Thank you cards

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When you got to the bathroom you were immersed in the scent of Japanese Cherry Blossoms and roses and saw that Bucky had indeed poured you a bubble bath with rose petals on top, your favorite water bottle was to the side of the tub. The drapes were drawn to the side and there was even an apple cored and sliced for you with some cheese on a small plate. Blue came into the bathroom and sat down and howled at your feet.
"What's wrong?" you both asked at the same time.
"I want uppy" Blue barked. You giggled and whispered to Bucky what was said.
"You are going to stay here and guard mama while papa goes to get a chair. He has some reading to do" Bucky told Blue kindly.
"A chair?" you asked, a little confused.
"Don't worry about it, get in the tub" Bucky chuckled mischievously and left the room. You took off your robe and got into the tub. The water was nice and hot at the exact temperature you preferred it to be. You took a slice of apple and bit into the succulent flesh. Blue came over and whined, wanting a bite. You gave him the other half of your slice and he ate it humming to himself. You took a bite of the cheese, and fed the other half to Blue who seemed pleased and he got up on his back paws and looked into the tub.
"Can I come in and lay on your belly like Alpine does?" Blue asked you.
"Sweetie, you are a lot bigger than Alpine. Besides, you'll get all wet" you tried to suppress a giggle. "Not to worry, I'm not going to be here for long," you assured him.
"But I want to feel my little sister again" he whined.
"Alright, I'm back" Bucky came in with one of the chairs from the dining room and he set it down right beside the bathtub.
"What are you doing?" you asked with a laugh.
"I'm supervising," he shrugged, and pulled a book out from the back of his jeans. He opened the book and put his legs out straight and called Blue up on his lap. Blue crawled up his legs and laid along his legs and a majority of his weight was on Bucky's lap. Bucky scratched him behind the ears and cleared his throat before he started reading the book that was in his hand. You sipped at your water and hummed happily as he started reading a romance novel to you. You rubbed your hand in circles on your stomach while Bucky's voice filled the room. Blue hummed happily as the three of you sat in the bathroom.
You continued to snack on your apples and cheese, and sip on your water while Bucky read flawlessly from the pages in the book. You laid your head back on the small head pillow Bucky had put down for you and you looked outside while you were reading. It was starting to snow again, making the landscape seem so calm and quiet. You watched as the sun set, and you sighed happily.
"Are you ready?" Bucky asked you suddenly, and you realized the water had gotten a little chilly.
"Me?" you asked in surprise.
"Well, Blue is whimpering. I think he needs to be let out" he chuckled.
"Blue?" you asked.
"I need to go pee, mama" Blue confirmed.
"Yes, it's probably best we let them out" you nodded, and started standing up. Bucky was quick to hand you a towel and you smiled at him graciously and accepted it. You wrapped it around your body and stepped out onto the rug. Bucky set Blue and the book down on the floor and came over to help you dry off. Once he was done he handed you your robe and you slipped it back on again. He tied it in the front and gave you a kiss on the end of your nose. You puckered your lips and he kissed you softly on the lips.
"Thank you for the bath and the story" you cooed to him.
"For you? Always" he gave you another firm kiss and picked the book back up again. He led the way out with Blue on his heels and he gave a sharp whistle. The rest of the pack came from their respective places and Bucky opened the front door while you made your way to the bedroom. You heard Bucky go outside with the pack to wait on them, and you grabbed a pair of pink sweatpants, and a black t-shirt with one of Bucky's black hoodies and came back out.
You headed to the living room and moved a few bags and boxes to the side to sit down with your phone as you anxiously opened your emails to make sure things were still going well. You only received an email from Tony telling you to enjoy your honeymoon and you giggled, closing your emails and turning on some music.
Bucky came back in a few minutes later and saw you looking around at all the gifts in wonder. It was clear from the expression on your face that you were feeling grateful and peaceful at the moment. Alpine was curled up on the couch behind you and purring loudly, and you were absentmindedly petting him.
"How's my little mama?" Bucky asked you as he kicked off his boots.
"Our baby bean is kicking me," you admitted. He came over and put his right hand on your stomach to feel the little flutters. His face broke out into a smile as he rested his hand there. Blue came running over and whining and wanting up. You laid back a little and tapped your lap and he jumped up and sniffed at your stomach. Bucky moved his hand and Blue laid on your lap, leaning against your stomach and he quieted down quickly. Bucky moved his hand to a free spot in hopes of feeling the flutters a little more.
"What a miracle" he seemed in awe.
"I feel my baby sister!" Blue exclaimed.
"Be careful on your mama, pup" Cloud reminded him.
"I'm being careful!" Blue whined. "I just want to be the bestest big brother there is," he continued.
"You are a good big brother," Alpine admitted and he crawled across the back of your shoulders and laid down.
"Let's open the presents!" Melody sang.
"This one!" Snow came over and grabbed a blue bag with a bunch of white tissue sticking out of the top. You had kept Bucky appraised of the conversation the entire time, so he was quick to take the bag and hand it to you. You pulled out one piece of tissue paper and Bucky chuckled and pulled out the rest and you both peeked in. You fished out the card and saw it was from Scott, and the bottom of the bag was littered with food gift cards, and a small box with a musical snowglobe of a rose that sang "Its a wonderful world".
"That's going in the nursery" Bucky grinned.
"This one" Jasper sniffed at a large and thin wrapped box. You wrote down the thank you card for Scott and told Bucky Jasper wanted that one next. Bucky took the card off the front and handed it to you. You opened it and saw it was from Steve. Bucky didn't need much more prompting, and he ripped off the wrapping paper to reveal a painting of the entire pack with the two of you in the middle sharing a kiss. There was even little Alpine in the painting.
"This had to have taken him so long" you marveled at it.
"I'm putting this up in the living room" Bucky decided quickly.
The two of you let the pack continue to choose the next gift to open and you had received a lot of gifts for the house or for your suite at the compound. There was also a trip planned for your one year anniversary to go to Paris for a week from Tony, all expenses paid. Mama and Uncle Brad had chipped in to make an RESP fund for the baby.(Registered Education Savings Plan). It was close to midnight by the time you were done opening the gifts. Bucky had taken a break to go make you some tea and get you some strawberries to eat.
Bucky let the pack out again to use the bathroom before you all went to bed. The pack took up most of the bed, but Alpine found a spot on Bucky's side. You found yourself in the middle of the bed engulfed in blankets. Bucky gave you a few kisses and you slowly fell asleep.

When you woke up in the morning it was to the smell of Bucky cooking breakfast again. You got out of bed and padded your way to the kitchen to see that the pack was all outside, and Bucky was just putting the finishing touches on the table. He had a visible sweat stain on his shirt and you looked at it curiously, and he chuckled as he made his way to you. He pulled you in for a sweet good morning kiss and you both hummed happily.
"Where did you go?" you asked as you sat at the table, and he sat down next to you. The plates were already prepared.
"I went for a morning run with Cloud and Jasper. The girls, Blue, and Alpine stayed here with you. There's a beautiful trail in the woods" Bucky explained.
"You didn't see anything suspicious did you?" you asked a little hesitantly.
"No doll, and I was careful. I just needed some exercise" he shook his head.
"Next time I'll go with you" you smiled and he shook his head again.
"A walk maybe, but not a jog" he disagreed quickly.
"Okay, we can go for a walk later?" you asked hopefully.
"Of course," he nodded.
"We need to work on the thank you cards today" you said as you took your first bite of food and you hummed happily. "This is so good. Thank you" you told him.
"My pleasure doll, and I already got the thank you cards ready with the new pens we bought before the wedding" Bucky smirked. "Now eat" he reminded you.
You nodded and hungrily ate your food. You drank down your orange juice and then sipped at your decaf coffee while Bucky finished up. The pack seemed content after licking their own dishes clean. You went to the living room to work on the thank you cards after you were both done. Bucky loaded the dishwasher and then came to help you with the cards. Each card was personalized and mentioned the lovely gift each. It took you until lunch to finish all of them and then Bucky announced he was going to run them to the post office to mail them. You decided to take the wolves for a walk and saw the workers working on the large fence as you walked through the woods. You were only gone an hour when you got a worried call from Bucky demanding to know where you were. You promised to hurry home and giggled to yourself that your husband had become quite the worry wart.
And you wouldn't have him any other way.

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