It'll get better

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The moment you finished unpacking, you looked around the room and sighed softly. It wasn't your room at the compound, but it would do. You hated the white walls, it felt almost like the room didn't have any life in it. You moved the suitcases into the bottom of the closet and went over to fluff your wolf stuffy on the bed, picking it up for a moment to take in its scent.
"Are we going to the lab tonight?" Cloud sat up on the bed and looked at you with an intense gaze.
"Considering they called us back early, I think it's expected of us, unfortunately." you huffed slightly. "Let's get going" you slapped your leg and headed towards the door. Cloud jumped down and dutifully followed you closely. As soon as you were in the hallway, Cloud followed in step directly beside you, keeping his head proudly up and not looking to the side at all. You saw a few agents looking at the two of you curiously, but you held your head up and continued walking until you got to the lab.
When you walked in, Tony and Bruce were already at their work stations. Again, a bland room painted white, cluttered with lab equipment and computers from wall to wall. The center of the room had the main computer where Tony currently stood in his AC/DC shirt and jeans. You made your way towards Bruce who was already in his white lab coat, with his purple button up underneath and black slacks. You heard a bang and jumped slightly, and Cloud gave a warning growl as you both looked over to see the Hydra agent was completely transformed to his werewolf form, and was glaring at all of you menacingly. Cloud padded his way over to the glass cage and gave a warning growl followed by a small bark as he stared the Hydra agent down with an intimidating glare. Cloud sat on his back haunches and continued his stare down while you got to work with Bruce. You saw where he was going with his formula for a sleeping gas that would be suitable for a super soldier, and you walked up to the white board he was working on, and started adding in your own equations into it. You both worked in tandem for hours, before Tony gave a huff behind you both.
"What is it, Tony?" Bruce asked curiously, turning around to look at him a little expectantly.
"It's almost midnight, we should go to bed. We have more to work on in the morning" he snapped his fingers and looked at the formula, and took the marker to make a correction. You wrinkled your nose in response, realizing you had made a mistake that could have made the gas much less potent. You were also surprised that Bruce hadn't caught it.
"I think Tony's right. Besides, I need to call my gingersnap before I go to bed" Bruce gave an unintentional yawn.
"Once we make the gas sedative, the enhanced Hydra agents should at least be easier to handle in the long run." you sighed and looked over at Cloud who hadn't abandoned his post in front of the glass cell. "Come on Cloud" you called, putting everything that you had been using down in its proper place. Cloud gave a quick bark, and turned away from the glass and walked protectively by your side, as you moved towards the doors, following Bruce and Tony.
"Are you coming to breakfast in the morning, Sunshine?" Bruce asked as the four of you headed slowly towards the bedrooms.
"I promised Bucky that I would," you nodded with a slight pout on your face.
"Good, I'll come get you in the morning" Tony decided for you quickly with a pleased smirk on his face.
"I need to run out Cloud" you decided to ignore the fact that Tony was going to come get you in the morning, and slipped past both of their doors and went into your room to grab your purse with your cell phone.

You urged Cloud slightly to hurry up with his business while you were outside together, you just wanted to get on the phone with Bucky. It had been hours since you had seen him face to face, but it felt like an eternity. The way Blue had whined softly so much during the day, along with Melody had broken your heart as you parted from the pack. You wished you didn't have to work so far away from them and the rest of the team but, this was important and would save thousands of lives. You understood the responsibility that you had but you couldn't help the feeling of dread that filled your body every time you had to part with Bucky and your little baby boy Blue along with the rest of the pack.
You gave a slight huff as you walked back to the large metal doors of the building that you would call home for the remainder of your time here at HQ. The trek back to your suite felt like a lifetime before the drabb grey door came in your sights. The mere image of the door sent a shiver down your spine seeing that the door had no personality to it besides the metal plate that read your families names across it. One thing that did make you smile, is one day they would have to change your family name to Barnes. You were determined to make your room feel a little more like your own, possibly you could use the printer in the lab to print some photos off of your phone to hang up on the walls.
You kicked off your sneakers as quickly as you could without falling over to the corner of the room, and Cloud went and jumped up on the dark grey comforter and moved up towards pillows and rested his head down. You gave him a soft smile and went to your dresser to grab one of Bucky's white t-shirts from the drawer. You quickly slipped out of your clothes and placed them in the Shield issued laundry hamper of a dark grey making you roll your eyes upon spotting the Shield logo on either side. You fully pulled on the t-shirt and pulled your phone out of your purse and checked the battery percentage before tiredly walking towards the bed. You facetimed Bucky, and pulled back the comforter.
"Hey doll" Bucky's face quickly came up on the screen, and you quickly plugged in your phone as you set it up on its side so you could still see him. You could see yourself in the top right hand corner of the screen, and saw that Bucky was already topless and in bed with Blue resting on top of his bare chest. Blue gave a bark seeing you on the screen, and Melody's face quickly popped up on Bucky's shoulder while Cloud put his head up on your shoulder to look at the screen.
"Hey baby" your face brightened up at the sight of him. "I miss you all, already" you smiled happily.
"Were you already back at work?" he asked, his eyebrows stitched together in concern.
"We have to work on a gas-like sedative to help put the Hydra agent to sleep. It will help with any other prisoners that you all bring in during future missions. We were formulating it so that it would work on a super soldier, so that should make sure they are out like a light" you explained quickly.
"I know you'll do well with it" Bucky grinned, shifting his body slightly to make himself more comfortable and the wolves as well. You felt Cloud nuzzle into you and he gave a grunt. "My smart and sexy dame" Bucky praised with a sleepy smirk etched on his face.
"My handsome soon to be husband, and smart hero" you cooed softly watching his expression brighten with each word that left your soft lips .
"You sure know how to make a man feel special, doll" Bucky smiled happily, then he changed to a more serious expression. "It's getting quite late"
"How are Snow, Jasper and the pups doing?" you asked, ignoring the mention of going to bed just wanting to spend more time with him before having to face your current reality again.
"They're good, all sleeping" he promised, his voice deep and gravelly barely above a whisper.
"How did Blue do this evening?" you asked quickly, feeling horrible for having to leave him yet again but at least he had the comfort of his dear Papa.
"He's already missing you, doll. He's quite the mama's boy" Bucky grinned looking down at Blue's sleeping face for a moment before setting his gaze back on you.
"He's a daddy's boy too" you responded easily. "I mean, look at him" you giggled, pointing out that he was laying casually across his chest.
"Turn the lights out doll" Bucky instructed and you nodded, reaching up and turning off the bedside lamp. He looked at the screen seeing the dimmed light in the room, the only real source was from the screen on your phone, casting a small bit of light across your face. "Close your eyes" he instructed softly, and you quickly obeyed him. You couldn't see it, but a small smirk graced his face, and he reached over and started carding his fingers through Melody's fur.
"Tell me a story" you whispered, peeking through your eyelashes.
"What do you want to hear?" he asked after a moment.
"Tell me about you and Stevie and the howling commandos" you murmured, feeling sleep already taking you. Bucky grinned to himself and started telling you about one of his favorite adventures with the howling commandos. He waited until you could hear your breathing even out before he closed his eyes himself, having preferred to wait until you were asleep before succumbing to sleep himself.

Waking up in the morning, the first thing you saw was Bucky's sleeping face. You tried like mad to stay in bed, but you needed the bathroom badly. You left the phone on video call and made a dash to the bathroom to race to the toilet to be sick. You groaned loudly, and heard Cloud give a whimper from the bed. He didn't like it anymore than you did. He had stayed on the bed, and was watching the phone screen, to see if Bucky was going to wake up.
Once you were done providing your morning offerings, you quickly brushed your teeth and came back out of the bathroom feeling nauseous and fell forward back onto the bed. You heard Bucky clear his throat and you looked back at the screen to see he was just waking up.
"Good morning gorgeous" he gave a slight grin.
"Hey baby" you gave a weak smile, trying to take your mind off of the overwhelming amount of nausea.
"Don't forget you promised me that you were going to go to breakfast" Bucky reminded you quickly. "I'd better get ready for my mission" he added in a huff. "I'd better go," he pouted slightly, hating to part with you so soon.
"I love you" you watched the screen closely.
"I love you, doll. Don't forget to eat" he gave a small smile before ending the call. You knew work was more important than snuggles, but you could really use a Bucky snuggle right about now. You turned your phone off, and flipped on the bed so you were facing Cloud who immediately turned so his back was to you, and you snuggled right into him. It was as though he was anticipating what you needed.
"This doesn't feel like a home to me" his voice broke into your thoughts. "But I know it's supposed to be a home for us now," he added softly.
"It will never feel like a home, because the pack isn't here" you offered quietly. You closed your eyes, and focused on the feeling of Cloud's fur under your arms and hands, trying to keep your mind off of the nausea. You started thinking about ways to make the room feel more like a home for both of you. You thought a lot of the Shield issued stuff really needed to go, and you were going to start with the comforter and pillows. You liked king sized pillows, not the standard sized pillows. You also liked the feeling of satin blankets, not the itchy fabric they were using for their blankets. You reached behind you and went onto Amazon and started shopping for things that you would also easily be able to bring back to the compound. You saw in your order history, picture frames, and you couldn't help yourself. You immediately ordered a set, wanting to decorate the bland white walls as well. You splurged on a few new sets of sheets as well, since you were in charge of doing your own laundry while you were here, and put them into your cart. You saw the delivery address was set for the compound, but you shrugged and decided to have it sent there. You would just have to bring it back with you after the weekend, and the weekend as far as you were concerned, couldn't come fast enough.
"Luna" Cloud seemed a little timid, saying your name.
"What's wrong, Cloud?" you asked softly, anticipating almost anything to come from him. You were worried he wanted to leave you and go back to Melody, which would be perfectly fine. You couldn't blame him for wanting to be with his mate. Hell, you wanted to be with your mate, and you would be if it wasn't for the fact that you were needed here.
"I need to pee," he said after a moment.
"Is that all?" you gave a giggle and sat up and quickly made your way towards the dresser to grab your undergarments for the day.
"I don't like this place" he grunted sitting up on the bed.
"It'll get better," you half promised, not believing the lie. "I'll bring the ball so we can get some exercise in for you as well." you started getting changed as quickly as possible.  

AN: Thank you @GSWritter for the assists!  I always love your editing style, and your input <3

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