tow this time. You stopped at a few stores and picked out some new sweaters, warmer dresses, and a few new pairs of jeans. You also found a few sweaters for Bucky that you picked up as well. You were admittedly looking forward to going home and seeing him and the pack. You could feel Cloud periodically looking through your eyes, and you would look around to show that you were safe as could be. You stopped for lunch, and you ate because you were famished by then, digging into a cheeseburger with extra pickles and hot sauce.

"Is all this touching really necessary?" Bucky asked as the tailor was taking his measurements.
"Of course it's necessary, you need to be perfect for your wedding day" Tony shrugged, standing in your and Bucky's shared suite with Steve while Vision and Sam were outside with all of the wolves. Bruce has decided to stay in the lab and work on the data instead for the day.
"Do we really need to be in our boxers though?" Steve flushed a bit, waiting his turn.
"You'll thank me later. Are you that old fashioned you can't handle a little touch here and there" Tony gave a slight huff.
"I don't like being half naked," Bucky flushed and looked pointedly at his metal arm.
"It's so I get your measurements right, you want to be perfect for your big day" the tailor sighed, visually tired of hearing the boys complain. "You have a lot of muscle mass" he frowned slightly, writing down his measurements.
"So does Stevie" Bucky gave a quick smile. "I hope the dames don't get back until this is over"
"It's nothing they haven't already seen" Tony quipped.
"No, but if Y/N walks in, I'm not in charge of how my body reacts to her" Bucky gave a boyish grin.
"I'll try to hurry it up" the tailor chuckled as he started doing the inseam of Bucky's legs to be sure.
"Do you have any self control?" Tony raised an eyebrow.
"Have you met her?" Bucky asked quickly.
"She's more daughter material, pal" he shook his head.
"I have plenty of control, we can't do much with how big the pack has gotten" Bucky frowned.
"Yeah, you keep having to get me to babysit" Steve chuckled. "Not that I mind at all, it's nice. I don't see how you sleep with all of them on your bed though"
"We definitely need a bigger bed," he admitted. "Blue is growing quickly, and soon Melody will be having her pups as well. There's barely enough room there for us as it is"
"How much bigger do you need?" Tony asked in surprise. "You're giving me wedding present ideas"
"A couple more feet at least. You don't have to get us anything, we just want to spend the day with friends and family" Bucky flushed a bit.
"Put me down for getting you a new bed at both places" Tony shrugged, getting on his phone.
"Did you invite Detective Morgan?" Steve asked, and Bucky's face broke into a smile.
"Yeah, he RSVP'd yes with his wife" Bucky nodded. "They still email each other back and forth. He got promoted at work, but has an outstanding offer to work at Shield with higher pay. He's been thinking about taking it" he grinned. "I've seen her emailing him from her phone"
"It's good that she kept in contact with him, I know he was working with her for over a year" Steve gave a small smile.
"She asked me if I wanted to invite Timothy, but I said it was a hard no on that one" Bucky frowned a bit.
"All done, next gentleman" the tailor gestured for Steve to step into the center of the room. Bucky went and grabbed his jeans and pulled them on quickly, and then his burgundy Henley again. Steve stood with his arms out like Bucky had been and looked like he was uncomfortable.
"He did have a thing for our little Firewolf" Tony gave a small grin.
"The suits are black, correct?" the tailor asked.
"Yes, with dark blue ties, and vests" Bucky nodded. "It has to match this dress" Bucky went to the wedding book and brought it up to the page that had Wanda's dress on it. The tailor looked at it and made a note in his notebook before going back to his task.
"What all do you need at the cabin?" Steve asked, seeming to be deep in thought.
"Not much. Tony took care of a lot of our needs. We are going to have to buy new furniture once the additions are done, but I thought we would go shopping for that together once I can leave the compound again" Bucky shrugged, taking a seat and getting comfortable. "Where's Loki and Thor?"
"They went for a walk. Loki was a little put out he couldn't join the girls since Happy was driving" Tony answered, looking up briefly from his phone. "Pepper's GPS just dinged they are almost home"
"Already?" Steve flushed, looking down at the tailor who seemed to be taking his time.
"The girls are probably going to be too busy to notice you, America's ass" Tony rolled his eyes.
"You watch her on her GPS?" Bucky didn't miss that Tony mentioned it.
"Sometimes, I like to remain informed," Tony shrugged nonchalantly.
"Can you show me how to do that?" Bucky asked quickly.
"Sure, gimme your phone" Tony came over and started showing him how to check where your cell phone was at all times. Bucky looked over the moon with this new information and grinned happily to himself as he watched you getting closer to the compound. They sat in silence for a few minutes before the tailor took a step back and gestured for Steve to get dressed again.
"I'll have the suits done in a week," they announced.
"Thank you, have it delivered. I'll give you my credit card information" Bucky grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket and handed it to the tailor who put the information in his notebook and gave a curt nod. He was full of professionalism, and Bucky could tell his suits would be a high end quality which he preferred. He just wanted your day to be perfect.

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